How to Get Around Play-to-Earn Web3 Model, Gas Fees, Cryptocurrency and Gaming Work Together

How to Get Around Play-to-Earn Web3 Model, Gas Fees, Cryptocurrency and Gaming Work Together

Play To Earn Games | 08 May 2024 11:45 UTC

At the exciting point where gaming and cryptocurrency meet, a revolution like never before is happening that could change the way we play games forever. Blockchain technology has the potential to completely change the way games are played, but gas fees are still a big problem that keeps people from using it widely. In this article, we'll talk about the gas fee problem, creative developer solutions, how cryptocurrency and games work together, decentralized development, play-to-earn models, and a full list of frequently asked questions (FAQs).

1. The Gas Fee Conundrum: Understanding the Barrier to Web3 Adoption

Gas fees, or transaction fees, are an integral part of blockchain networks like Ethereum.

When it comes to blockchain gaming, gas fees are important because they encourage people to be active participants in the network and keep the system safe overall. But these fees make it hard for gamers who aren't familiar with Web3 technology to play. When you compare this to traditional gaming platforms, where transactions are usually smooth and clear, adding gas fees breaks up the natural flow of gameplay.

These fees make the gaming experience less straightforward than what players may be used to in traditional gaming environments. This is because the fees cause technical problems and make it hard to plan ahead. Since gas fees change all the time, the prices of in-game actions can also change, which makes things more uncertain for players. This lack of predictability is different from how stable and predictable traditional gaming transactions are.

When Web3 and its gas fees are introduced, it can be confusing for gamers who are used to the smooth and streamlined experiences that come with traditional gaming platforms. The details of cryptocurrency transactions, like confirmations of transactions and busy networks, make it harder for players to figure out how to play. This time of adjusting can make players feel like they are navigating uncharted territory as they try to understand how the gaming world is changing.

2. Developer Solutions: Innovations to Tackle Gas Fee Friction

Developers are actively looking for solutions as a result of the obstacle that gas fees pose.

Meta-transactions, optimistic rollups, and smart contract wallets are some of the cutting edge solutions that developers are looking into to deal with the problems that gas fees cause in Web3 gaming.

With meta-transactions, players can make transactions without having to hold the native cryptocurrency. This method is easy for anyone to use. In essence, users can do business inside the game without having to deal with the hassles of gas fees. This method aims to make the whole user experience better by lowering the technical hurdles that come with cryptocurrency transactions.

Optimistic Rollups: This new idea involves doing transactions off-chain and then sending a shortened version (a rollup) to the blockchain. This lowers the amount of work that needs to be done on the blockchain, which leads to lower gas fees. Optimistic rollups could make transactions easier and cheaper, which would make Web3 gaming environments more efficient.

Wallets for smart contracts: To make transactions go more smoothly, developers are thinking about adding wallets for smart contracts. Smart contract technology is used by these wallets to automate and improve the execution of transactions. This could lower the gas fees that are charged for each transaction. The goal is to find a good balance between giving users control and making the game run smoothly.

The main challenge is to find the best balance between letting users control their transactions and making sure the gaming experience is smooth. Finding this balance is very important for making these new approaches work. It is very important for system designers to make sure that their creations give users freedom while also making the gaming experience as easy to access and fun as possible. This fine balance is very important for blockchain gaming to become widely used, since user experience and low costs are very important.

3. The Symbiotic Relationship: Cryptocurrency and Gaming's Transformative Bond

The profound impact of cryptocurrency on the gaming landscape is undeniable.

Play-to-earn models, where players can earn rewards in the form of in-game assets or cryptocurrencies, are gaining popularity. Blockchain technology is not only changing how games are played but also reshaping player engagement, ownership of in-game assets, and the very structure of game development. This section explores how the symbiotic relationship between digital currencies and gaming is fostering innovation and creating new possibilities.

Models of Play-to-Earn: Models of play-to-earn are a big change in the way we think about the economics of games. Players have usually been passive consumers, putting time and skill into games that don't give them anything in return. In play-to-earn models, on the other hand, players contribute to the gaming ecosystem in exchange for rewards that are worth a lot. These rewards could be real money or in-game items, like rare characters or items.

And because of this paradigm shift, the way players interact with games is changing. People who play games are no longer just observers; they have a stake in the virtual worlds they live in. People who put time and effort into gaming get rewards that don't just happen in the virtual world. This creates a real-world and possibly lucrative incentive to stay involved for a long time.

Play-to-earn models have a big effect on how engaged players are, in addition to the economic effects. Players are more likely to put in more time and effort when they know they can earn real-world money for doing things in games. This makes the gaming community more active and interactive. This higher level of engagement is good for both individual players and the fitness and longevity of the gaming ecosystem as a whole.

In-Game Asset Ownership: Blockchain technology is a key part of these models because it makes it possible to keep track of who owns what in-game assets in a safe and open way. Blockchain makes sure that digital items are real and rare, so players can really own the things they play with online. This is different from traditional gaming, where ownership is often limited to the game's platform, making it hard to transfer and lowering the value of in-game items in the real world.

Changing How Games Are Made: The positive relationship between digital currencies and games goes all the way to how games are made. Developers are rewarded for making games that are fun, rewarding, and immerse players in a world. This move away from a traditional profit model and toward one based on player incentives encourages new ideas in game design and creates new ways for players and creators to work together to make games.

Lastly, the addition of play-to-earn models and the way that digital currencies and games work together to make each other better is a turning point in the industry. Along with the economic benefits, this change makes players more interested, changes the way ownership works, and changes the way games are made in general. It marks the beginning of a time when gamers aren't just passive users, but also actively involved in making virtual worlds better.

4. Decentralized Development: Empowering Players and Developers Alike

Decentralized development is a key aspect of the Web3 gaming revolution.

Unlike traditional methods, blockchain enables collaborative game development, allowing players to actively participate in the governance and shaping of the gaming economy. This fosters a sense of community and ownership, empowering players and developers alike to contribute to the evolution of the gaming industry.

Blockchain-based teamwork for making games:

Decentralized Governance: Blockchain technology creates a decentralized framework for managing and governing game development. Unlike conventional methods where the game is under the control of a central authority or game studio, blockchain allows for decentralized decision-making. This means that the community, which includes both players and developers, has a say in how the game will be developed in the future.

Records that can't be changed: Blockchain keeps a record of all game transactions and activities that can't be changed and is open to everyone. This ledger, which smart contracts frequently enable, records all choices, contributions, and transactions so that they are irrevocable in the future. This openness builds trust in the gaming community because everyone can see that the development process is honest.

Community-Driven Development: Because blockchain is based on working together, it can even be used to make games. Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are one way for players to suggest and vote on new game features, changes, or additions. This model for inclusive development lets the community shape the game in the way they want, which builds a sense of ownership and participation.

Building a sense of community:

Shared Ownership: Blockchain introduces the idea of everyone having a stake in in-game items and governance tokens. When players join a virtual world, they become stakeholders and hold assets or tokens that represent a piece of the game's economy. Sharing ownership of the game makes people feel like they are part of a community because they all contribute to and benefit from its success.

Incentives for investing: Along with shared governance, blockchain often uses incentives for investing to get players involved in the community. Players can get cryptocurrencies or special items inside the game in exchange for their contributions. This creates a relationship where the success of the game directly benefits the people who contribute to it. This economic aspect makes the community stronger and encourages people to keep taking part.

Building up the power of players and developers:

Equal Chances to Participate: Blockchain lowers the barriers to entry so that both players and developers can participate equally. Anyone, from any background or position, can help make the game better or suggest changes. People from all walks of life can contribute to the growth of the gaming industry because of this.

Blockchain has made it possible for two new methods of raising money, including Initial Game Offerings (IGOs) and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) sales. Because these models let developers get money directly from gamers, they make the relationship between creators and players stronger. This spread of funding sources gives developers more freedom to be creative and aligns their goals with those of the player community.

Overall, blockchain has made it much easier for people to work together to make games. There is decentralized governance, open records, shared ownership, and economic incentives. This creates a community-driven approach that gives players and developers more power. This model changes not only individual games but also how the whole gaming industry grows and changes.

5. Play-to-Earn Models: A Paradigm Shift in Gaming Economics

The emergence of play-to-earn models, facilitated by blockchain technology, marks a transformative shift in gaming economics.

Players transcend their traditional roles as passive consumers to become active contributors to the gaming ecosystem. This section delves into the mechanisms through which play-to-earn models incentivize sustained player engagement, fostering a dynamic and interactive gaming community.

As active participants, the players:

Participation in the economy: Play-to-earn models change the role of the player by giving real money rewards for active participation. Now, players can do more than just consume content. They can make a real difference in the gaming ecosystem and get real-world value in return.

Activities in games that have effects in real life: People who play traditional video games often do things in the games just to move forward in the game. In a play-to-earn model, these actions are more important because they can have a direct effect on a player's earnings. This paradigm shift turns boring things you do in games into important contributions that make you want to spend more time in the game world.

Reasons to keep players interested over time:

Constant Incentives: Play-to-earn models give players constant incentives to keep playing over time. By consistently rewarding players for their contributions, whether through in-game achievements or community involvement, these models keep players interested and involved in the virtual world.

Earning as a Way to Move Up: Earning, whether through in-game items or cryptocurrencies, is a big part of how a player moves up in your game. When economic incentives are added to the progression system, they create a feedback loop where engagement leads to rewards, which in turn motivate more engagement. This feedback loop encourages players to interact with the gaming world in a meaningful way over time.

Making a Gaming Community That Is Active and Fun:

Play-to-earn models encourage people in the gaming community to work together: Players can work together on in-game tasks, share strategies, and form alliances to make the most money possible. This spirit of working together builds community by pushing players to actively work together to reach common goals. This creates a social environment within the game that is both dynamic and interactive.

New player-made content: Some of the things that could show up are fan art, in-game events, or even changes made by players. With the play-to-earn model, players can actively shape and add to the overall gaming experience, which makes it more creative and varied.

Income Incentives: Play-to-earn models offer income incentives that help gamers build social and business networks within the gaming community. Players can trade goods or work together on economic plans, creating complex webs that go beyond the game world. The gaming community is bigger and better because of these networks.

Last but not least, play-to-earn models change the player's role by making them an active contributor with ongoing incentives to stay involved. This change not only makes the experience better for each player, but it also creates a lively and interactive gaming community where people can work together and be creative.

Empowering Player Engagement:

Play-to-earn models redefine the relationship between players and games. By offering tangible rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies or valuable in-game assets, players are motivated to invest more time and effort into their gaming experiences.

Changing the way the player and game interact:

Economic Empowerment: Play-to-earn models give players more economic power by giving them real rewards. Play-to-earn models give real-world value in the form of cryptocurrencies or valuable in-game assets. This is different from traditional gaming, where rewards are often limited to in-game achievements. This gives the player more economic power, which changes them from a passive consumer to an active participant with a stake in the virtual ecosystem.

Change from Passive Consumption to Active Engagement: In the past, gamers invested time and skill in games in exchange for rewards that were hard to measure. With play-to-earn models, players are not only consumers but also active contributors who shape the virtual world. This relationship grows into a more active one. Giving players the chance to win valuable prizes makes the game more exciting and involves more people.

Investing motivation has gone up:

Play-to-Earn models give real rewards for time and effort: Play-to-Earn models give players real rewards that are linked to how much time and effort they put into the game. When players know that the things they do in games can earn them money in the real world, they are more likely to put in more time and effort to get the most money. This makes a relationship that is good for both sides, and players are rewarded for their hard work.

Earning as a Way to Track Progress: In traditional games, progress is usually tracked by finishing levels or reaching important points in the game. With play-to-earn models, earning is a big part of how far you can go. Players think that their earnings show how skilled, dedicated, and strategic they are in the game. This makes them want to keep getting better and succeeding.

Getting people more involved and immersed:

Personalized Goals and Achievements: Now that there are real rewards, players can set their own goals in addition to the game's standard ones. No matter if they want to get rare in-game items or cryptocurrency, players can make their own ways to success. This customization makes the experience more immersive and interesting by letting players work toward goals that are related to their own interests and goals.

In play-to-earn models, the real rewards give the game world a sense of having economic stakes. Players care about the virtual world on an emotional level, and they also have money riding on its success. Players feel more connected to the game and its community because they know that their contributions are important to the ecosystem's success as a whole.

To sum up, play-to-earn models change the relationship between the player and the game by adding real rewards, giving players more economic power, and encouraging them to put in more time and effort. Individual gaming experiences are changing because of this change, and gaming itself is changing to become a more social, interactive, and financially meaningful activity.

Building Loyalty Through Rewards:

One of the key implications of play-to-earn models is the potential to build unprecedented player loyalty. As players accumulate rewards over time, they develop a vested interest in the gaming ecosystem.

Getting players to be more loyal than ever:

Cumulative Reward System: In play-to-earn models, players get rewards and incentives for continuing to play and do well in the game. This is called a cumulative reward system. This system of constant and increasing rewards goes beyond simple games and creates a sense of progress and value building.

Long-Term Engagement Strategy: Play-to-earn models are meant to encourage long-term participation, unlike one-time rewards or events that only happen for a short time. Players are motivated to keep putting time and effort into the game so that they can get the most rewards over time. Keeping players interested for a longer time helps build a strong connection between players and the gaming ecosystem.

Formation of Vested Interests:

Stake in the Business of Gaming: As players earn rewards, they get a stake in the business of gaming. When you earn rewards, like valuable in-game items or cryptocurrencies, they become a form of digital wealth that is tied to how well the game does. Because of this economic link, people have a reason to care about the game world's continued growth and survival.

Sense of Ownership: A sense of ownership is increased by getting more and more rewards over time. Players become attached to the virtual items or money they've earned, which makes their emotional connection to the game stronger. This ownership goes beyond the short-lived nature of traditional rewards, making players feel connected to the game for a long time.

Improved how players interact with games:

Play-to-earn models encourage a relationship where the player's success is linked to the success of the game ecosystem in a way that keeps both growing. As players do well and earn rewards, the overall state of the gaming world gets better. People feel like their actions have a direct effect on how the game grows and changes, which makes them more loyal.

Bringing people together: Earning rewards and taking part in the play-to-earn model together makes players feel like they are part of a community. Building up digital wealth and making progress in the game creates bonds that go beyond what each person has accomplished. Building communities makes people feel like they are part of a bigger, more collaborative gaming experience, which makes players more loyal.

Value Reward for Keeping Staff:

Acknowledged Effort and Time Spent: Earning rewards is a real way for players to show appreciation for the time and effort they put into the game. In traditional games, achievements are recognized within the game. In play-to-earn models, achievements are recognized outside of the game in the form of real money or valuable items. This makes the player feel like their contributions are valued, which makes them more loyal.

Economic Incentives for Loyalty: If you play to earn, you can get money, which is a strong incentive for players to stay loyal. Players are more likely to stick with a game if they know what their earned rewards are worth in real life. The possibility of making money is a strong reason to stay involved and follow through.

Finally, play-to-earn models go above and beyond traditional game structures by including a system of accumulating rewards that makes players more loyal than ever. Players develop a vested interest, a sense of ownership, and a deeper connection with the changing gaming ecosystem as they continue to earn rewards. This leads to a long-term relationship that benefits both parties.

Shaping the Overall Gaming Experience:

Beyond individual benefits, play-to-earn models have a profound impact on the overall gaming experience. This section explores how the integration of blockchain technology not only revolutionizes economic structures within games but also enhances the narrative, social dynamics, and competitive aspects of gameplay.

Changes are being made to economic structures:

No one person or group decides how much in-game items are worth in play-to-earn models; instead, the community decides. This change in the way gaming businesses are run promotes fairness and openness while questioning the way traditional businesses are run. By making contributions, players actively change the economy, which makes the market dynamic and open to everyone.

Real-World Value Transfer: Adding blockchain makes it possible for real-world value to be moved around in the gaming ecosystem. When you're not playing the game, in-game assets like cryptocurrencies or non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have real-world value. This changes the idea of virtual goods because it lets players buy, sell, and trade items that have real-world economic effects.

Markets that are driven by players: Play-to-earn models let players shape the economy in the game. In player-driven markets, the value of assets is set by how supply and demand change as players interact with each other. This not only makes the economy more complicated, but it also makes players think more about their moves as they move through the virtual marketplace.

Adding more immersion and story:

Dynamic and Decentralized Storytelling: Adding blockchain to games makes it possible for stories to be told in a dynamic and decentralized way. The actions, achievements, and interactions of players all add to a story that changes based on what the community decides as a whole. This dynamic storytelling makes the experience more immersive and personalized, and players feel like they have a hand in shaping the story of the game.

Creating Your Own Content: The "play-to-earn" model encourages players to make their own content that adds to the story. Through in-game events, user-generated stories, or working together to build the world, players help make the game's world. This shared storytelling makes the gaming experience better and more in-depth.

Changing the way society works:

Play-to-earn models encourage people to work together to play games and do business with each other in the gaming community. To reach common goals, players work together, plan ahead for economic choices, and contribute to the overall success of the game. This collaborative spirit helps people feel like they belong and have a purpose in life.

Economic and Social Networks: Play-to-earn models use economic incentives to help people build complex social and economic networks within the gaming community. Players can trade with each other, form alliances, or work together on economic plans. These networks help the gaming community stay connected with each other and build relationships that go beyond the game world.

Making competitive gaming better:

Encouragement to Play Competitively: Play-to-Earn models offer financial reasons to play competitively. Not only are players driven by traditional drives like skill and achievement, but they are also driven by the chance to win valuable rewards. This makes competitive situations even more dangerous, as players try to beat their opponents to feel good about themselves and make money.

Esports Economy Growth: The way play-to-earn models are set up economically makes it possible for esports economies to grow. Not only can competitors win money from prize pools, but they can also make money from the value of in-game items or cryptocurrencies. This economic aspect makes e-sports a more complex area where money-based incentives work well with competition based on skill.

In conclusion, play-to-earn models have a big effect on the gaming experience as a whole, not just on the benefits for individuals. Adding blockchain technology changes the way economies work, how stories are told, how people interact with each other, and how competitive games are. This paradigm shift makes the gaming environment more dynamic, open to participation, and important to the economy.

Lastly, play-to-earn models are a turning point in the history of video games because they combine economic incentives with player interests in a way that doesn't feel awkward. This collaboration not only makes gaming more interesting and immersive, but it also marks a big change in the way the industry works. As the gaming industry continues to use blockchain technology, new business models that focus on players become more possible. This change aims for a future where gamers are not just visitors to the virtual worlds they inhabit, but also important contributors to them. It promises a complete and changing gaming ecosystem where player participation is not only valued but also drives the gaming industry's continued growth.

Nice-to-Know Insights:

Gas Fees in Web3 Gaming: Gas fees, also known as transaction fees, are payments on blockchain networks. In Web3 gaming, they pose a concern as they disrupt the seamless gaming experience, introducing volatility and technical complexities.

Developer Solutions for Gas Fee Challenges: Developers are addressing gas fee challenges in Web3 gaming by exploring innovative solutions such as meta-transactions, optimistic rollups, and smart contract wallets. These approaches aim to minimize gas fee friction for users, ensuring a smoother gaming experience.

Decentralized Development in Gaming: Decentralized development in gaming empowers players to actively participate in the governance and evolution of games. This collaborative approach fosters a unique relationship between developers and players, allowing the gaming community to play a pivotal role in shaping the direction and features of the game.


Web3 gaming has the potential to completely change the gaming industry, which is something that can't be denied. But the current problem with gas prices is holding back this potential, which means that Web3 gaming might not catch on with a lot of people. Blockchain technology hasn't been able to be easily added to games because of gas fees, which are transaction fees on blockchain networks.

The risk comes from the fact that these gas fees mess up the natural flow of gameplay, which is what makes traditional gaming platforms great. The complicated nature of cryptocurrency transactions and the instability caused by gas fees make it hard for gamers who are used to the smooth and immersive experiences that non-blockchain games offer.

To get around this problem and see how truly disruptive blockchain-based gaming can be, new ideas need to be put into action right away. Developers are experimenting with and using new techniques like meta-transactions, optimistic rollups, and smart contract wallets. With these solutions, gas fees should have less of an effect, making the game easier to use and less frustrating.

This implementation is important not only for your own gaming experiences but also for Web3 gaming to become widely used. If the gas fee problem isn't fixed quickly, blockchain technology may not be able to completely change the way games are played. So, the need to solve these problems right away isn't just technical; it's also strategic for the gaming industry's growth.

Basically, putting new ideas into practice correctly isn't just a technical matter; it's an important step toward making Web3 gaming's full disruptive potential happen. It means making a world where blockchain works with games without any problems. This way, gamers all over the world will have access to a really cool, easy-to-use gaming environment without having to pay gas fees.

Join the conversation and stay informed about the latest developments in Web3 gaming. Share your thoughts on social media using #Web3GamingRevolution and engage with the gaming community to contribute to the ongoing evolution of the industry. The future of gaming is at the intersection of blockchain and traditional gaming, and your voice matters in shaping this revolutionary landscape.

How to Get Around Play-to-Earn Web3 Model, Gas Fees, Cryptocurrency and Gaming Work Together
How to Get Around Play-to-Earn Web3 Model, Gas Fees, Cryptocurrency and Gaming Work Together

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What are gas fees, and why are they a concern for Web3 gaming?

A1: Gas fees, also known as transaction fees, are payments on blockchain networks. In Web3 gaming, they pose a concern as they disrupt the seamless gaming experience, introducing volatility and technical complexities.

Q2: How are developers addressing gas fee challenges?

A2: Developers are exploring innovative solutions such as meta-transactions, optimistic rollups, and smart contract wallets to minimize gas fee friction for users.

Q3: What is decentralized development in gaming?

A3: Decentralized development allows players to actively participate in the governance and development of games, fostering collaboration between developers and players.

Q4: How do play-to-earn models empower player engagement?

A4: Play-to-earn models redefine the relationship between players and games. By offering tangible rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies or valuable in-game assets, players are motivated to invest more time and effort into their gaming experiences.

Q5: How can play-to-earn models build loyalty through rewards?

A5: One of the key implications of play-to-earn models is the potential to build unprecedented player loyalty. As players accumulate rewards over time, they develop a vested interest in the gaming ecosystem.

Q6: How does play-to-earn shape the overall gaming experience?

A6: Beyond individual benefits, play-to-earn models have a profound impact on the overall gaming experience. This section explores how the integration of blockchain technology not only revolutionizes economic structures within games but also enhances the narrative, social dynamics, and competitive aspects of gameplay.

Q7: How did the partnership between AdInMo and ZBD impact Square Enix's Ludo Zenith and Fumb Games' Bitcoin Miner?

A7: Square Enix's Ludo Zenith saw an 82% increase in ARPDAU after integrating ZBD rewards, and Fumb Games' Bitcoin Miner achieved over a tenfold boost in day 30 user retention.

Q8: Can players opt out of in-game advertisements and rewards?

A8: Yes, players typically have the option to choose whether to engage with in-game advertisements and receive Bitcoin rewards, offering flexibility in their gaming experience.

Q9: How does ZBD's Bitcoin Lightning technology work, and why is it important?

A9: ZBD's Bitcoin Lightning technology allows for instant and secure Bitcoin transactions, making it ideal for rewarding players and enhancing the in-game experience. It blurs the lines between the virtual and real worlds.

News Article Description:

If you read this article, gamers should definitely keep in mind the transformative potential and challenges at the crossroads of gaming and cryptocurrency. The piece explores the pervasive issue of gas fees in Web3 gaming, dissecting their impact on the immersive gaming experience. Developers' innovative solutions, including meta-transactions and smart contract wallets, aim to alleviate these concerns, fostering a seamless gaming environment.

The symbiotic relationship between cryptocurrency and gaming takes center stage, unveiling play-to-earn models that empower players with tangible rewards. Decentralized development emerges as a key theme, allowing gamers to actively shape the gaming landscape. The article delves into the specifics of how blockchain technology is not only revolutionizing in-game economics but also redefining player engagement, ownership, and collaborative game development.

Highlighting a groundbreaking partnership, the article showcases the success stories of Square Enix's Ludo Zenith and Fumb Games' Bitcoin Miner, experiencing significant boosts in user engagement and retention. Additionally, players are provided the flexibility to opt out of in-game advertisements and rewards, ensuring a customized gaming experience.

A spotlight on ZBD's Bitcoin Lightning technology reveals its role in instant and secure transactions, blurring the lines between the virtual and real worlds. In the end, the piece calls for new solutions to be put in place right away to solve the ongoing gas fee problems. This would unlock the revolutionary potential of blockchain-based gaming and make the future of gaming smooth and easy to use.

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Experience Aether's The Wheel of Time and Dive Into Guild of Guardians’ Epic Launch!

Hey, gamers! Dive into the latest buzz as Aether Games revamps its iconic TCG into 'Cards of Eternity: The Wheel of Time.' They've secured rights to blend the legendary series into your favorite card battles, making each play session more epic than ever. But that's not all! Aether is rolling out fresh game modes to keep you hooked. Expect monthly updates with new cards and quests that promise continuous thrills. And, get this, competitive tournaments are getting a massive makeover with new challenges and awesome rewards. Plus, don't miss out on the global launch of 'Guild of Guardians'—it's set to be a game-changer with its unique blockchain-based gameplay. Join the events, connect with developers in live AMAs, and be part of gaming history. It’s all happening here, and you’re invited to be a part of the adventure. Ready to level up your gaming experience? Let’s go!

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Pixels, Axie, and Apeiron: The Top Blockchain Games You Need to Know!

Pixels, Axie, and Apeiron: The Top Blockchain Games You Need to Know!

In April 2024, blockchain gaming reached new heights with exciting games like Pixels, Axie Infinity, and Apeiron leading the way. Pixels, a social RPG, wowed players with its engaging play-to-airdrop events. Meanwhile, Axie Infinity Origins made a comeback, doubling its daily players thanks to a fun Daily Bounty event. Apeiron, an upcoming game on the Ronin Network, promises unique god-game experiences. Alien Worlds, a space adventure, also stood out, while The Heist brought luck-based excitement on Solana. Shiba Shootout added meme magic, and eTukTuk delivered electric fun. InsanityBets offered casino excitement, while Crabada and Splinterlands brought treasure hunting and card battles. Join the community, enjoy the fun, and explore these amazing games. Let's dive into the world of blockchain gaming together, where adventure and rewards await. Click to read more and be part of the gaming revolution!

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CCP Games’ New Sandbox Shooter: Project Awakening Playtest Alert!

CCP Games’ New Sandbox Shooter: Project Awakening Playtest Alert!

Project Awakening is an exciting new game from CCP Games, blending blockchain technology with a survival shooter experience in space​. The game, set in the EVE Universe, focuses on rebuilding and survival​. With a $40 million investment, CCP Games aims to create a persistent world with player-driven content​​. The PHASE III playtest begins on May 21, 2024, offering gamers a chance to participate and innovate​. The game's graphics and gameplay promise a unique sandbox shooter experience, evolving beyond its EVE Online roots​ ​. CCP's collaboration with Lattice brings digital physics into the mix​​. Join the fun, contribute ideas, and shape the future of Project Awakening. Be part of this thrilling adventure by applying for the playtest now!​

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Nyan Heroes and Sunflower Land: Tokens, Epic Gaming, Factions and Rewards!

Nyan Heroes and Sunflower Land: Tokens, Epic Gaming, Factions and Rewards!

Nyan Heroes and Sunflower Land have exciting updates. Nyan Heroes' pre-alpha demo is back with a ranking system where players earn Catnip, later converted to $NYAN tokens. The game also donates to cat charities for each download, and it's among the top 30 on Epic Games. Sunflower Land's "Clash of Factions" season lets players earn Scrolls to bid on rare items and gain faction points. Exclusive banners offer special benefits. Both games focus on community and fair play, creating a positive gaming experience​.

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Jump Into CyberTitans for Big Prizes and Explore NFTs with Devikins!

Jump Into CyberTitans for Big Prizes and Explore NFTs with Devikins!

Dive into the latest gaming excitement with CyberTitans Season 8.2, where you can battle for a massive $10K+ prize pool until June 17th. Not only can top players win big, but the action also extends to everyone ranked up to 10,000 with great rewards. Also, check out the new patch, 2.01.00, which enhances the mobile experience and adds new features, making gameplay smoother and more thrilling. Meanwhile, Devikins is transforming the gaming scene by letting players turn their characters into tradeable NFTs, opening up new avenues for interaction and profit within the game’s universe. Get involved now, and let these games revolutionize your digital adventures!

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Ubisoft's Champion Tactics: Grimoria – The Next Big Thing!?

Ubisoft's Champion Tactics: Grimoria – The Next Big Thing!?

Ubisoft's new game, Champion Tactics: Grimoria, brings exciting news to the gaming world. The game, featuring unique blockchain-based assets, is a big step into Web3 gaming. Players will appreciate the strategic depth and high-end graphics, making it a potential AAA hit. The game uses Oasys blockchain for scaling and performance. Ubisoft's partnership with LayerZero ensures players can transfer assets across platforms, enhancing interoperability. Web3 gaming faces challenges like scaling and interoperability, but Ubisoft is tackling these issues head-on. The future of gaming looks bright, with other big names like Epic Games, Bandai Namco, and Square Enix exploring blockchain too. Dive into this article to learn about the latest in Web3 gaming, and see why Champion Tactics: Grimoria is generating so much buzz. Let's explore the potential of blockchain technology in gaming and celebrate this innovative move together!

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Aavegotchi's Gotchichain, VoxEdit Contests, Dogami Championship - Top Gaming Picks!

Aavegotchi's Gotchichain, VoxEdit Contests, Dogami Championship - Top Gaming Picks!

Hey, awesome readers! We’ve got some exciting news about blockchain gaming you can't miss. First up, Aavegotchi's Gotchichain is set to revolutionize blockchain gaming, partnering with Base for scalability and fun. Next, The Sandbox's VoxEdit contest invites you to create cool Gothic interior designs, with great prizes up for grabs. Meanwhile, Dogami's World Championship is taking play-to-mint to new heights, offering exclusive NFTs and cash prizes. Lastly, Engines of Fury offers intense survival gameplay, where you fight mutants and customize your hideout using the FURY token. So, if you love gaming, this article is for you!

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BurgerCities - Game Review

BurgerCities - Game Review

BurgerCities is a blockchain metaverse with play-to-earn and free-to-play features, allowing users to own diverse NFT assets on Binance Smart Chain. BurgerCities is a play-to-earn blockchain metaverse on the Binance Smart Chain network, offering NFT assets and rewarding players with the BURGER native token. Combining the metaverse with DeFi, it introduces MetaFi, where players can engage in social aspects while trading NFTs and tokens. Additionally, the game features NFT-heroes, daily active gameplay, and business simulation. The metaverse includes buildings like the Black Market for cross-chain trading, the Energy Plant for liquidity provision, and the Central Bank for mining revenue rewards. Players can own virtual land and customize homes. BurgerCities aims to revolutionize gaming by blending social interaction with financial possibilities on the BNB Chain. It promises an enchanting gaming experience that could shape the future of gaming projects.

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Medland - Game Review

Medland - Game Review

MEDLAND is a strategy-based MOBA game available on mobile, PC, and MacOS on blockchain technology. Medland is a strategy MMORTS game where players prepare their heroes with unique skills to face random game-changing events in the battle arena. The game offers a unique hybrid of RTS and MOBA genres while integrating NFTs for character progression storage. Additionally, players unite to combat the formidable Fourth Nation and rescue the Valley through various actions like building armies, collecting resources, upgrading villages, and seizing territories. The challenge lies in defeating the Fourth Nation within the finite time frame of each server, lasting 30-60 days. Failure to do so results in players' ultimate defeat as the server closes. The game introduces a captivating MOBA feature, enabling players to directly control their Hero and engage in combat against others to win Silver stakes. MEDLand brings a cutting-edge MOBA game that guarantees an exhilarating gaming experience! Within the arena, two players will clash, employing their unique abilities and minion support to gain an advantage. With various attack options at their disposal, players must strategically maneuver the battleground to outsmart their adversary and attain victory. The goal is to accumulate points during the match, and the first to reach 100 points becomes the triumphant champion. With its gripping gameplay, stunning visuals, and boundless potential, MEDLand Mayhem is a must-play for gamers and crypto enthusiasts seeking excitement. Don't miss your chance to be part of this legendary adventure in MEDLand Mayhem!

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Taurion - Game Review

Taurion - Game Review

Taurion is a revolutionary new game on the WEB3 platform that is fully decentralized and player-focused. This means that the game is built with the needs and interests of the community in mind, and it will never shut down unless the players themselves decide that it should. Taurion is designed to be a fully immersive gaming experience where players have the freedom to explore, create, and interact with one another in a way that is both engaging and fair. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the world of WEB3, Taurion has something for everyone. Taurion is a decentralized game that is being developed by Xaya, a division of Autonomous Worlds Ltd. It is a sandbox game set in an ever-evolving universe that is built and owned by the players themselves. As a player-oriented game on the WEB3 platform, Taurion gives players the opportunity to shape the metaverse surrounding the game and have a real impact on its direction and development. Whether you're interested in exploring, building, or simply enjoying the freedom of a sandbox game, Taurion has something for you. Taurion Gameplay: The game is all about mining, refining, building, excavating, scavenging, strategizing, looting, planning, surviving, exploring, traveling, and trading. In short, the game is very much like real life but in the future where the threat is alien. Tokenomics: CHI is the in-game utility token and Xaya is the governance token handling the economy of the game. Players can earn or buy CHI on cryptocurrency exchanges. Besides, the developers plan on making the game a play-to-earn experience but it will depend on how the community reacts to the game and how many people join it. Thus, the more people who become part of the project, the more it will have the opportunity to make it a play-to-earn project.

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Chronos: Dawn of Time - Game Review

Chronos: Dawn of Time - Game Review

Chronos, a 2D action RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world, requires battling fierce enemies and building an empire while exploring the dawn of time in an NFT-based economy. Chronos is a multiplayer, side-scrolling RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world where players interact in a social hub, venture through portals for matches, and engage in various game modes like team PvP, survival arena PvE, and mixed PvE/PvP battles. By playing matches, they earn crafting resources and Dark Aether tokens, but their characters have limited energy that refills gradually. To enhance their characters, players can spend crystals on stat upgrades and skill points for special abilities. Equipping weapons and armor is vital, with NFT items offering durability. Travelers, the NFT avatars, come with stat boosts. Players can explore dungeons, craft NFTs, and use in-game currency for Ethereum rewards. The project, still in early stages, promises a fun and engaging old-school 2D RPG experience. Chronos stands out with no crypto token, but NFTs are integral, and the gameplay draws inspiration from classic games, challenging players to survive obstacles and defeat monsters using a variety of weapons and crafted items. The heart of the game lies in these digital avatars known as Travelers. Arriving on Earth with unknown origins, they strive to survive and unravel the surrounding mysteries. Travelers encompass diverse forms, such as humanoids, cyborgs, and magic wielders, each possessing unique characteristics and skillsets for crafting, upgrades, and dungeon adventures.

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Econia - Game Review

Econia - Game Review

Econia is a unique business simulator that combines idle, tycoon, and city-building elements in a way that works well. Fans of business tycoon and management simulator games who have been waiting for a real MMO with mechanics from their favorite games will love this game. Other games have tried to add a multiplayer twist to similar gameplay, but none of them have been successful until now. Econia is a game that takes blockchain gaming to a completely new level.

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Angelic Awaits: Dive into Sci-Fi Tactical NFT Gaming - Review

Angelic Awaits: Dive into Sci-Fi Tactical NFT Gaming - Review

Introduction to Angelic: A Tactical Sci-Fi Adventure in the NFT Realm. Let's talk about Angelic - a game that's not just a game but a journey into a sci-fi universe where strategy, storytelling, and blockchain technology come together in a beautifully chaotic symphony. Picture this: a galactic setting filled with unique heroes, each brimming with their own stories, battling it out in turn-based tactical fights. It's like stepping into a sci-fi novel where you're the lead character, and every decision you make shapes the narrative. Angelic Gameplay: A Blend of Strategy, Customization, and Blockchain:The Thrill of Building Your Universe. One of the coolest aspects of Angelic is how it hands you the reins to shape the game's universe. Remember when we used to play with action figures as kids, creating stories and worlds? Angelic taps into that childhood joy but takes it several notches higher. You're not just playing in a world; you're actively building it. From designing heroes and ships to crafting cosmetic items, you're the architect of your journey. And here's the kicker: these items are NFTs, which means they carry real-world value. It's like those drawings you sold in third grade, but now they're part of an epic universe! Building Relationships and Teams: Angelic isn't just about battles and strategy; it's about relationships. The characters you collect aren't just pawns on a chessboard; they're allies with their own stories, strengths, and weaknesses. Winning their trust, understanding their backgrounds, and building a team that respects and supports each other is key. This aspect reminds me of my first job, where building a strong team was crucial for success. Angelic captures that essence beautifully, making you realize the power of camaraderie and trust. The Open World Challenge: If you're someone who loves a challenge, Angelic's ruthless open world will be right up your alley. It's not just about having the skills; it's about strategizing, forming alliances, and sometimes making tough choices. It's like navigating through life's challenges, where every decision shapes your path. Angelic Gameplay Basics: Mastering the Game Balancing Battle and Strategy Angelic skillfully balances turn-based battles with strategic planning. Half your time is spent in adrenaline-pumping combat, leading your team in tactical missions. The other half? You're aboard your unique starship, bonding with your crew, strategizing, and upgrading skills and gear. It's like being a part-time warrior, part-time diplomat - a combination that keeps the gameplay fresh and engaging. The Importance of Decision-Making In Angelic, your choices matter. Forming alliances, making decisions that affect your crew's morale, and dealing with the consequences are all part of the game. It's a constant balancing act, reminiscent of those times in life when we have to make tough choices, not knowing how they'll pan out. Managing Your Team Your companions in Angelic are more than just team members; they're characters with their own stories, agendas, and emotions. Managing them, understanding their motivations, and ensuring their loyalty adds a layer of complexity to the game. It's like being a leader in real life, where understanding and empathy are as important as strategy. The Osiris: Your Starship and Home The Osiris, your command center in the game, is more than just a spaceship. It's a character in its own right, with mysterious abilities and potential for customization. Guiding the Osiris through the game's universe is akin to navigating through life's journey, discovering and unlocking potential as you go. You: The Neo-Human Archangel Finally, there's you, the protagonist of this saga. Once a human pilot, now a neo-human with untapped potential and destiny to become an archangel. Your journey in Angelic is a metaphor for personal growth and discovery, a reminder that we all have hidden strengths waiting to be uncovered. Conclusion: The Ever-Evolving World of Angelic Angelic is not just a game; it's an experience. It's a journey through a sci-fi world filled with strategy, relationships, and self-discovery. With its blend of tactical gameplay, rich storytelling, and blockchain technology, Angelic offers a unique adventure that's both thrilling and thought-provoking. So, are you ready to take the plunge and become the next archangel in the Angelic universe? The adventure awaits!

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Cryptopolis - Game Review

Cryptopolis - Game Review

In Cryptopolis, players can build their own virtual apartments out of NFT items and decorate them however they want. The game is also social, so players can talk to their friends and meet new people while playing. Players can also play minigames and compete to get to the top of the Tower, in addition to building and decorating their apartments. Cryptopolis is a unique and fun online game because it lets you change things and talk to other people while you play. Cryptopolis has something for everyone, whether you want to decorate your dream apartment, make new friends, or play minigames to see how good you are. Cryptopolis Review: Cryptopolis is an unusual game that lets people live out their lives in a computer simulation. Players can do everything they would in real life, like eat, drink, and read, and they can also make real money by playing games. Cryptopolis was made by CFX Gaming, which is known for making online games that are immersive and interesting. Cryptopolis is a one-of-a-kind game that is both fun and rewarding. It is a life simulation game that also has NFT gameplay. Cryptopolis is a fun and interesting game to play, whether you like the Sims series or just simulation games in general. In Cryptopolis, each player's character has a "needs" system that tells them they have to meet certain basic needs to stay healthy. Some of these needs are to sleep, eat, and have fun. Players must make sure to meet these needs for their character to stay healthy and happy. The in-game NFTs are an important part of this system because they can give players the resources they need to meet their character's needs. Also, the player's character in Cryptopolis will get a bigger boost the rarer the NFT is. This means that players who can collect rare NFTs will have a big advantage in the game. Overall, the need system and the use of NFTs give Cryptopolis more depth and strategy, making it a more immersive and interesting game.

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Zeal  - Game Review

Zeal - Game Review

Zeal is a third-person action role-playing game that is currently in the development phase and has not yet been given a launch date. It is also built on the blockchain technology. As the game is still in development and testing, not much information has been released about it. However, it is known that the game will be competitive and have a high-quality, AAA feel, which sets it apart from other cryptocurrency games currently available. Here’s what we know about Zeal so far: Zeal is a third-person action role-playing game that focuses on character customization and competitive gameplay. Players can expect an immersive online gaming experience with dynamic gameplay. Fast-moving and competitive: In Zeal, third-person player versus player gameplay is fast-paced, requiring quick decision-making and strategy. Even small choices can impact the outcome of an encounter, making it crucial for players to stay on their toes and think on their feet. Fully customizable builds and classes: One of the unique features of Zeal is that it does not have a limited set of pre-defined characters. Instead, the game allows players to create their own identity through customizable base classes, offering a wide range of possibilities for players to explore and differentiate themselves from the community. In addition to customizing their appearance, players can also choose their abilities, manage their stats, and select their preferred master abilities, giving them a high level of control over their in-game character and playstyle. This level of customization not only makes the game more enjoyable, but also helps to make it stand out in the crowded field of action role-playing games.

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Heroes & Empires Game Review

Heroes & Empires Game Review

Hey there, fellow adventurers! If you're anything like me, you're always on the lookout for something new, exciting, and, dare I say, a bit magical. Well, buckle up, because I've stumbled upon a gem that's all of that and more. I'm talking about Heroes & Empires, a game that's not just a game but a whole universe teeming with diverse races, unique collectibles, and thrilling adventures. It's like stepping into a world where your strategic prowess can earn you not just bragging rights but real rewards. So, let's dive in, shall we? What's the Buzz About Heroes & Empires? Imagine combining the chill vibe of idle RPGs with the brain-tickling tactics of auto chess. Now, sprinkle in some blockchain magic, and voila, you've got Heroes & Empires! This isn't your run-of-the-mill strategy game. It's built on the Unity engine, boasting modern gameplay and graphics that'll make your eyes pop. But what truly sets it apart is its heart and soul – the characters. Remember the days of swapping trading cards and bragging about your rare finds? Heroes & Empires takes that feeling digital. Each character, each item in this game is a digital collectible, unique and yours to flaunt, thanks to the wonders of blockchain technology. A Melting Pot of Mystical Races: Now, let me tell you about the time I first set foot in the Heroes & Empires universe. I was greeted by an array of races I'd only dreamed of – Humans, Goblins, Elves, Demons, Beasts, Nagas, Gods, and the Undead. Each with its own lore, strengths, and weaknesses. It was like being a kid in a candy store, but instead of candy, there were heroes to collect! The Unique Charm of Heroes & Empires: What truly makes Heroes & Empires stand out is its rich tapestry of characters and the depth of strategy involved. You're not just collecting heroes; you're weaving together a team that complements each other's strengths and covers their weaknesses. And with a variety of game modes like PVP and PVE, there's always a new challenge around the corner. Dive into the NFT Treasure Trove Now, let's talk NFTs. In Heroes & Empires, heroes and gear aren't just tools for battle; they're valuable NFTs. This means you can trade them, sell them, or use them to strengthen your squad. It's like being part of an exclusive club where your membership card (or in this case, your NFT) can actually grow in value. How cool is that? The Brains Behind the Magic Heroes & Empires didn't just spring out of thin air. It's the brainchild of CryptoViet Labs and IMBA Studio, with a little help from their friends at Megala Ventures. These folks aren't just developers; they're visionaries who've crafted a world that's as rewarding as it is entertaining. Frequently Asked Questions What's the Gameplay Like? Heroes & Empires is an RPG that's all about strategy, collection, and progression. It's like chess, but with an epic fantasy twist. Can I Earn While Playing? Absolutely! The game offers a Play-2-Earn model, meaning your gaming skills can translate into real earnings, especially with the DeFi integration. Who's Got Our Backs? This game has the backing of 32 investors, including big names like Kyros Ventures and DAO Maker. It's like having a fellowship of financial wizards rooting for your adventure. Where Does This All Happen? The game thrives on the BNB Chain, ensuring smooth, secure transactions and gameplay. How Do I Jump Into This World? All you need is a browser to embark on your journey in Heroes & Empires. It's like having a portal to another realm right at your fingertips. Closing Thoughts Diving into Heroes & Empires reminded me of my childhood days, trading cards and dreaming up battle strategies, but with a modern twist. It's not just a game; it's a community, a marketplace, and an adventure rolled into one. Whether you're in it for the thrill of battle, the joy of collecting, or the allure of earning, there's a place for you in the Heroes & Empires universe. So, why not take the leap and join the adventure? Who knows, we might just cross paths on the battlefield or the marketplace. Until then, happy gaming! "Heroes & Empires" is best categorized under several key areas in the gaming and blockchain spaces: Genre: Strategy and Role-Playing Game (RPG) The game combines elements of strategy, particularly through its auto chess and idle RPG mechanics, where players must think tactically to assemble and upgrade their team of heroes for various battles. Blockchain: BNB Chain (formerly known as Binance Smart Chain) The game operates on the BNB Chain, which is known for its fast transaction times and low fees, making it an attractive platform for blockchain games and NFT transactions. Category: Blockchain Game: Given its integration with blockchain technology for NFTs and in-game assets. Play-to-Earn (P2E) Game: Players can earn in-game rewards, including NFTs and tokens, which can potentially be traded or sold for real-world value. NFT Game: Heroes & Empires utilizes Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to represent unique heroes and items within the game, allowing players to own, trade, and sell their in-game assets.

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Angry Dynomites Lab: Where Gaming Meets Earning - Review

Angry Dynomites Lab: Where Gaming Meets Earning - Review

Angry Dynomites Lab is a blockchain game that allows players to earn cryptocurrency as they work together to gather resources and help the Dynomites survive in a world that is on the brink of extinction due to climate change. It is one of the first multiplayer co-op games in the market that combines elements of play and earning. In the game, players must work together to gather resources and protect the Dynomites from various threats as they try to rebuild their world. The game offers a unique and engaging experience for players looking to earn cryptocurrency while enjoying a fun and immersive game. Players must work together in this multiplayer game to gather resources, build shelters, and protect their Dynomites from the dangerous creatures that inhabit their new world. The game uses blockchain technology to track players' progress and reward them with cryptocurrency for their efforts. Players can earn rewards by completing tasks, participating in mini-games, and completing challenges. The more they play and progress, the more valuable their rewards become. In addition to the main game, players can also engage in a variety of mini-games and challenges that offer even more chances to earn cryptocurrency. In Angry Dynomites Lab, players must work together to gather resources and create artifacts to help the Dynomites survive in a world on the verge of extinction due to climate change. The game is set on a small tract of land surrounded by fire and ice, and players must use their skills and resources to create a thriving, decentralized economy driven by tokens on the blockchain. The ultimate goal is to keep the Dynomites alive by creating resources, setting up manufacturing lines, engaging in trade, and building a successful production empire. Angry Dynomites Lab is one of the first multiplayer co-op play-to-earn games built on the blockchain, offering a unique and immersive gaming experience. Angry Dynomites Lab Follows a 'play and earn' Model: Oliver Löffler is using a "play and earn" concept as opposed to the popular "play to earn" model for his blockchain-integrated traditional games. According to Löffler, "Angry Dynomites Lab is obviously different from other blockchain games: Players should play the title mostly out of enjoyment, not out of a desire to generate money." The emphasis of Angry Dynomites Lab is on player interaction. The "Dynos" must escape Earth and establish a new society with the cooperation of the players. The tiny pixel dynos need to create a lot of things in order to be able to achieve that. The "Masterpieces," which are truly remarkable artifacts, are producible with the assistance of other players. The four separate tokens in the game (which stand for the four elements earth, fire, water, and air) can be mixed in various ways and are called recipes by the game. The developers commit to the idea of a viable in-game economy. Gamers can use tokens from other blockchain / NFT projects in Angry Dynomites Lab, which uses Ethereum blockchain.

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Axie Infinity: Homeland - Game Review

Axie Infinity: Homeland - Game Review

The best developer of WEB3 games, Axie Infinity, has made a new extension game called "Homeland," which is all about building settlements in the world of Lunacia. Homeland, an expansion for the popular blockchain game Axie Infinity that many people were looking forward to, has been released. With this expansion, players can take charge of their own Axies and build a thriving town on the planet Lunacia. Players can also really change their virtual world by doing things like gathering resources, making their Axie farms more efficient, building structures, making their own equipment, and adding to their Axie collections. Homeland, which was first announced in February 2021, is a version of Axie Infinity made for the land NFT platform. It is made for players who own land. This game is only for PCs, and only people who have already bought land in Axie Infinity can play it. Players also have to build a thriving settlement and give their native adventurers the tools they need to fight off waves of monsters. In Axie Homeland, players use their Axies to gather resources and build structures. This is a fun way to play an idle game. Players can do things that have cute graphics and parts that are like idle clicker games. They can also choose how their home looks and do things like gather resources, make things, and send NPCs on passive adventures. Users must first make a Sky Mavis account and have a Ronin wallet in order to play. The user must also have bought at least one piece of land from the Axie Marketplace.

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Moonfrost - Game Review

Moonfrost - Game Review

Moonfrost is a 2D multiplayer, free-to-play, play-to-earn, life-simulation, and role-playing game for Mobiles and PCs that enables the player to immerse themselves whenever and wherever they choose, in a fascinating, constantly expanding world full of secrets and surprises. Moonfrost is a social simulation and role-playing game that draws inspiration from games like Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley. Players can engage in the plots of non-playing characters and other player characters in this 2D metaverse.

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Riot Racers - Game Review

Riot Racers - Game Review

Riot Racers is a new NFT game in the racing standards of the Polygon blockchain technology games. It is an idle racing game where players can start a new race by choosing the car and driver they can afford. Then, start the race which happens in the background without any active maneuvering of the cars. Working on the play to earn format, the players can earn RIOT tokens which are the game’s currency. This happens by participating in the races, investing in cars, or simply owning parts of the game as NFT property. So, coming first in the race gives you 50% of the prize pool; coming second wins you 30% and coming third wins you 20% of the prize pool. As the races are happening in the background, races are won or lost on the basis of three criteria, driver (20%), car (29%), and race strategy (51%). So, it means that in order to win races and earn RIOT tokens, players need to upgrade their cars and their racing standard by investing in them. Moreover, there is an additional option of hiring drivers for the races based on their skills. Higher the driving skill, the higher the cost. To participate in a race, players need to buy a car that is NFT on its own accord. Players need to hire a driver that meets that particular race’s minimum criteria of experience and level. Then the players need to fill their car tanks with gas and pay the entry fee to a race competition to participate.

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Battle of Guardians - Game Review

Battle of Guardians - Game Review

"Battle of Guardians" is a sci-fi multiplayer player-versus-player (PvP) battle arena fighting game built using Unreal Engine. It features Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and is played in real-time online. Developed by the Good Games Guild, "Battle of Guardians" offers an exciting and immersive gaming experience for players. "Battle of Guardians" is a multiplayer battle arena game built on the BNB Smart Chain. It offers high-quality graphics and smooth gameplay, making it an enjoyable experience for players. The game is designed to test players' skills, and only those with superior abilities will emerge victorious. In addition to regular battles, "Battle of Guardians" also features tournaments with a wide range of unique characters to choose from. Players can engage in exciting and competitive gameplay in this multiplayer battle arena game. The people and Good Games Guild foresee a future for the metaverse and aim at creating games blockchain play-to-earn games that are also actually fun. The game incorporates NFTs into its gameplay with three different races of characters exhibiting different characteristics. Battle of Guardians uses the Unreal Engine platform giving the game vibrant colors and graphics. BoG is a game of nerves with a continuous battle for survival and glory against other players. Battle of Guardians Storyline: Long ago humans shared this planet with the Guardians having supernatural powers and abilities. The humans worshipped these Guardians and in return, they protected and nourished mankind. However, over the course of time, science and technology overtook the role of the Guardians and they abandoned earth. After many millennia, humans accidentally opened the gateway to Hell while excavating ancient artifacts. Earth was attacked by the creatures and beasts of hell, and when all hope was lost, the Guardians returned to fulfill their vow to humans.

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Astro Space - Game Review

Astro Space - Game Review

"Astro Space" is a highly anticipated new game that is set in a futuristic open world where players can explore space and embark on exciting adventures, quests, and action. This game promises to be a unique and thrilling experience for players. "Astro Space" is built on the Solana blockchain technology and utilizes a play-to-earn model referred to as a "farm-to-steal" model. The main characters of the game are Astro Bots, cute little space robots represented as NFTs. Players can use these NFTs to go on quests to search for resources on distant planets and celestial bodies. The game will also feature various mini-games that allow players to win game tokens and customize their Astro Bots. Astro Space Gameplay: In "Astro Space," players will embark on an adventure through space using their NFT Astro Bots in player vs. environment (PvE) mode. These Astro Bots can also participate in player vs. player (PvP) battles against other Astro Bots to gain control of planets and resources. Players can explore new planets, mine resources, build structures, create buildings, and develop futuristic technology. The game's strategy depends on the players, as the Astro Bots have different statistics that will determine how they are used in battle modes and mini-games. Game Economics: In "Astro Space," Astro Bots can earn Astro Gems (ASG) by participating in PvE and PvP battles. These Astro Gems (ASG) can then be converted into Astro Space Tokens (AST), which can be used to upgrade the Astro Bots, upgrade the level of buildings, and create new NFT Astro Bots. The game also has a governance token called Dream Matter Tokens (DMT), which can be earned by increasing the level and ranking of your Astro Bots. The NFTs can be purchased and sold on the game's marketplace, Eden marketplace, and OpenSea marketplace.

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77-Bit - Game Review

77-Bit - Game Review

77-Bit is a groundbreaking web3 MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) that blurs the lines between virtual and real-life experiences. Launched in April 2022, this project, under the creative direction of Fanfaron, introduces players to a unique fusion of Manga and Anime aesthetics, tangible encounters, and NFT drops. Here is an extensive summary of the article: 77-Bit is a collection of 7,777 avatars serving as gateways to an immersive gaming universe. It was launched in April 2022 and operates on the Ethereum blockchain. The project adheres to the ERC token standard, with the avatars representing characters known as Ronins. These Ronins are poised to become playable personas in upcoming 77-Bit video games, promising an engaging user experience. Storyline: The game is set in the year 2077, where humanity has been subjugated by cyborgs from alternate dimensions. This dire situation stems from a cataclysmic event triggered by an ill-fated invention that tore open rifts between realms. Valiant Ronins rise to confront interdimensional cyborg invaders, leading to an epic struggle for survival. The narrative draws inspiration from cyberpunk and synthwave aesthetics, crafting a dystopian tale. Gameplay: 77-Bit aims to bridge the gap between play-to-earn projects and AAA games, offering players the chance to earn cryptocurrency. It is designed as an MMORPG-style video game with two distinctive zones: a metaverse for virtual interactions and trading, and a gaming zone named "chaos" for battles against monsters and artifact hunting. Players begin their journey with a collection of 7,777 avatars, which grant in-game models, power-ups, and access to the 77-Bit universe. These avatars evolve into playable characters with unique attributes like strength, speed, intelligence, and class affiliation as the game progresses. Character advancement occurs through gameplay, with rewards such as new weapons and artifacts for achieving objectives. NFT & Tokenomics: 77-Bit comprises 7,777 NFTs known as $RONIN, following the ERC token standard on Ethereum. There are two NFT collections within the project: 77-bit, the primary one, and 77Bit Comics, which includes around 6,571 copies of a single token. These NFTs offer diverse attributes, including costumes, facial features, hand gear, weapons, and backdrops. The NFT collections include various character types, such as Guys, Girls, Cyborgs, Apes, and Punks, each with distinct characteristics. Community Response: The community has shown enthusiasm for the anime NFTs within 77-Bit. Some members believe that Ronin represents the future. Others emphasize the importance of delivering memorable experiences in the crypto and NFT space for long-term success. In summary, 77-Bit is a pioneering web3 MMORPG that combines a captivating storyline, NFTs, and a play-to-earn model to create an immersive and rewarding gaming experience. The project has garnered interest from the crypto community, with its unique blend of virtual and real-life elements.

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Play To Earn Games: Best Blockchain Game List For NFTs and Crypto

Play-to-Earn Game List
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