Daily Insights: Updates on Crypto, Blockchain, NFTs, Web3, and Play-to-Earn Gaming

Read Daily: The Latest Crypto, NFTs, Web3, Blockchain, and Play-to-Earn News

Stay in the loop with our daily gaming news! Discover the latest in blockchain tech, play-to-earn games, NFTs, Web3, and metaverse gaming, keeping you on top of crypto gaming trends.
Mastercard's Web3 UEFA Champions League Trivia Guide

Mastercard's Web3 UEFA Champions League Trivia Guide

In a world where the lines between digital and physical experiences blur, Mastercard's innovative Web3 UEFA Champions League trivia competition emerges as a beacon for football aficionados worldwide. This novel initiative not only celebrates the deep-seated passion fans hold for football but also marks a significant step towards integrating cutting-edge technology with sports enthusiasm. Let's dive into how this competition is set to redefine engagement for football fans and pave the way for a new era of interactive sports experiences. Imagine a chilly evening, the buzz of anticipation in the air, the crowd's roar encapsulating the sheer excitement of the game. Football, a sport that transcends mere play, uniting millions around the globe with its unpredictable thrills and heartfelt moments. I recall the first time I witnessed a UEFA Champions League match live. The electric atmosphere, the collective gasp of the crowd at a near miss, and the unbridled joy of a goal scored in the dying seconds—moments etched in memory, illustrating the profound connection fans share with the game. Mastercard's trivia competition is more than just a quiz; it's a homage to these unforgettable moments. By tapping into the rich history of the UEFA Champions League, from own goals to penalty shoot deciders, this competition invites fans to delve deep into their reservoir of football knowledge, celebrating those who've turned their passion into expertise.

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Night Crows Game Review: Play, Win Tokens and NFTs Explained

Night Crows Game Review: Play, Win Tokens and NFTs Explained

In the realm of gaming, a new horizon is emerging, one where the lines between virtual achievements and real-world value blur into a cohesive experience. It's a world where every player's effort is not just for in-game prestige but also holds tangible value outside the game's universe. This is the promise of "Night Crows," a title that's setting the stage for a revolutionary leap in gaming. Today, let's embark on a journey together, exploring the depths of "Night Crows" and how it's redefining the landscape of MMORPGs and blockchain gaming. "Night Crows" has flung open its doors to adventurers even before its grand unveiling. Pre-registration is not merely a formality but a treasure chest waiting to be unlocked. With offerings like the Night Crows Silver Wolf, the Gold Growth Support Chest, and a special Glider for store pre-registrants, it's a call to arms for the eager and the bold. My first foray into a similar experience was filled with anticipation — akin to standing on the precipice of a new world, ready to dive in. The thrill of being among the first to explore uncharted territories is unmatched, and "Night Crows" promises just that and more. In an innovative move, "Night Crows" is searching for SSS Streamers. This initiative not only highlights the game's commitment to community building but also opens up avenues for content creators to be part of something monumental from the get-go. Reflecting on my journey, the leap of faith into content creation was daunting, yet it was the community's support that turned it into a rewarding endeavor. Similarly, "Night Crows" offers a platform for aspiring streamers to shine and grow with the game.

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NexGami Bold Leap into the Future of Gaming

NexGami Bold Leap into the Future of Gaming

In a world where technology evolves at the speed of light, it's easy to forget the simple joy that brought many of us to gaming in the first place. Remember the thrill of unpacking a Nintendo console, the anticipation of loading a game for the first time, and the sheer delight in discovering a new world at your fingertips? This nostalgic magic, reminiscent of a time when gaming was about exploration and wonder, is exactly what NexGami aims to bring back to the forefront of our digital lives. Let's take a moment to journey back to the 1980s, a pivotal era that many consider the golden age of gaming. Nintendo wasn't just a company; it was a visionary that transformed pixels and code into gateways to new universes. It was a time of innovation, creativity, and most importantly, fun. Inspired by this era, NexGami is not merely launching a platform; it's reigniting a renaissance, with a deep-rooted belief that at the heart of gaming should be joy and community. As we inch closer to the launch of NexGami's Initial Dex Offering (IDO) in the waning days of February, the excitement within the gaming community is palpable. Brice, the mastermind behind NexGami, is no stranger to the gaming arena. With years of experience under his belt, his vision for NexGami is clear: to craft an ecosystem that transcends traditional gaming, where creativity isn't just welcomed—it's essential.

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Space Nation Online: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Gamers

Space Nation Online: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide for Gamers

In the vast expanse of the digital universe, there's a new star rising, and it's poised to illuminate the way we interact with the world of online gaming. Space Nation Online, a flagship game developed by the visionary team at Space Nation Inc., is on the cusp of redefining the boundaries of the MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) genre. Sit back, and let me take you on a journey through the cosmos, exploring the groundbreaking integration of AI, Web3 technology, and the personal anecdotes that shape our experiences in the digital and real worlds alike. Founded in 2019 by Jerome Wu and Tony Tang, Space Nation has quickly established itself as a beacon of innovation in the entertainment industry. With the backing of acclaimed filmmaker Roland Emmerich and media entrepreneur Marco Weber, the company set out to create more than just a game. They envisioned a universe—a space opera MMORPG that would enthrall players with its depth, narrative, and technological advancements. Jerome Wu, alongside his co-founders, brings a wealth of experience from the gaming industry, having been involved in major projects like World of Warcraft and Starcraft II. Emmerich, known for his cinematic contributions to the sci-fi genre, infuses the project with a narrative richness that's as vast as space itself. This fusion of gaming acumen and storytelling expertise lays the foundation for a universe where every player's journey is both unique and interconnected with the broader narrative of Space Nation Online.

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Splinterlands Guide: Mastering Gameplay & Strategy 2024

Splinterlands Guide: Mastering Gameplay & Strategy 2024

In the ever-evolving world of digital gaming, where the blend of strategy, collectibility, and blockchain technology converges, lies the captivating universe of Splinterlands. Imagine a realm where your strategic decisions not only win battles but also carve out a personal niche in a vast digital landscape. Splinterlands is not just a game; it's a journey into the heart of what it means to truly own a piece of a digital frontier. Splinterlands introduced me to a world where every card I collected wasn't just a piece of digital art but a non-fungible token (NFT) - mine to trade, battle, or even burn for in-game currency. This concept wasn't just revolutionary; it was a glimpse into the future of gaming. Engaging in Splinterlands is akin to entering a gladiatorial arena, where each match is a testament to your strategic prowess. The auto-battler system, where decks are pre-selected but battles unfold automatically, challenges you to think ahead, anticipating your opponent's moves and countering them with your assembled team of monsters and summoners.

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Blockchain Gaming 2024: Your Starting Guide to How-To Play

Blockchain Gaming 2024: Your Starting Guide to How-To Play

The gaming industry stands on the brink of a transformative era, propelled by the innovative currents of blockchain technology. It's a pivotal moment that reminds me of the early days of the internet, a time of boundless potential and excitement. As we navigate this journey, I'm reminded of personal anecdotes and stories from pioneers in the field, illuminating the path from traditional gaming to the boundless possibilities of Web3. Let's embark on this adventure together, exploring how blockchain is reshaping the gaming world, from ownership and interoperability to new play models and beyond. Remember the heartbreak of losing your digital avatar or cherished items when a game server shut down? Blockchain has revolutionized this aspect of gaming, ensuring that your hard-earned achievements and possessions persist beyond the lifespan of any single game. This transformative shift towards true ownership is not just a technical upgrade; it's an emotional journey for gamers worldwide.

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Axie Infinity Marketplace & Gameplay Guide 2024

Axie Infinity Marketplace & Gameplay Guide 2024

In the realm of digital innovation and blockchain technology, a new horizon has emerged, blending the excitement of gaming with the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies. Enter Axie Infinity, a beacon of innovation in the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain gaming. This platform isn't just a game; it's a revolution in how we perceive digital ownership, value creation, and community participation. Launched in 2018, Axie Infinity introduced the world to a unique concept: play-to-earn. At its core, Axie Infinity is more than a game; it's a vibrant ecosystem where players can breed, raise, battle, and trade fantasy creatures known as Axies. These digital pets are not mere pixels on a screen but valuable assets in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), each with its unique characteristics and rarity. What sets Axie Infinity apart is its dedication to fostering a community-driven environment. Players are not just participants but integral components of the ecosystem, with the ability to earn cryptocurrency tokens, AXS and SLP, through gameplay. These tokens are not just in-game currencies but assets with real-world value, traded on various cryptocurrency exchanges.

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A Deep Dive into Web3 Gaming and NFTs - News Update!

A Deep Dive into Web3 Gaming and NFTs - News Update!

Welcome, fellow enthusiasts, to the frontier of innovation where gaming meets blockchain, and digital assets become more than just collectibles. Today, we embark on an exhilarating journey through the latest developments in Web3 gaming and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), where every pixel, every token, tells a story of evolution and revolution. From the appointment of industry veterans to the unveiling of groundbreaking games and the democratization of art, each development we've uncovered today is a thread in the rich tapestry of innovation that defines the Web3 landscape. And as we gaze upon this tapestry, we can't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement for the journey that lies ahead. So, fellow adventurers, let us embrace the unknown with open arms, for in the ever-evolving world of Web3 gaming and NFTs, the only limit is our imagination. Together, let's write the next chapter of this extraordinary story—one pixel, one token, at a time.

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Key Updates in Web3 Gaming: Transforming the Gaming Landscape

Key Updates in Web3 Gaming: Transforming the Gaming Landscape

The world of web3 gaming is ablaze with excitement, with recent developments signaling a significant shift in the gaming landscape. From Korea's booming mobile gaming market to groundbreaking expansions in games like Axie Infinity, the latest updates highlight the rapid evolution and growing investment in the web3 gaming sector. Join me as we delve into these transformative events shaping the future of gaming. As we stand on the precipice of this transformative journey, it's essential to embrace the boundless possibilities afforded by web3 technologies. Whether it's the integration of blockchain technology to enhance gameplay mechanics or the democratization of virtual economies through decentralized governance, web3 gaming holds the promise of a more immersive, equitable, and empowering gaming experience for players worldwide.So, as we navigate this ever-evolving landscape of pixels and polygons, let us dare to dream big, to push the boundaries of what's possible, and to usher in a new golden age of gaming where creativity knows no bounds and players reign supreme. Welcome to the future of gaming—welcome to web3.

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Best Play-to-Earn Gaming Guide: Insights, FAQs, and Trends

Best Play-to-Earn Gaming Guide: Insights, FAQs, and Trends

If you're anything like me, you've probably spent more time than you'd like to admit dreaming about combining your passion for gaming with the potential to earn. Well, my friend, the future is now, and it's more exciting than we could have imagined. The digital landscape is buzzing with innovations, and today, I'm here to take you on a whirlwind tour of what's hot in the play-to-earn (P2E) realm. So, grab your favorite snack, and let's dive into the virtual world where gaming meets earning! Remember the days when spending hours on a game meant bragging rights and perhaps some in-game achievements? Fast forward to now, where the gaming industry has morphed into a treasure chest of opportunities, allowing players to earn real value from their virtual endeavors. It's a world where your digital assets, be it a sword or a plot of virtual land, can translate into real-world earnings. Let me share a quick story. A while back, I dipped my toes into the P2E waters with a game called Axie Infinity. It was more than just fun; it was my first taste of earning cryptocurrency by simply engaging in something I loved. It felt like hitting two birds with one stone—I was gaming and creating a small stream of income on the side. This eye-opening experience led me down the rabbit hole of P2E games, and let me tell you, there's no going back.

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NFT Gaming and Tokenization: How to Reach More Gamers

NFT Gaming and Tokenization: How to Reach More Gamers

If you’re intrigued by the evolving world of gaming and the exciting opportunities it presents, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re diving deep into the realm of NFT gaming and tokenization, and I’m here to guide you through it in a way that’s as entertaining as binge-watching your favorite TV show. So, grab your favorite snack, get comfy, and let’s embark on this journey together. Imagine owning a one-of-a-kind sword in a game, a piece that’s not just rare but truly unique, with your name etched into its digital DNA. That’s the magic of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) in gaming. NFT gaming incorporates blockchain technology into the gaming world, allowing gamers to own, buy, sell, and trade in-game assets as if they were tangible items. Blockchain technology and gaming are like peanut butter and jelly – they just fit. Blockchain brings transparency, security, and ownership into the gaming world, transforming how players interact with games. From giants like "The Sandbox" and "Axie Infinity" to emerging stars such as "Illuvium" and "CryptoKitties," the landscape is booming.

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How to Get Free Crypto Airdrops: The Treasure Chest of Cryptocurrency - Guide

How to Get Free Crypto Airdrops: The Treasure Chest of Cryptocurrency - Guide

Navigating the world of cryptocurrency can feel like discovering a new frontier. It's a world where the promise of free crypto tokens, through airdrops and bounties, feels almost too good to be true. But just like finding gold in the Wild West, with a bit of knowledge and the right tools, striking it rich is within your grasp. Let's dive into the exciting realm of crypto airdrops, sharing tips, tricks, and personal anecdotes to help you claim your share of digital treasure. Imagine walking down the street and suddenly, money falls from the sky, right into your lap. That's the essence of a crypto airdrop. In the digital world, companies distribute free coins or tokens directly to your crypto wallet. It's not just an act of generosity; it's a savvy marketing strategy to enhance project visibility, increase the circulating supply, and stimulate trading activity. The crypto universe is vast and full of opportunities. By staying informed, cautious, and engaged, you can navigate this world and uncover digital treasures that could potentially grow in value. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a curious newcomer, the adventure of airdrops is waiting for you. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in, and may the winds of fortune guide you to your next crypto bounty!

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Taki Games Partners with Game7: Innovation and Community

Taki Games Partners with Game7: Innovation and Community

Today, let's dive into the incredible world of Taki Games and their groundbreaking partnership with Game7. It's not just a story about a new mobile game hitting the market; it's a narrative of how a small idea can light up the path for millions, much like the ripple effect of a single, well-intentioned action. Remember the joy of unlocking that rare item in your favorite game? Imagine if that joy wasn't just confined to the digital world but had value in the real world too. That's where Taki Games steps in, blending the thrill of gaming with the tangible benefits of Web3 technology. Let's paint a picture of a gaming network, not just any network, but one that's owned by gamers themselves, pulsating with the energy of its native currency token, TAKI. This is where Taki Games shines, partnering with Game7 to weave blockchain-based loyalty into the fabric of mainstream gaming. Their latest marvel, Game7 Food Fighter, is a testament to their vision, bringing together addictive gameplay with the magic of Web3, enabling players to collect and own virtual treasures.

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GoDaddy and Ethereum Name Service: Domain Names and Crypto Wallets

GoDaddy and Ethereum Name Service: Domain Names and Crypto Wallets

The future of crypto with GoDaddy & ENS! Link your domain to your wallet for easy, secure transactions. Say goodbye to complex addresses! Hey there, friend! Have you ever wished that the complex world of cryptocurrency could be a bit more user-friendly? Well, hold onto your digital hats because GoDaddy and Ethereum Name Service (ENS) are here to make your crypto journey as smooth as a buttered slide. This is more than just a partnership; it's a bridge between the traditional internet and the burgeoning blockchain ecosystem. And who better to guide you through this exciting development than your very own digital storytelling companion? Enter Ethereum Name Service (ENS), the superhero that's been working in the shadows. ENS is to crypto what domain names were to the internet – a way to make addresses readable and memorable. And now, GoDaddy, the giant that's been housing our digital identities for years, is joining forces with ENS to let us use our familiar domain names as addresses for our crypto wallets. Imagine sending and receiving crypto as easily as emailing!

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Crypto Gaming: Your Best How-To Guide 2024

Crypto Gaming: Your Best How-To Guide 2024

Hey there, adventure-seekers and digital treasure hunters! Are you ready to embark on a journey where the pixels on your screen could turn into real-world value? In the vast expanse of the internet, a revolution is unfolding—one that merges the thrill of gaming with the cutting-edge world of cryptocurrency. This isn't just about playing; it's about earning, learning, and being part of a community that's shaping the future. So, grab your digital map and let's navigate the realms of crypto gaming and crypto news together. Imagine playing a game where your victories and achievements translate into real-world assets, like cryptocurrencies and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). That's crypto gaming for you—a digital playground where the lines between gaming and investing blur. Beyond the allure of earning, crypto gaming represents a new frontier in digital ownership and community-driven development. It's a space where creativity, finance, and technology intersect, offering a glimpse into the future of entertainment and investment.

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Blockchain Brawlers - NFT Game Review

Blockchain Brawlers - NFT Game Review

Blockchain Brawlers is a flagship project of WAX Studios. It is a game where quirky, funny, rowdy, weird NFT wrestlers fight with each other in brawls. So, the winner earns the reward; the game token Brawlers $BRWL. Moreover, it is the first wrestling-themed NFT game on the blockchain technology platform. The players can buy the NFT wrestlers and equip them with equipment from the World Assets eXchange (WAX) with $BRWL to fight in the matches against other wrestlers. Blockchain Brawlers tokenomics showed promising signs early on. The BRWL token showed a drastic increase in value of over 150% in the month of May 2022 which is only 1 month after the game’s release on 30th March. It is because 2000 new unique wallets were activated in connection to the WAX platform of the game. Blockchain Brawlers Gameplay: Players need a wrestling ring and a brawler to start playing the game. There are various kinds of these arenas and wrestlers that are available for a price to the players. Moreover, the prices are different depending on their rarity. However, the game has a huge floor price of at least $6000 to buy a ring and a wrestler which critics claim to be a “digital serfdom”. Therefore, many players who aren't affluent enough have the option to rent the ring and the brawler. Apart from buying the brawlers, the players can create their own brawlers through different items which require more time and skill, and definitely more BRWL tokens. If a player doesn’t have enough BRWL tokens, they can be purchased from the secondary marketplaces of WAX like the Atomic Hub. The game economy is simple: create brawlers, train them, equip them, fight them, and earn.

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Carnage Carnival - NFT Game Review

Carnage Carnival - NFT Game Review

Carnage Carnival is a free-to-play game that uses non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and features two in-game currencies: TIX and CAC. Players can use these tokens to purchase items, unlock new content, and otherwise advance in the game. Whether you are a seasoned gamer or new to the world of NFTs, Carnage Carnival has something to offer players of all types. The primary goal of Carnage Carnival is to provide a fun and challenging gaming experience that can be enjoyed by players of all types. To achieve this, the game offers a wide variety of heroes and equipment to choose from, each with its own unique skills and abilities. Players can mix and match these elements to create a hero that suits their playstyle and preferences, and then test their skills in a range of different game modes. With so much variety and customization available, Carnage Carnival is designed to be a game that can accommodate all playstyles and preferences. In Carnage Carnival, the Heroes are highly sought-after characters that are in limited supply due to their initial sale. Players who were able to obtain Heroes during the initial sale will have access to a range of exclusive benefits and perks. For other players, the only way to obtain Heroes is through the Barrack building, which allows players to recruit new Heroes to their team using in-game currency or other resources. This scarcity of Heroes adds an element of rarity and value to the game, and helps to create a sense of exclusivity and accomplishment for players who are able to obtain them. In Carnage Carnival, certain buildings, such as the Barracks and the Armory, are owned by the community and play a central role in the game. The Barracks allow players to recruit new Heroes, while the Armory allows players to create NFTs for equipment. Both of these buildings have caps on their production, which helps to prevent market saturation and promote stability in the game. The Heroes and equipment produced by these buildings are also subject to fight caps, which limit the amount of in-game rewards they can earn. This helps to create a more balanced and fair gaming experience for all players.

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Knights of Cathena: Web3 Turn-Based Tactics PvP NFT Game - Review

Knights of Cathena: Web3 Turn-Based Tactics PvP NFT Game - Review

"Knights of Cathena" is an exciting turn-based tactics PvP multiplayer web3 game inspired by medieval fantasy RPGs, combining chess-like strategy with item collection. Set in a captivating world, players engage in thrilling battles using powerful items, aiming to rise through the ranks and dominate their opponents. This blockchain game leverages the MultiversX platform, making it a part of the Web3 gaming revolution while ensuring accessibility for both new and experienced Web3 users. Players can join for free and earn tokens and collectible NFTs as rewards. The game offers engaging turn-based strategy gameplay with RPG elements, focusing on building a strong user base and promoting Web3 adoption. Noble Houses serve as social hubs within the game, offering various perks and rewards for members, with the house owner enjoying additional benefits. House progression is tied to leveling up, expanding membership capacity and perk slots, fostering camaraderie and competition among players. Gameplay involves leading armies into 3D battles on a grid-based battlefield, strategically positioning fighters with unique strengths and weaknesses. Victories yield rewards, including a wide array of equipable items that open up new strategic possibilities. The game features a rank-based system with tiers from Peasant to Grandmaster, and players earn stars within each rank to advance. Losing a battle deducts a star, and losing the last star results in demotion, but skilled gameplay offers a path to redemption. The in-game governance token, Cathena Gold ($CGO), is used for various purposes within the game's tokenomics system. Knights of Cathena: A web3 RPG with turn-based tactics, NFTs, and blockchain rewards. Join epic battles in a medieval fantasy world!

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Age of Dragons:  Blockchain Tale in the Age of Dragons and Zombies - Game Review

Age of Dragons: Blockchain Tale in the Age of Dragons and Zombies - Game Review

"Age of Dragons" is a blockchain game that allows players to earn rewards while they explore a world filled with dragons, zombies, and other mythical creatures set in a medieval environment. It offers a unique twist on the popular genre of fantasy games. Enter a cursed medieval metaverse filled with mythical creatures in control of various lands. Get ready for a thrilling and exciting experience as you earn real money in this unique blockchain game. Choose from seven element-based dragons, each with their own specific role and two abilities. The Ice Element dragon is a resistant DPS, able to withstand heavy attacks while still dealing significant damage. The Plant Element dragon is a versatile all-rounder, able to adapt to a variety of situations. The Electric Element dragon is a ranged DPS, specializing in long-range attacks. The Water Element dragon is a damage reliever, able to mitigate incoming damage and support allies. The Earth Element dragon is a tank, able to absorb hits and protect their team. The Fire Element dragon is a physical DPS, focusing on close-range combat and dealing heavy blows. Finally, the Air Element dragon is the main healer, able to restore the health of their allies and keep them in the fight. Upgrades and rewards in Age of Dragons: In this game, your success is closely tied to how much you play and which dragon you choose. As you gain experience, you can upgrade your dragon and unlock more special abilities. Breeding is also an important aspect of the game, as you can breed rarer eggs to give you an edge in battle. By breeding more experienced dragons, you can produce stronger offspring. Ember is a crucial resource that is needed to increase the rarity of your dragons. Common ember is required to obtain common eggs, while uncommon ember is needed for uncommon eggs. To obtain even rarer eggs, you must merge them. Obsidian is another resource that can be obtained in the game. It can be used in the alchemy of the cave to obtain CYT. Players must obtain at least 1000 Obsidians in order to get paid, which can be achieved by completing five missions per day.

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Play To Earn Games: Best Blockchain Game List For NFTs and Crypto

Play-to-Earn Game List
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