Daily Insights: Updates on Crypto, Blockchain, NFTs, Web3, and Play-to-Earn Gaming

Read Daily: The Latest Crypto, NFTs, Web3, Blockchain, and Play-to-Earn News

Stay in the loop with our daily gaming news! Discover the latest in blockchain tech, play-to-earn games, NFTs, Web3, and metaverse gaming, keeping you on top of crypto gaming trends.
Champions Arena: Game Review

Champions Arena: Game Review

Today, we look at Champions Arena, a turn-based role-playing game in which players can collect more than 100 interesting NFTs. Gala Games announced the game.

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Beacon F2P NFT Game Preview

Beacon F2P NFT Game Preview

The Beacon is a free-to-play, Web 3.0 independent NFT game with 8-bit pixel art graphics and entertaining gameplay that belongs to the action RPG genre.

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Game Overview Apeiron

Game Overview Apeiron

In today's gaming news, we talk about Apeiron, a play-and-earn NFT blockchain God-game that offers action role-playing games, a tri-token system, and true ownership for its players.

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Blockchain gaming industry 2024

Blockchain gaming industry 2024

In this year-end review of the blockchain gaming and Gamefi industry as 2023 comes to a close, we explore how the sector has fared and what lies ahead for 2024. This overview is the first in a series that will examine various facets of blockchain gaming's performance throughout the year.Gamefi and Blockchain Games: A New PhenomenonGamefi, often referred to as Web 3.0 gaming, is a burgeoning industry that allows players to earn digital assets and cryptocurrencies with real-world value. However, compared to the traditional gaming industry, which is massive, Gamefi is relatively young at just four years old. Its aspiration is to eventually rival or replace traditional games, but it has a long journey ahead to achieve mass adoption and mainstream recognition.According to recent reports from Q3 2022:Despite global economic challenges, the Gamefi industry exhibits promise and potential for recovery.The trading volume and activity within blockchain games remain small compared to traditional gaming.Blockchain activity on platforms other than Ethereum has seen significant growth.Ethereum Merge, along with the recovery of cryptocurrencies like ETH and Bitcoin, bodes well for blockchain games.Upcoming AAA-level games and developers in the Web 3.0 gaming space promise engaging experiences in 2023.Performance of the Blockchain Gaming Industry in 2024In terms of mass adoption in 2023-2024, the number of distinct active wallets is a crucial metric. These wallets surpassed one million in Q2 and Q3 of 2022, though it's unclear if they represent unique users. Nevertheless, this indicates a growing community and a solid foundation for blockchain games, suggesting continued development of NFTs and blockchain games in the coming years.How NFTs Performed in 2023-2024The year 2023 saw a bearish trend for NFTs, with declining transaction volumes and waning speculation. However, sales of NFTs on blockchain platforms other than Ethereum showed consistent growth throughout the year. This suggests that NFT speculation may have bottomed out, hinting at a more optimistic outlook for 2024.Status of New Blockchain Games in 2024Approximately 2,000 games are currently utilizing blockchain technology, indicating that blockchain games are still in their early stages. However, it's worth noting that game development is a lengthy process dependent on infrastructure, tools, distribution channels, and more. As a result, expecting rapid mass adoption will take time, but the industry is poised for growth, with fun and engaging games set to enter the Web 3.0 gaming space in the coming year.In conclusion, the blockchain gaming industry is making strides but has yet to achieve widespread adoption and compete with the traditional gaming giants. However, the potential for growth and innovation remains high, and the future appears promising for Gamefi and blockchain games as they continue to evolve and capture the interest of players worldwide. Stay tuned for more updates and news on blockchain gaming and related topics in 2024.

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Aave Acquires Sonar

Aave Acquires Sonar

In-game items, announcements, and giveaways. Axie Infinity, a community of axies. NFT games like Gods Unchained and Splinterlands have new in-game content.

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NFTs, Gaming And Music

NFTs, Gaming And Music

NFTs have had its fair share in the market for the past couple of years. However, its relationship with the masses is more like a love-hat

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No NFT's For Team 17

No NFT's For Team 17

Team 17 Reverses its Decision to Launch NFTs. Like many others, Team 17, the creators of the popular indie game Worms series

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NFT Strategy Of Sega

NFT Strategy Of Sega

Sega is cautious about its NFT strategy. NFT's have made it big time into the video gaming world with several game developers

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Blackshot M - Game Review

Blackshot M - Game Review

"Blackshot M" is a fast-paced, tactical, hardcore first-person shooter online multiplayer game that follows a play-to-earn model. In this game, players can earn rewards for every kill they make. "Blackshot M" is now available on mobile devices, making it accessible to a wider audience. This game offers a thrilling and intense gaming experience for players. Blackshot M Overview: "BLACKSHOT M" is an online multiplayer first-person shooter that is available on both mobile and PC. Players can easily access fast-paced first-person shooter fights on their mobile devices thanks to the simple and intuitive controls. The game features real-time dynamic team combat and rewards influenced by various elements such as characters with special stats, different types of weapons and equipment for various objectives, and more. Players can complete objectives, compete against other players from around the world, and upgrade their preferred characters, weapons, or other items to collect virtual assets. Those familiar with the "Call of Duty" mobile game will recognize the dynamics of upgrading guns and skins. While "BLACKSHOT M" has been around for a while, it has only recently entered the play-to-earn market and the mobile gaming domain. Blackshot M Gameplay: "BLACKSHOT M" features different seasons with their own unique rewards and themes. Players can level up by winning matches and are then ranked with more experienced players. The game regularly releases updates, which are announced on their Twitter handle and other online communities. There are various game modes to choose from, including bomb-defusal and last man standing battle royals, as well as the option to play with friends in duos and group matches. Players can also select from a range of maps. While the gameplay may not be world-class, it is still enjoyable. To earn rewards more quickly, players can complete daily missions and objectives, which provide bigger rewards more frequently.

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Scratch Lords - Game Review

Scratch Lords - Game Review

Scratch Lords is a play-to-earn game developed by Notre Games and Animoca Brands. It is the first Triple F game (Fight for Funds) and offers players the opportunity to earn rewards as they play. In the game, players can collect and train a team of fighters and battle against other players to earn rewards and climb the leaderboard. In Scratch Lords, players have the opportunity to collect NFT characters that are tradable in the designated marketplace. The game was developed by Notre Games and was acquired by Animoca Brands in June 2022 due to the innovative idea of a physical-virtual hybrid game model. With a unique combination of physical and virtual gameplay, Scratch Lords offers a unique gaming experience for players. Scratch Lords Gameplay: Scratch Lords is a visually appealing game that features 3D graphics and unique NFT characters. The gameplay combines physical "scratchable" paper cards with a virtual hybrid mode, similar to the Scratch Wars model. Players can participate in PvP battles with their unique NFT card heroes and have the opportunity to create their own NFTs from trading cards by scratching them. These cards can then be traded in the marketplace where Scratch Lords is supported. The card heroes can also be upgraded with equipment, weapons, and skills, allowing players to create powerful teams and fight for glory. Tokenomics Scratch Lords Game: NFTs in the game can be traded on the game's designated marketplace. The game token is scheduled to be released in Q3 2022, along with the first and second NFT drops. The Roadmap for the game indicates that the mobile version will be released in Q3 2022 and the PC version will be released in Q2 2023.

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Undra Shards: Shattered Cosmos - Sci-Fi NFT MMO Strategy - Game Review

Undra Shards: Shattered Cosmos - Sci-Fi NFT MMO Strategy - Game Review

Players in the Undra game can gather resources, build and customize their own bases, craft and trade items, and participate in quests and battles. The game has a player-driven economy, with players able to earn in-game currency called "Undra Shards" by completing tasks and selling items they have crafted or acquired. The game features NFT heroes that players can collect and use in battle. These heroes have unique abilities and can be leveled up and equipped with different gear to improve their stats. Players can also join or create guilds, allowing them to work together to achieve shared goals and participate in guild-specific events. Undra has a vast and immersive world, with different planets and regions to explore. Each planet has its own unique ecosystem and challenges, and players can even terraform planets to change their environment. The game is set in a sci-fi universe and features a variety of alien species and technologies. Overall, Undra offers a mix of strategy, teamwork, and player choice, with a player-driven economy and immersive world that continues to evolve based on the actions of the community. In Undra, players can create and customize their own avatars, and explore a vast open world filled with mysteries and dangers. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has been decimated by an unknown event, and the survivors must learn to adapt and rebuild their society. Players can form teams and guilds, and work together to complete quests, defeat powerful bosses, and uncover the secrets of the world. The game also features a player-driven economy, where players can trade and sell items and resources with each other. One unique aspect of Undra is that it is a "play to change" game, meaning that the actions of players have a direct impact on the game world and its lore. Players can participate in events and polls that shape the direction of the game, and can even vote on major decisions that will shape the future of the game world. Overall, Undra looks to be an ambitious and immersive MMO experience that gives players the opportunity to not only play, but also shape the world they inhabit.

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Reign of Terror - NFT Game Review

Reign of Terror - NFT Game Review

"Reign of Terror" is an innovative mixed reality simulation game and play-to-earn massively multiplayer online game (MMO) built on the Solana blockchain, offering players an opportunity to earn rewards as they explore and advance through its unique virtual world. The game operates on a decentralized, crowdfunded platform and is set in a cyberpunk dystopian future. It follows a permissionless model, allowing players to acquire various non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by completing a diverse range of in-game tasks and activities. The game's narrative progression is directly linked to the completion of these tasks, making for a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience. Within the realm of "Reign of Terror," players have the opportunity to collect a wide array of NFT items, including heroes, equipment, weapons, treasures, blueprints, lands, vehicles, machines, and building systems. Furthermore, players can immerse themselves in a Virtual Reality experience, fostering interactions with other players and establishing their reputation and notoriety within the game. The core gameplay of "Reign of Terror" revolves around the idea of players achieving recognition and respect within the gaming community, making it an immersive and captivating experience. The game offers two primary modes: Player versus Environment (PvE) and Player versus Player (PvP). PvE mode involves players facing off against non-playing characters (NPCs) within the game, while PvP mode enables players to compete against one another. Additionally, there are three distinct game loops, each varying in difficulty and format. The Basic Loop encompasses activities such as team creation, mission completion, credit earning, leveling up, and the aspiration to become Ascend Agents. The Advanced Loop introduces elements like investing in secure land plot NFTs, obtaining building blueprints, constructing buildings, gathering resources, and supporting alliance guilds. The Hard Core Loop, on the other hand, involves investment in terror zone land NFTs, raiding enemy lands, defending one's own land NFTs, and active participation in guild wars. The game's economic structure is characterized by interdependence, where players rely on one another for trading NFTs and advancing within the game. It features both on-chain and off-chain items, with on-chain items being more valuable but convertible into off-chain items. The on-chain items include NFTs categorized into seven rarity levels, while off-chain items consist of credits and resources. The in-game economy operates using the $ROT and $SOL tokens, which serve as the primary currency for transactions and value exchange, adding depth and complexity to the game's economic ecosystem.

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MekaApes - Game Review

MekaApes - Game Review

MekaApes are a highly advanced ape species that have spent thousands of years traveling through the vast expanse of space. These NFT (non-fungible token) creatures are known for their intelligence, strength, and resilience, and have become one of the most sought-after species in the galaxy. Whether you're a collector of rare NFTs or just a fan of these amazing creatures, MekaApes are sure to capture your imagination and provide endless entertainment. MekaApes are a highly advanced ape species that have spent thousands of years traveling through the vast expanse of space. These NFT (non-fungible token) creatures are known for their intelligence, strength, and resilience, and have become a highly sought-after species among collectors of rare NFTs. MekaApes are also popular among those who simply enjoy learning about and experiencing the unique characteristics of these amazing creatures. Whether you're interested in collecting MekaApes as NFTs or just want to learn more about these fascinating space-faring apes, MekaApes offer endless entertainment and appeal. They came and found a planet coated in metallic waste materials one day while looking for new resources. When they came to this unknown planet, they found mini robot creatures that were made from scrap metal, they were called the Robo Oogas. Robo Oogas are a hardworking breed, and they've created factories to turn scrap metal into valuable $OG, which they use to create new Robo Oogas and expand the population. Each freshly generated Robo begins as a Scrap Scout and can progress through the levels to become an executive bot. Robo Oogas are a highly capable and self-sufficient species. However, because they are freely exposed to the dangers of the cosmos, they are easy targets for the Space Droid Federation, an evil organization that steals from the Robos Oogear on a regular basis. To protect themselves from the ruthless Space Droid Federation, the Oogas formed a deal with the MekaApes to protect the factories from the nasty Droids in exchange for $OG. The MekaApes are a formidable race that, when in a combined group, can protect the factories even better. Mega Mekas earn a higher part of the $OG created in the factory because merging burns a significant quantity of resources. The formidable merging Mekas are occasionally handed newly produced Robo Oogas as a tribute for their assistance in defending the Robos.

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Dark Land Survival - Game Review

Dark Land Survival - Game Review

Dark Land Survival is a BSC-based NFT IDLE Zombie Defense Game that provides an expansive open-world gaming experience with a unique twist. Boasting a Play-to-Earn model, the game also features diverse gameplay modes like campaign, dungeon, raid mode, and construction mode, which keep players engaged and incentivized to explore more. In addition to its innovative Play-to-Earn mechanics, Dark Land Survival boasts a rich and engaging storyline that will keep players captivated for hours on end.

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Play To Earn Games: Best Blockchain Game List For NFTs and Crypto

Play-to-Earn Game List
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