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Axie Infinity– the Year 2024

Axie Infinity– the Year 2024

Axie Infinity is a popular name in the Web 3.0 NFT crypto gaming space, and many of us have heard about it. Its meteoric rise in a single year, followed by a precipitous drop in 2022, is quite the story. Even if you don't like crypto, you probably agree that Axie Infinity has become the best example of crypto Web3 NFT gaming. It became the face of the industry with the revolution it brought and was touted as one of the best blockchain game apps. It flipped the lives of many, taking them from rags to riches in no time. On the contrary, it also caused catastrophic losses to others. So, how did Axie Infinity perform in the year 2022? And what does the future hold for this blockchain game? Let’s analyze the current situation as well as what the future might hold.Axie Infinity and the Year 2022: How Has It Unfolded?Axie Infinity is a popular or infamous Pokemon-inspired blockchain game where players breed, raise, and battle cute little monsters called Axies. The game is based on a "play to earn" model. The game offers rewards in cryptocurrency to the players, exchangeable for real money. The developer of the game as well as the Ronin Bridge is a Vietnam-based studio, Sky Mavis. Axie Infinity came out in 2018, but it became very popular very quickly because of the pandemic and the global lockdown. Just during last year’s summer, players were earning so much through the game that they had to quit their regular full-time jobs to invest more time in the game, especially in low and middle-income countries.Axie Infinity's future: do we have high expectations?The game requires players to buy NFTs to begin playing, which players gladly did even though the entry investment was more than $1000 at its peak. Also, the people who made the game were worth more than $3 billion after Andreessen Horowitz led a $152 million funding round in October 2021. Everything was looking picture-perfect, and the global Axie frenzy was surely leading the revolutionary play to earn gaming space. But it all started to fall apart just at the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022. The year 2022 proved rougher for Axie Infinity.Axie Infinity Witness: Rise and Decline (Current Standing)Long before the unfortunate hack, Axie Infinity started losing its number of daily active users in November 2021. It only got worse in 2022; the decrease was more than 45% from its peak at the end of 2021. Before the hack, Axie Infinity’s DAUs had plummeted to 1.48 million from a high of 2.7 million. Moreover, the value of the in-game currency also suffered and saw a new low of $0.02. It was all happening amid the cryptocurrency market crash and dwindling interest in NFTs.Just as Sky Mavis was working hard to convince and inspire its community by making long-term promises, the record-breaking hack happened. On March 23, 2022, Axie Infinity got hacked, and the hackers made off with $620 million worth of cryptocurrency, making it the biggest crypto heist of all time. With this hack and the ongoing crypto winter, it was hard for Sky Mavis and Axie Infinity to get people to trust them again. So, why did Axie Infinity face player retention issues even before the hack? The game offers its community the sole motivation of earning money. The elements of entertainment and fun are given little to no value by Sky Mavis. It reduces the game to no more than digital sharecropping and just the grind. The game was and still is primarily driven by speculation, and it is heavily reliant on new players. As soon as the inflow of new players slowed down, the tokenomics of the game went out of control in 2022.However, the current standing of the game is not all bleak and horrific. Axie Infinity showed a silver lining for the first time since the hack and the FTX implosion. AXS of Axie Infinity records a solid gain of 23.83% and sits at $8.28 at the time of writing. So, how is Axie Infinity still hanging around and showing signs of resurgence?Axie Infinity's future: do we have high expectations?Axie Infinity: What to Expect in 2023 and BeyondThe speculation or prediction here is not financial advice for our readers. The play-to-earn gaming industry is only four years old and still a toddler when compared to the traditional gaming space. Sky Mavis believes that it has learned a lot from its recent challenges with blockchain projects. It will introduce beneficial changes to its new blockchain project, Axie Origins. Axie Origins has already seen over a million downloads in its early days. Instead of breeding Axies, players will be able to earn cryptocurrency by collecting and trading charms and amulets. Moreover, Sky Mavis also plans to launch a metaverse where users will have the opportunity to own digital lands. The idea is to integrate the AXS token into all projects.But, with so many big names like Ubisoft and other Korean gaming giants coming into blockchain gaming, Axie Infinity will no longer remain at the top given its tedious gameplay. So, Axie needs to focus on the gameplay part if it wants to stay important in the Web3 gaming community. However, one thing is for sure: Axie Infinity isn’t going to die easily, as it has strong backing. It will surely survive the crypto-winter.Other articles on Axie Infinity are Breeding guide, how to begin with Axie and the different classes in Axie Infinity.Gaming News Of Video Game Consultant;Every day the latest video game news about the gaming industry. Video games news on NFTs (non-fungible tokens, NFT, NFT’s), Play to Earn (P2E/Play-to-Earn), crypto games and cryptocurrencies, gaming guilds, Metaverse, VR, AR, AI, Virtual Worlds, Avatars, Digital Assets, In-game digital currencies, Web3 development, Blockchain-based video games and its transactions and payments in the games.Entertainment and all the big tech companies and technology behind it. Hyper Casual Games and the game studios that lead the way. Mobile games, PC games, and Console Games and their vision on cloud gaming, streaming, esports, and gamer communities. Online digital entertainment like movies, music, concerts, art, and top brands such as fashion and much more that connect with video games in the metaverse.If you want to stay up-to-date of Gumi Cryptos Capital, then follow me on Google News.

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Stripe Taking Cryptocurrencies

Stripe Taking Cryptocurrencies

On the business side of the Web 3.0 industry, we have Animoca Brands launching Animoca Capital. Moreover, Swords of Blood landed hefty funding, Splinterlands thought outside the box, the multi-billion dollar music industry embraced Web 3.0 as in something like Party-To-Earn, Play-to-Earn games changed dynamics, Fenix Games raised $150 million, and Stripe took cryptocurrencies on board. 9GAG and their metaverse, and Battle of Guardians.

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"9GAG" Embraces Web3

"9GAG" Embraces Web3

Memeland is a Web3-focused metaverse venture studio having projects in line powered by blockchain and NFTs backed by 9GAG community.

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Shrapnel - FPS Blockchain - Game Review

Shrapnel - FPS Blockchain - Game Review

Get ready to dive into a post-apocalyptic world filled with action, creativity, and true ownership. Shrapnel, a AAA first-person shooter, is here to redefine your gaming experience. Let's unpack what makes Shrapnel stand out and why it's not just another game – it's a gaming revolution. Shrapnel: More Than Just a Game, A Brave New World! Picture this: a world after the end of the world. That's the backdrop for Shrapnel, where survival is not just a game objective, but a way of life. Players navigate dangerous environments, confront hostile groups and creatures, and scavenge for supplies to stay alive. It's a world where chaos reigns, and only the strongest will thrive. Full Control, Full Fun: Shrapnel hands over the reins to players, allowing them to fully control the items they use in the game. This level of customization extends beyond character appearance; it delves into the very fabric of the game world. The building system empowers players to design and customize landscapes and buildings, making them integral to the evolving narrative. It's like Roblox for adults, but with a post-apocalyptic twist. In Shrapnel, my virtual creations became extensions of my identity in the game. From makeshift shelters to elaborate fortresses, each structure told a story of survival. The sense of ownership made every victory and defeat more personal, creating a gaming experience like no other. Unraveling the Shrapnel Story, A World to Explore. Shrapnel's immersive world is a treasure trove of hidden locations and secrets waiting to be uncovered. The storyline unfolds as players navigate through the game, with every choice influencing the direction of their journey. It's not just a linear experience; it's a dynamic narrative shaped by the decisions players make. Choices That Matter: In a gaming landscape often dominated by predetermined paths, Shrapnel stands out by prioritizing player choice. The decisions you make impact not only your gameplay but also the unfolding story. It's a refreshing departure from the cookie-cutter narratives, giving players agency in shaping their destinies within the game. Personal Anecdote: I found myself at a crossroads in Shrapnel, torn between two decisions that could alter the course of my in-game existence. The realization that my choices mattered added a layer of excitement and unpredictability that kept me hooked. The Heart of Shrapnel: Gameplay Endless Possibilities Shrapnel's gameplay is a melting pot of possibilities. From solo adventures to cooperative missions and competitive multiplayer modes, there's something for every type of gamer. The game's advanced physics and destructible environments add an extra layer of realism, immersing players in a world where actions have consequences. Own Your Arsenal What sets Shrapnel apart is the true ownership players have over their gear and weapons. Trade, sell, or rent them out – the choice is yours. This player-driven economy adds a dynamic element to the game, turning every transaction into a strategic move. Personal Anecdote: I vividly remember the first time I traded a rare weapon in Shrapnel. The thrill of negotiating with another player and the satisfaction of a successful deal added a whole new dimension to the gaming experience. It wasn't just about defeating enemies; it was about navigating the complex web of player interactions. Shrapnel's Virtual Economy Earning in the Apocalypse Shrapnel introduces a unique in-game currency – the Shrapnel Coin ($SHRAP). Players can earn $SHRAP by completing missions, challenges, and engaging in trade with fellow survivors. The game doesn't just stop at virtual rewards; it extends into the real world through a play-to-earn system. Real-World Rewards Participate in events and tournaments, and you could find yourself earning cryptocurrency and other tangible prizes. Shrapnel blurs the lines between the virtual and real, offering a gaming experience that goes beyond the confines of the screen. Personal Anecdote: The first time I received real-world rewards for my in-game achievements, I was floored. Shrapnel had transformed gaming into a more meaningful pursuit, where my skills translated into tangible benefits outside the digital realm. Final Thoughts: Shrapnel's Promise In the ever-evolving landscape of gaming, Shrapnel emerges as a pioneer, blending innovation with a player-centric approach. It's not just a game; it's a community, an economy, and an immersive journey into the unknown. Whether you're a solo adventurer, a clan warfare enthusiast, or a creative builder, Shrapnel offers something for everyone. So, fellow gamers, gear up, dive into the chaos, and redefine your gaming experience with Shrapnel – where every choice, every shot, and every creation matters. Welcome to the future of gaming!

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NFT Soccer Games - Game Review

NFT Soccer Games - Game Review

"NFT Soccer Games" is an innovative digital soccer experience hosted on the Avalanche Contract Chain, where players can own unique ERC-721 tokens and immerse themselves in the world of soccer excitement. The project operates on a two-layer structure, with NFT generation and primary token creation on layer 1, while the gameplay dynamics are on layer 2. It is notable for being the first play-to-earn Football Manager game on the Avalanche C-Chain, offering rewards for player training, friendly matches, intense death matches, and tournament rankings. The project is currently in a testing phase, utilizing the CHZ (Scoville) testnet, a blockchain network tailored for sports-related games. NFT Soccer Games adopts a "Free-To-Play" model, granting users free access while allowing them to mint NFTs for additional features. Users can create manager profiles and assemble teams using either Metamask or email, making the game accessible to football fans. This Free-to-Play mode enhances accessibility further, providing complimentary NFTs for users to explore the NFT Soccer Games world. The game offers a total of 11,000 unique NFTs, with a portion reserved for social advertising and the team. Original NFT minters will receive a 2% share of all marketplace sales once it opens. Gameplay began on the Avalanche Mainnet and was the first game to launch on the Chiliz Scoville Testnet. Future plans include transitioning to Chiliz Chain 2.0 Mainnet to become part of a robust sports ecosystem. The introduction of Free-to-Play mode is designed to engage football fans worldwide by providing free NFTs, known as G2 (Second Generation), which can be used for various in-game purposes, including player training, health facilities, fan club creation, and partnerships. The game allows players to organize death matches and friendly matches, with tournaments offering main platform tokens as rewards for teams with 11 players. This multi-layered gaming experience promises excitement for football enthusiasts. The tokenomics of "NFT Soccer Games" are unique, with ERC-721 NFTs representing in-game assets and the primary token, $NFSG, utilizing the ERC-20 standard. $NFSGX, which maintains a perpetual zero balance, plays a crucial role in various in-game operations, such as automating training, renaming players, participating in matches, resetting attribute points, enhancing skill upgrades, speeding up injury recovery, and expediting facility construction. The community response to NFT Soccer Games has been positive, with users comparing it to classic soccer games like PES but with the added ability to earn rewards. There are questions about hidden costs, such as playing contracts and salaries per season, and excitement about the prospect of winning NFTs by playing soccer. Some users have expressed enthusiasm for being whitelisted to participate in the game.

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Axiepop - NFT Game Review

Axiepop - NFT Game Review

Axiepop is a play-to-win game that is set within the universe of Axie Infinity, a popular blockchain game featuring collectible creatures called Axies. In Axiepop, players must match groups of three or more Axies of the same color in order to "pop" them and earn points. This puzzle game is similar to Candy Crush in that players must use strategy and skill to clear their board by matching and popping the Axies. The player with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner and can earn rewards for their performance. The goal of Axiepop is to get the highest score possible by popping as many Axies as you can in a limited amount of time. To play, you must match Axies of the same color in rows of three or more to make them pop and earn points. There are various power-ups and special abilities available to help you along the way. As you progress through the game, the puzzles will become more challenging and require more strategy to complete. The player with the highest score at the end of the game is the winner. Axiepop is a fast-paced and fun puzzle game that is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. Axiepop is a puzzle-based game that utilizes Axies, the popular NFTs from Axie Infinity, as the main gameplay elements. Players must match Axies in rows of three in order to pop them and earn points. The game is similar to Candy Crush in its mechanics, with a timer ticking down as players try to clear their board of Axies. Axiepop is expected to be released to the general public in the near future, and it is currently unclear whether it will be a single player or multiplayer experience. However, the website mentions beating an opponent, which suggests that it may be a player versus player (PVP) mode. The player with the highest score at the end of the game will win rewards. Axiepop Overview: The game uses Ethereum blockchain, so you can expect flexibility in terms of what you can do with your rewards. However, the games earning mechanism has not yet been mentioned. A PvP match win would be certain and there might be a chance that the game may have a leaderboard for weekly and monthly rewards. Since the game will be available on both PC and Mobile, players will have the chance to earn on the go. The game at the very least would be a great time pass for when you are commuting or have that extra few minutes during your lunch break. There is no clarity of when the game will actually become available to play. However, with the Axie community being so active, it wouldn’t be that difficult to know when it does. The game promises to be a great alternative to candy crush. It is unlike other puzzle games as this would earn you something.

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Ethlas: Ethlas Metaverse - Game Review

Ethlas: Ethlas Metaverse - Game Review

Ethlas is a web3 gaming company that builds games, gaming infrastructures, and tools for web3. The web3 company has a lot to offer to the gaming community and players can find several exciting games on Ethlas. Ethals Metaverse is one of its many games. As soon as a person connects their Metamask wallet to their website. Ethlas introduces classic, arcade-inspired games to them on the browser, such as Candy Crush, Tower Builders, and Tetris, with the goal of onboarding individuals into cryptocurrency. In order to begin playing, players need a daily amount of 10 energy to play games. Each game has its own difficulty level, which varies from easy to medium. The leaderboard has rewards for players in the shape of resources and GEMs for which they compete. GEMs are in-game tokens to play free-to-play games; by converting GEMs to XGEM, F2P players can purchase Komo, Ethlas' playable NFT. XGEMs are in-game tokens to transact and reward players. One Komo costs 30,000 XGEM, according to their whitepaper. Surprisingly, the properties of the Komos are improvable by playing these arcade games. Players can acquire Agility experience in Neon Runner, Intelligence experience in Cyberpunk 2048, and Dexterity experience in The Moon. Komo Clash (one of the games in Ethlas): To play the game, each participant must have three Komos. An important recommendation for the players; use QuickSwap to convert their MATIC to XGEM before purchasing their Komo. Komos is useable in all game modes, including co-op, arena, and campaign. In Co-op, the player works with others to defeat a succession of bosses in order to earn daily rewards. The Arena mode, on the other hand, offers weekly awards to the best players on the scoreboard. Finally, the campaign features a series of quests aimed at unraveling Komos' mysteries. Elemental NFTs have the ability to adapt and fit into any Komo. These are add-ons that provide each Komo passive abilities that help them win matches. These elementals are found on the horns and tails of creatures. The reproduction of Komos is possible via two Komo parents. Moreover, they can acquire traits or have mutations from their parents.

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The Fabled - Game Review

The Fabled - Game Review

The Fabled is a blockchain role-playing game (RPG) that is powered by Unreal Engine 5. Players can own NFT characters and earn ABYS tokens by playing the game. The Fabled is an action role-playing game that was inspired by games like Demon's Souls and the Dark Souls series. It gives you a unique Web3 experience by adding blockchain features to the gameplay. I will compare the game to the Dark Souls series throughout this review to show how similar it is. Also, go into a scary, dark place with monsters that look like they came straight out of a nightmare. Also, even on the "high" setting, the game's beautiful graphics make it easy to get lost in the world. The Fabled shows a world that is split into the overworld and the abyss. This universe has scars from a disaster that happened a long time ago. In this setting, players can choose between gods, demons, and warriors for their characters. Characters level up and get rare weapons and artifacts that make them stronger and give them new abilities. Exploring the abyss also gives you a wide range of combat challenges. The core of the game is fast-paced and skill-based combat. There are many ways to fight, such as with a long-range bow, a quick one-handed sword, or a powerful two-handed weapon. Also, the game has two main ways to play: on foot, where players can specialize in close combat, archery, or magic, and flying, which lets them fight dragons in the air. ABYS tokens can be used to move hard-minted items and soft-minted items from enemies and levels to the blockchain. This improves the look and stats of the items.

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Play To Earn Games: Best Blockchain Game List For NFTs and Crypto

Play-to-Earn Game List
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