The Best Beginners Guide to Web3 Gaming

The Best Beginners Guide to Web3 Gaming

Play To Earn Games | 11 Apr 2024 08:59 UTC

In a world that's constantly evolving, especially within the digital landscape, it’s crucial to stay ahead of the curve. I remember, not too long ago, when the concept of earning a living through gaming was as foreign as flying cars. Today, however, we're not just talking about making a living; we're exploring a revolutionary shift in the gaming industry, thanks to Web3. Drawing inspiration from thought leaders like Alex Hormozi and the unparalleled Oprah Winfrey, let's delve into the realm of Web3 gaming. This isn't just about the games themselves but about the life-changing opportunities they present, the communities they nurture, and the future they're shaping. Want to find lots of games? Sure thing, check out this games list.

The Heart of Web3 Gaming

What Makes Web3 Gaming Unique?

Imagine a world where every digital asset you earn or buy in a game doesn’t just belong to your in-game character but to you, in the real world. This is the essence of Web3 gaming: a digital revolution where games are hosted on blockchain technology, making them virtually unhackable and eliminating any single point of failure.

I recall a conversation with a friend who was skeptical about blockchain and its implications. He viewed it as a complex, inaccessible technology reserved for the tech-savvy. However, when he realized that this technology could allow him to truly own his in-game assets, his perception shifted. This anecdote underscores a broader realization: Web3 gaming isn't just a technological leap; it's a paradigm shift in digital ownership and community participation.

The Democratic Nature of Web3 Gaming

One of the most compelling aspects of Web3 gaming is its democratic nature. Decisions in the game development process aren't made by a single entity but through a consensus among players. This level of engagement and ownership was unimaginable in the traditional gaming world. It reminds me of the early days of online forums, where communities came together to share ideas and support each other, but with far greater stakes and potential rewards.

Monetizing the Gaming Experience

From Play to Pay

The shift from playing games purely for entertainment to earning tangible rewards while doing so is monumental. Web3 gaming introduces a "play-to-earn" model, transforming gaming from a leisure activity into a viable income source. It's akin to the transformation we've seen in the creator economy, where content creation on platforms like YouTube or Instagram evolved from hobbies into careers.

A Personal Tale of Transformation

A friend of mine, once a casual gamer, ventured into the world of Web3 gaming out of curiosity. Within months, what began as a pastime became a significant income stream, enabling him to fund his education. His story is a testament to the transformative potential of Web3 gaming, not just in financial terms but in how we perceive the value of our digital engagements.

Building and Sustaining Web3 Gaming Communities

The Rise of Gala Games

Consider Gala Games, a platform that's not just about playing games but about building a community. With over 1.3 million monthly active users and more than 26,000 NFTs sold, it’s a beacon of what’s possible when players have a stake in the ecosystem. It’s a reminder of Oprah's book club, where shared interests and active participation created a vibrant community, but in the digital realm of gaming.

Community Beyond the Game

The essence of a community in Web3 gaming transcends the games themselves. It’s about creating a space where individuals feel valued, where their contributions matter, and where they have a stake in the future. It's about leveraging platforms like Medium to share success stories, challenges, and visions for what Web3 gaming can become.

The Economic Implications of Web3 Gaming

A New Paradigm

The economic implications of Web3 gaming are profound, offering a glimpse into a future where digital economies are intertwined with the real world. The growth statistics are staggering, with new blockchain networks and a surge in investment indicating a sector on the brink of exponential growth.

A Personal Reflection on Growth

Reflecting on the growth of Web3 gaming, I'm reminded of the early days of the internet, when everything felt new and the possibilities endless. The excitement surrounding Web3 gaming is reminiscent of that era, but with the added dimension of financial empowerment and community ownership.

The Future of Web3 Gaming

Beyond the Hype

The future of Web3 gaming goes beyond the initial hype, offering a vision of an industry that's not only more inclusive and democratic but also more interconnected with the real economy. It's a future where the lines between gaming, work, and creativity blur, creating new opportunities and challenges.

The Role of Community and Technology

As we look to the future, the role of community and technology in shaping the trajectory of Web3 gaming cannot be overstated. The technology provides the foundation, but it's the community — with its passion, creativity, and engagement — that will drive the industry forward.

Embracing the Future Together

As we stand on the brink of this new era, it's clear that Web3 gaming is more than just a technological innovation. It's a movement that challenges us to rethink our relationship with digital content, ownership, and community. Like the stories shared by Oprah or the business insights from Alex Hormozi, the journey of Web3 gaming is about people, their stories, and the collective power to shape the future.

In embracing Web3 gaming, we're not just participating in a new form of entertainment; we're pioneering a new digital economy. It's a journey fraught with challenges but rich with potential. Together, we can navigate this uncharted territory, learning from each other and building a future that reflects our shared values and aspirations.

Let's not just play the game; let's change the game.

The Comprehensive Guide to Web3 Gaming
The Comprehensive Guide to Web3 Gaming

Your Ultimate Guide to Thriving in Web3 Gaming

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is Web3 Gaming?
    • The Basics
    • How It's Changing the Game
  3. Earning in Web3: More Than Just Play
    • Play-to-Earn Explained
    • Real Stories of Earning Through Gaming
  4. Building a Community in Web3 Gaming
    • The Importance of Community
    • How to Connect and Grow Together
  5. The Technology Behind Web3 Gaming
    • Blockchain Basics
    • Why It Matters for Gamers
  6. Navigating the Web3 Gaming World
    • Choosing the Right Games
    • Staying Safe in Web3
  7. The Future of Web3 Gaming
    • Predictions and Trends
    • How to Stay Ahead
  8. FAQs
  9. Conclusion


Hey there, fellow gaming enthusiast! Welcome to your go-to guide for everything Web3 gaming. If you're curious about the buzz around Web3 or looking to dive deeper into the world of blockchain-based games, you're in the right place. Think of this as a friendly chat over coffee (or tea, if that's your jam) where we unravel the mysteries of Web3 gaming together, sharing insights, stories, and tips to help you navigate and thrive in this exciting new landscape.

What Is Web3 Gaming?

The Basics

At its core, Web3 gaming is all about decentralization. Imagine playing a game where you truly own your achievements, items, and even pieces of the game world itself. That's Web3 gaming for you, where blockchain technology enables a level of ownership and control we've never seen before.

How It's Changing the Game

Remember when we used to trade game cards in the playground, and how thrilling it was to own a rare card? Web3 gaming brings that thrill into the digital world, making every item you earn or trade truly yours. It's like the difference between renting a movie and owning a DVD, but with the added spice of digital magic.

Earning in Web3: More Than Just Play

Play-to-Earn Explained

Gone are the days when playing video games was just a way to kill time. In the Web3 world, it's about "play-to-earn," where your gaming skills and strategies can lead to real rewards. It's like turning your gaming hobby into a side hustle, where the grind pays off in more ways than one.

Real Stories of Earning Through Gaming

I once met a person who funded their entire trip to Japan through earnings from a Web3 game. They started playing out of curiosity and ended up building an impressive collection of digital assets. Their story isn't just inspiring; it's a testament to the potential of Web3 gaming as a new frontier for gamers and entrepreneurs alike.

Building a Community in Web3 Gaming

The Importance of Community

Web3 gaming isn't just about technology; it's about the people you meet along the way. Communities in Web3 gaming are vibrant, supportive, and, most importantly, integral to the gaming experience. It's like finding your tribe, where everyone speaks your language (the language of gaming, of course).

How to Connect and Grow Together

Engaging with your gaming community can be as rewarding as the game itself. From Discord channels to in-game events, the opportunities to connect are endless. It's about sharing tips, celebrating wins, and sometimes just hanging out. Because at the end of the day, it's the shared experiences that make the game truly memorable.

The Technology Behind Web3 Gaming

Blockchain Basics

If you're picturing a chain made of blocks, you're not entirely wrong. Blockchain is essentially a digital ledger that's secure, transparent, and, most importantly, tamper-proof. For gamers, this means a level of security and fairness we've only dreamed of.

Why It Matters for Gamers

Blockchain technology is the hero we didn't know we needed, ensuring that every item, trade, and transaction in the game is recorded and kept secure. It's like having a superpower that protects your digital assets from the villains of the online world.

Navigating the Web3 Gaming World

Choosing the Right Games

With so many Web3 games out there, finding the right one can feel like searching for a needle in a digital haystack. My advice? Look for games that resonate with your interests and values. Whether it's epic battles or peaceful farming, there's a Web3 game out there with your name on it.

Staying Safe in Web3

The digital world, much like the real one, has its risks. Staying safe in Web3 gaming means being smart about your digital assets, wary of too-good-to-be-true offers, and always, always backing up your data. Think of it as wearing a digital seatbelt.

The Future of Web3 Gaming

Predictions and Trends

If I had a crystal ball, I'd predict that Web3 gaming is only going to get bigger, better, and more immersive. We're talking virtual realities so rich and engaging, you might forget to log off (but please remember to eat and sleep).

How to Stay Ahead

Staying ahead in the fast-paced world of Web3 gaming means keeping your finger on the pulse. Follow gaming news, connect with your community, and never stop learning. Because in the world of Web3, the only constant is change.

FAQs: Your Burning Questions About Web3 Gaming Answered

How do I start with Web3 gaming?

Starting with Web3 gaming is like embarking on an epic quest—you need the right tools and knowledge. First, you'll need a digital wallet to store your cryptocurrencies and digital assets. Think of it as your magic pouch where all your treasures are kept. Next, explore the vast lands of Web3 games to find one that sparks joy and excitement in you. Don't be afraid to try a few before you find your perfect match. And remember, every hero starts somewhere, so take your time to learn and grow.

Can I really earn money by playing games?

Absolutely! The "play-to-earn" model of Web3 gaming turns your time and skills into tangible rewards. Just like my friend who funded an entire trip through gaming, you too can harness your passion for gaming into earning digital assets or cryptocurrencies. But, just like any adventure, it comes with its challenges. The key is to understand the game mechanics, the market for its assets, and, importantly, to enjoy the journey.

What is the best wallet for Web3 gaming?

Choosing the best wallet for Web3 gaming is like choosing your trusty sword in battle. There are several reputable wallets out there, such as MetaMask, Coinbase Wallet, and Trust Wallet. Each has its own features and supported networks. MetaMask, for example, is widely used and easily integrates with most Web3 games and platforms. Consider what games you're interested in and ensure the wallet supports those ecosystems.

Are Web3 games safe?

Navigating the realm of Web3 games requires caution and wisdom. While blockchain technology offers unprecedented security, the digital world is not without its dragons. Always research the games and platforms you're interested in, stick to reputable sources, and be wary of phishing scams. Remember, in the world of Web3, your digital wallet keys are the keys to your kingdom—keep them safe at all costs.

How do I choose a Web3 game?

Choosing a Web3 game is like choosing your path in an open-world adventure. Consider what genres you enjoy, the level of time investment you're willing to commit, and the economic model of the game. Some games emphasize strategy and building, while others are more about combat and conquest. Communities can also offer a wealth of knowledge, so don't hesitate to join forums or Discord channels to hear from fellow adventurers.

What's the difference between Web3 gaming and traditional online gaming?

The leap from traditional online gaming to Web3 gaming is like moving from a feudal system to a democracy. In traditional gaming, the game developers hold all the power and ownership. In Web3 gaming, this power is decentralized. Players can own assets, have a say in game developments, and truly participate in the game's economy. It's a new era of gaming where your contributions and achievements have real-world value.

Can I lose money playing Web3 games?

With great power comes great responsibility. Yes, it's possible to lose money in Web3 gaming, just as it's possible to earn. The key is to approach it with the right mindset. Treat your investments in Web3 games as you would any other investment—do your homework, understand the risks, and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Remember, the primary goal is to enjoy the game. Earnings should be a bonus, not the end game.

How do I keep up with Web3 gaming trends?

Keeping up with Web3 gaming trends is like being a scout in uncharted territories. Follow gaming influencers, subscribe to newsletters, and join gaming communities. Platforms like Medium, Reddit, and Discord are treasure troves of information, where you can learn from the experiences of others and share your own. Staying informed is your best defense against the ever-changing landscape of Web3 gaming.

What are the upcoming Web3 games to watch out for?

The horizon of Web3 gaming is always expanding, with new and exciting worlds emerging regularly. Keep an eye on platforms like DappRadar or PlayToEarn for the latest games making waves in the community. Games like "Axie Infinity" have set the stage, but many more are on their way, promising even richer experiences and opportunities. Remember, today's hidden gem could be tomorrow's legend.

Remember, the world of Web3 gaming is vast and filled with opportunities. Whether you're here to explore new worlds, forge friendships, or seek fortune, there's a place for you in this digital realm. Equip yourself with knowledge, approach with caution, and most importantly, have fun on your journey.


Diving into Web3 gaming can feel like stepping into a new world, but remember, every gamer loves a good adventure. With the right knowledge, a supportive community, and a dash of curiosity, there's no limit to what you can achieve in the Web3 gaming realm. So grab your digital gear, and let's embark on this journey together. Here's to countless victories, new friendships, and the thrilling world of Web3 gaming. Cheers!

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As the digital landscape evolves, so does the opportunity to play, earn, and contribute to the burgeoning ecosystem of blockchain gaming. At, we're committed to providing you with the resources you need to succeed in this dynamic field. From the latest gaming news to the best Play-to-Earn experiences, we're here to ensure you're always one step ahead.

Dive into the world of blockchain gaming with—where gaming meets innovation and finance. Let's embark on this journey together.

Earn While You Play: Check out our list of the Best 10 Play-to-Earn Games to Play for Fun in 2024, for more details play for fun.

Unlock the Potential: Dive into the Fun & Fortune of Crypto Gaming: Your Beginner's Guide 2024. For insights on starting your journey, play crypto games.

Discover the Best: Unveil the Top Play To Earn Games of 2024 and start earning through gaming. For a complete guide, explore popular P2E games.


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LifeVerse - Game Review

LifeVerse - Game Review

LifeVerse is an innovative and entirely decentralized gaming platform that immerses players in a vibrant web3 gaming ecosystem, operating on the Arbitrum blockchain. This platform offers foundational character primitives that enable the interconnection of various gaming worlds and the creation of shared lore and resources. At its core, LifeVerse represents the primary NFT project within the larger Treasure-Verse ecosystem, particularly through its Imbued Soul collection, which serves as the foundational character base. Imbued Souls also play a central role in the in-house games developed by LifeVerse Studio. This collection consists of 10,000 Seeds of Life and Imbued Souls, featuring eight distinct classes and four rarity tiers, with approximately 4,700 Imbued Souls currently in circulation. LifeVerse's Purpose and Vision: One of the primary functions of Imbued Souls is to grant governance voting rights within the LifeVerse community. The overarching mission of LifeVerse is to provide players with captivating and rewarding gaming experiences that span the expansive Treasure ecosystem. Owning an Imbued Soul is a prerequisite for participating in governance decisions. These unique characters, evolved from the Seed of Life, hail from the world of Phanes and possess equal governance authority. LifeVerse's broader vision encompasses the creation of innovative and high-quality gameplay experiences through LifeVerse Studio. Additionally, it seeks to establish collaborative integrations with Treasure cartridges and sustainable revenue streams through the strategic utilization of DeFi and GameFi protocols. The platform is committed to adopting prudent risk management strategies and diversifying its assets to ensure long-term viability. The Lore of LifeVerse: The story of LifeVerse unfolds in the mythical world of Phanes, once a thriving paradise brimming with life, where majestic creatures roamed lush forests, and enigmatic wonders hid in the depths of its oceans. This world was powered by a boundless force known as $MAGIC, which nurtured innovation and abundance among its inhabitants. However, this utopian existence took a dark turn when the Treasure-Verse, a realm governed by cosmic forces, oscillated between seasons of abundant $MAGIC and scarcity. Following a golden era, the world braced itself for the inevitable winter, which triggered the invasion of the Genesis Legions. These relentless invaders, driven by insatiable hunger, descended upon Phanes, causing chaos and draining the land of its essence. Despite valiant efforts, Phanes could not withstand the onslaught, leading to the fracture of its world and the emergence of dimensional rifts that allowed $MAGIC to seep away. In the face of adversity, the Lifeforms of Phanes fought back. Death, an unexpected liberator, allowed them to traverse dimensions and seek vengeance against the Legions. Their goal was to reclaim their world and vanquish the invaders. The Colosseum of Phanes served as a training ground for the reborn Souls, who fought battles that ignited hope and unity. Twelve Champions emerged, destined to play a pivotal role in the wars to come. Journeying across the Treasure-Verse in pursuit of $MAGIC, the Souls used their unique abilities to restore Phanes and shape their destiny. Along the way, they earned reputations as enigmatic beings, capable of both bestowing boons and unleashing formidable powers. Amidst the wars that raged across dimensions, Souls clung to a shared dream of healing Phanes and ending the Harvester Wars, thereby stopping the bleeding of the Treasure-Verse. Tokenomics of LifeVerse: The Seed of Life NFT initially rewarded early backers who migrated $MAGIC from L1 to Arbitrum's L2. Over time, these Seeds of Life transformed into Imbued Souls, becoming playable characters in the world of Phanes. However, not all holders of Seeds chose this evolution, resulting in a division within the collection. Initially, both Seeds of Life and Imbued Souls held equal 1:1 voting rights in the DAO's governance structure. In summary, LifeVerse is an innovative decentralized gaming platform with a rich lore, utilizing NFTs and blockchain technology to create interconnected gaming experiences within the Treasure-Verse ecosystem. It offers players the opportunity to explore a world filled with captivating stories, unique characters, and collaborative gameplay, all while contributing to the governance of the community through ownership of Imbued Souls.

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The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul - Game Review

The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul - Game Review

Medieval Empires: Ertugrul is a story-based game that allows players to experience the life and adventures of Ertugrul, a famous Turkish king. It is a great game for players who enjoy immersive, historical-themed gameplay. Experience the thrill of the hit TV series Ertugrul in a brand new way with The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul, a blockchain game that brings the story of the real Turkic king to life. Follow the origin of the Ottoman Empire and play your way through immersive, historical-themed gameplay as you collect and trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Don't miss out on the Ertugrul phenomenon that has taken the world by storm - join the ranks of devoted fans and immerse yourself in the exciting world of The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul. The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul brings the popular TV series to life in a new and exciting way, with Engin Altan reprising his role as Ertugrul Gazi, the leader of the Kayi tribe. The game's storyline follows the epic battle between Ertugrul and King Edward I of England. Collect and trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as you journey through the immersive, historical-themed gameplay and experience the thrilling adventures of Ertugrul for yourself. Join the ranks of devoted fans and explore the world of The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul today. The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul Gameplay: The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul is a game that allows players to explore a vast world, lead their forces, and build an empire. Players can choose to become part of one of four tribes or factions, including the Kayi Tribe (Turkic), the English Crusaders, the Mongol Hordes, and the Mystery Faction, which has yet to be revealed. The gameplay involves battling and raiding other factions to earn cash and emerge victorious. Join the ranks of devoted fans and experience the thrill of building an empire in The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul. The building of an empire in The Medieval Empires: Ertugrul is a gradual process that requires players to have well-equipped and trained forces. This can be achieved by participating in various campaigns and battles throughout the game. As players progress and gain experience, they will be able to upgrade their forces and increase their chances of success in the game.

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Pulsar - Real-Time Strategy- Game Review

Pulsar - Real-Time Strategy- Game Review

Pulsar is a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) Real-Time Strategy (RTS) game where players across the world mine, build, and fight to become the ruler of Pulsar. Pulsar is an MMORPG that combines the mechanically and economically challenging gaming experience of RTS games like Starcraft with a real MMORPG setting. To conquer both the alien occupants of Pulsar and your surrounding empires, mine, build, and conquer. A real-time experience alongside hundreds of thousands of other players. Players from all over the world mine, construct and engage in combat in the MMO Real-Time Strategy game. Players choose who will control Pulsar. Build your army and base so you can explore the dungeons under the surface of the planet. Also, engage in combat with other players to establish yourself as the most dominant empire in the Pulsar Universe. Our group is committed to creating high-quality Web3 gaming experiences that are available to everyone. It's always free to play Pulsar. Players don't need to purchase NFTs or $PLSR, the game's native token, to participate. Moreover, free players can mine resources, construct infrastructure, and explore the Pulsar universe by building their own NFTs, borrowing NFTs from other players, or purchasing resources from the Imperial Bank. Free players can access the Pulsar universe, but they are unable to transfer their units, land, or $PLSR. Moreover, the money they generate is split with the landowner.

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Alien Worlds - Game Review

Alien Worlds - Game Review

Alien Worlds is a NFT card game where you explore new planets in search of new lifeforms. Find out about the Play-to-Earn game Alien Worlds on the WAX Blockchain! Explore six different worlds, each of which has 500 plots of land owned by the NFT. Trilium can be earned in-game, sent to Binance Smart Chain, and bet on for even better benefits. This book tells you everything you need to know to get started in the Alien Worlds metaverse. Are you ready to start your Play-to-Earn journey in Alien Worlds and see what it has to offer? This guide will teach you how to play Alien Worlds and how to get Trilium tokens by mining on land plots owned by other players, getting NFT points, and joining Syndicates to vote on plans. The game play in Alien Worlds is easy but exciting. Players can mine on land plots with their Shovel or other mining-related NFTs and get a small number of Trilium pieces in return. At the same time, miners get NFT points every time they mine. These points can be used to buy a rotating collection of NFTs, such as Land Plots, Tools, Minions, Avatars, and Weapons, which all live on the WAX blockchain. In Alien Worlds, a person owns each piece of land. That player gets a share of the Trilium mined on their land. On top of all of this are the Syndicates, which are player-run planetary governments that can submit and vote on ideas for their planet's Alien Worlds environment. This makes the game even more strategic and involves the whole group. Alien Worlds is one of the older WAX games, and since it was first announced in July 2020, it has changed all the time. In October, they sold several NFTs, and in December of that same year, they sold their first and only piece of land. Soon after the land was sold, people could start mining on land plots. Since then, the team has been slowly and steadily improving their website and adding new features. Alien Worlds is part of the Blockchain Games Alliance, a group of game creators and players who want to see more blockchain-based games made and played.

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Last Expedition - Game Review

Last Expedition - Game Review

Last Expedition is an upcoming AAA shooter blockchain-based warfare game set in the NFT universe. Unfortunately, the fans have to wait as the game has not announced any launch window. Moreover, there is not any news about the game's alpha or beta form, only the trailer is live on the official website so far. According to its makers, Last Expedition, is the world's first truly AAA first-person warfare game in which players are thrown into an uncharted terrain full of dangers. Certain Affinity, a well-known development team led by veteran Max Hoberman, is the development team behind Last Expedition. Moreover, Hoberman feels that the quality of AAA FPS should be combined with the advantages of blockchain gaming. Last Expedition Gameplay: Get ready to find yourself and your teammates in a hostile alien environment in the NFT universe that will try to murder or obliterate them in any manner possible. To overcome dangerous territory, players will require intense concentration and exceptional skills. The alien monsters will attempt to kill players, but players can counter-attack and take control of the new terrain. Moreover, Last Expedition will likely include solo and multiplayer modes in this battleground game, so players can pick according to their preferences. Aliens will outnumber the players and for that reason, players will need to utilize their resources carefully. As a result, they'll need to create weapons and goods that can help gamers survive while also allowing them to earn money. To have enough resources in Last Expedition, players must improve their FPS skills. They will also have a variety of resources to choose from, such as characters, strategies, weapons, and other things. Moreover, they can own these things and trade them in the game's marketplace, or they can share them with their teammates.

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Tanks for Playing - $TANK Battle Token - Game Review

Tanks for Playing - $TANK Battle Token - Game Review

Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Tanks for Playing, where strategic tank battles and competitive missions await? Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a newbie to the world of multiplayer strategy games, Tanks for Playing offers an immersive experience filled with customizable tanks, unique weapons, and the chance to earn fantastic rewards. Let's break down the key elements of this game and explore how you can emerge victorious in the battlefield of tank warfare. Getting Started: Tanks, Energy, and Hearts: As you embark on your Tanks for Playing journey, it's crucial to understand the basic elements that shape your gameplay. Each player starts with two energy points and two hearts, laying the foundation for their tank army. The tanks themselves boast two tile ranges, and your initial positioning on the map is determined by the order of entry into the game. The Quest for $TANK: Fueling Your Gameplay: The ultimate aim in Tanks for Playing is to win $TANK and make a fortune in the virtual world. The game tempo is structured around three distinct game modes, each presenting its own set of challenges and opportunities for players to showcase their strategic prowess. Energy Management and Tank Customization: In Tanks for Playing, your energy points are your lifeline—they fuel your actions, allowing you to build, upgrade, attack, and defend. The game offers a diverse range of tanks, each equipped with unique abilities and strengths. Forming alliances with fellow players can be a game-changer, as you collaborate to conquer territories and crush your adversaries. Rewards Galore: Upgrades, Currency, and Rare Tanks Earning rewards is a key aspect of Tanks for Playing, and there are various avenues to amass in-game riches. Completing missions, achieving milestones, and participating in tournaments all contribute to your rewards. This virtual bounty includes in-game currency, rare tanks, and valuable items that can elevate your gaming experience. Navigating Challenges: Obstacles, Fog, and Blockchain Record-Keeping The battlefield in Tanks for Playing isn't just about firing shots and making strategic moves—it's filled with obstacles and moving barriers that add an extra layer of complexity. Additionally, every action you take is recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and security. The Enigmatic Fog: A Game-Changer One distinctive element in Tanks for Playing is the encircling fog that shrouds the map. Players must tread carefully, avoiding the fog to prevent damage to their tanks. Any tank caught within the fog's grasp risks exploding at any moment. This dynamic feature keeps players on their toes, discouraging camping and promoting active, strategic gameplay. Token Battles: A Gateway to $TANK Riches If you're looking to boost your virtual fortune in Tanks for Playing, Token Battles are the way to go. Winning battles and completing gaming objectives on the platform can earn you $TANK tokens as compensation. To maximize your chances in these battles, upgrading the capabilities of your combat tanks is crucial. Enhancing Your Arsenal: The Key to Token Battle Success To emerge victorious in Token Battles, strategic tank upgrades are paramount. As you gain battle experience and acquire more powerful tanks, your chances of winning $TANK tokens increase. It's a cycle of improvement and progress, where the savvy player with a well-customized tank fleet stands the best chance of triumph. Conclusion: Tanks, Tokens, and Triumph Tanks for Playing is not just a game; it's a dynamic world where strategy, collaboration, and tactical decisions shape your destiny. Whether you're navigating the fog, engaging in Token Battles, or upgrading your tank arsenal, there's always a new challenge waiting to be conquered. So, gear up, assemble your tank brigade, and dive into the world of Tanks for Playing. The battlefield awaits, and glory—and $TANK tokens—are within your grasp!

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Gunship Battle Crypto Conflict - Game Review

Gunship Battle Crypto Conflict - Game Review

Gunship Battle Crypto Conflict is a strategy conquest play to earn blockchain game in the traditional sense. The goal is simple that is expanding your military base, navy, and air fleets. Moreover, building and upgrading facilities, as well as your ground forces. Eventually, establishing yourself as a powerful player is a recurring theme in this game. However, Crypto Conflict has a unique economy centered on a unique mineral called Titanium. This material is tradeable for MILICO and eventually into real money in the real world. Crypto Conflict's Titanium-centric economy creates a fiercely competitive multiplayer environment in which players compete for control of the rare Titanium islands, which are the primary source of this valuable material. And, despite having direct access to these supplies, the winners are virtually sitting ducks while their troops gather and load the goods into their ships. And that's only for a day's worth of Titanium; in order to maintain a steady income, they'll have to repeat the process the next day. Gunship Battle Crypto Conflict Gameplay: While Crypto Conflict's core gameplay is comparable to that of other mobile strategy conquest games, the endgame is focused on Titanium. Later on, players are primarily concerned with harvesting Titanium on their various islands while keeping their opponents away through war and strife. Even if you manage to acquire a consistent supply of Titanium, you'll need to trade it for MILICO if you want to start generating money from your game; otherwise, you'll be limited to using it to upgrade your base and facilities. In this regard, if you want to make money from your time with Crypto Conflict, you'll need to unlock the MILICO Exchange option, which requires you to reach a certain level in the game.

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Decentraland - Game Review

Decentraland - Game Review

Decentraland is a 3D virtual reality platform that operates on the Ethereum blockchain, offering users a decentralized metaverse where they can create, trade, and explore immersive digital experiences. Founded by Ari Meilich and Esteban Ordano, Decentraland has evolved into a groundbreaking virtual world that empowers creators and users while utilizing blockchain technology. Here's an extensive summary of Decentraland's key features and dynamics. Land Ownership and Building: At the core of Decentraland is the concept of land ownership. Users can purchase virtual plots of land called LAND. Each LAND token represents a 33x33 ft. piece of virtual land within Decentraland's metaverse. These LAND tokens are non-fungible tokens (NFTs) based on the ERC721 protocol, making them tradeable assets just like traditional NFTs. LAND owners have the creative freedom to build various 3D structures and artwork on their land parcels, from houses and theaters to offices and museums, and even banks, shopping malls, grocery stores, sculptures, landscapes, and towers. Tokenomics: Decentraland's economy revolves around two tokens: LAND and MANA. LAND tokens, as mentioned earlier, represent virtual land ownership. MANA is the platform's native cryptocurrency, which operates as an ERC-20 token. MANA has several use cases within the ecosystem, including purchasing items in the Decentraland Marketplace, acquiring tickets to virtual events, and obtaining LAND tokens. MANA is also fungible, making it easily tradable on major cryptocurrency exchanges like Binance. Immersive Experience: Decentraland offers an immersive experience where users can customize their avatars to their liking, enhancing the sense of presence in the virtual world. The decentralized nature of the platform extends to governance, allowing members to vote on policy changes, land auctions, and subsidies. This democratic approach adds a layer of realism to the virtual experience, mirroring real-world decision-making processes. Platform Architecture: Decentraland operates on a three-layered architecture. The Consensus Layer tracks LAND ownership, the Land Content Layer handles asset distribution, and the Real-Time Layer facilitates peer-to-peer interactions, enabling a seamless and interactive virtual world. Development and ICO: Development of Decentraland began in 2015, culminating in a closed beta launch in 2019 and a public release in February 2020. The project raised $24 million through an initial coin offering (ICO) in August 2017. Notably, Decentraland's MANA tokens are mined using ASIC mining rigs, employing a proof-of-work consensus mechanism similar to Ethereum. Additionally, off-chain voting through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) allows the community to participate in governance decisions. Token Supply: The total supply of MANA tokens is capped at 2.19 billion, and users can acquire MANA through various centralized and decentralized exchanges, including Coinbase. Unique Features: Decentraland differentiates itself from other virtual worlds by offering a decentralized and user-owned metaverse. This empowers creators to fully realize the value of their creations, while users have greater control over their virtual experiences, content, and interactions. Activities in Decentraland: Within Decentraland, users can engage in a wide range of activities, including socializing, gaming, exploring user-generated scenes, visiting virtual galleries, attending events, and trading virtual assets. These activities make Decentraland a dynamic and engaging virtual world. Participation in Governance: Decentraland's governance system allows MANA and LAND token holders to participate in shaping the platform's future. Users can propose changes, vote on policy decisions, and actively contribute to the development of the metaverse. In summary, Decentraland represents a pioneering virtual reality metaverse that leverages blockchain technology to create a decentralized, user-driven ecosystem. It offers users the opportunity to own virtual land, engage in creative activities, and participate in the governance of a truly immersive and interactive virtual world.

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Frogs Run - Game Review

Frogs Run - Game Review

"Frogs Run" is an innovative free-to-play/play-to-earn NFT runner game designed for the BNB Chain. It seamlessly blends traditional free-to-play endless runner gameplay with lucrative play-to-earn mechanics, offering players an engaging experience set in an Aztec-inspired world with its own rich history and mythology. In this game, players assume the role of a frog runner tasked with collecting coins and defeating enemies. Gameplay Overview: The primary game mode, "Endless Run," features three lanes and familiar gameplay, catering to both casual and advanced gamers. However, "Frogs Run" introduces a dynamic event system that keeps the gameplay fresh and exciting. These events occur randomly and regularly, with one standout feature being the relentless snake pursuer, a real in-game threat, not just a cosmetic element. The game also incorporates a robust NFT component, rewarding players with tokens for reaching specific milestones, such as 1500 meters, with a daily cap of three tokens. A significant highlight is the extensive NFT customization available, allowing players to adorn their frog runners with up to 11 unique items. These items serve not only as a means of personalizing characters but also as a source of earnings. For instance, using an uncommon NFT skin can yield 2,166 tokens per run and 6,498 tokens daily, with similar mechanics applicable to rare skins. Players can also level up to increase their token earnings. To create and breed items, players require Biom(Lands), a resource exclusively available to Biom holders, thereby adding additional value to this game element. "Frogs Run" is accessible as a mobile game, compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, while plans for a PC version are also in development. Players must have a crypto wallet, such as Metamask or Trust Wallet, installed to purchase NFT frog skins. Furthermore, the game features an integrated spending balance on the backend, and a wallet like STEPN is expected to be integrated in the future. About the Developers: The development team behind "Frogs Run" comprises a diverse group of individuals, each possessing an average of 3-5 years of experience in their respective fields. The founder of the project brings six years of cryptocurrency experience and an additional eight years of marketing expertise to the table. The co-founder, with a decade of illustration experience, has worked on projects like "Master of Myths" and the upcoming "Heroes of Alboric." The current team consists of 11 members, including artists, 3D modelers, musicians, programmers, and more. They share a common goal of leveraging their skills and experience to create a unique NFT game with captivating gameplay, memorable visuals, and a robust token economy. Their ambition extends beyond creating a game; they aim to leave a lasting impact on the NFT gaming industry by setting a high standard for innovative and engaging gameplay. "Frogs Run" serves as a testament to how NFT games can be made both interesting and unique, setting a precedent for future projects to follow.

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Forest Knight: NFT-Infused Turn-Based Strategy Adventure - Game Review

Forest Knight: NFT-Infused Turn-Based Strategy Adventure - Game Review

Forest Knight is a mobile turn-based strategy NFT game. The game allows players to create their ideal crew and embark on an adventure as a Forest Knight. Moreover, you will obtain unique NFTs which you may use to upgrade your heroes or trade with other players. Forest Knight was influenced by a variety of games, including Heroes, Clash Royal, Brutal Age, Yu-gi-oh, Chess, and even Genshin Impact. That's a lot of beloved franchises to live up to, and the game still has a long way to go. Currently, gamers can download a copy of the game from the official website as well as read the game's whitepaper, creatively termed "Knightpaper." There, you may learn more about the designers' ambitions for their game, such as game features, future plans, and the competitive parts of Forest Knights, as well as the game's investment aspects, such as renting NFTs, staking yields, and, of course, the Ethereum backend. Forest Knight Game: Forest Knight is a mobile turn-based strategy game that allows players to assemble their ideal crew and embark on an adventure as the Forest Knight. Moreover, you will obtain unique NFTs by utilizing blockchain technology, which you may use to equip your heroes or trade with other players. In addition, Forest Knight mixes casual mobile gaming with blockchain gaming to bring you an incredible adventure, a gripping story, one-of-a-kind Heroes with specific skills, and one-of-a-kind NFTs for each Hero. The game contains fantastic features that cater to both PVE and PVP players. NFTs are one-of-a-kind, and their scarcity and strength determine their value. So, the rarer the NFT, the fewer there are, with certain categories having only 10 available. These NFTs can be weapons, accessories, and skins, but the team aims to introduce more items in the future, including pets, land, and much more! Gameplay: The game will begin with only one player, and this will remain the case for the duration of the game. Players will have to fight their way through non-player characters-infested maps (NPCs). Players will gain currency and equipment as they move through the game, which they may use to better their squads. Chrono Games plans to use the money it makes from the game and to build a PvP arena where users may battle their teams against each other in turn-based tactical matches.

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Outlaw Troopers - Game Review

Outlaw Troopers - Game Review

"Outlaw Troopers" is a play-and-own Non-Fungible Token (NFT) game set in the FGL Metaverse, in which players can collect virtual items using the WAX blockchain. This game offers an immersive and exciting gaming experience for players. "Outlaw Troopers" offers virtual valuable items such as troopers, space stations, encounter passes, and more in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This game is the third play-and-own game on the WAX blockchain to use the FGL token, adding an extra layer of value and excitement for players. Outlaw Troopers Game Overview: In "Outlaw Troopers," players can send their troopers on missions to collect credits, gears, and ore. They can also participate in dangerous encounters to rank up on the leaderboard and win big prizes. The goal is to build the most powerful outlaw empire. The game consists of both a passive and active part, offering a diverse and engaging gaming experience for players. The Passive Gameplay: Missions are where the passive part comes in. Go on a heist mission to stock up on credits! How about a hijacking mission to steal some ore from transporter ships? You decide! When you go on your mission, be sure to pick the best ship for the job! Upgrade to ships from the Cosmic Clash game for max potential! Collect and craft powerful gears to use on your missions. Want some better results from your missions? Apply some grunt gears to increase cargo capacity, lower mission costs, and more!Would you like to perform better in encounters?

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Meta Apes - Game Review

Meta Apes - Game Review

Meta Apes is a free MMO where you play as a monkey in a world after the end of the world. Meta Apes is a free mobile MMO strategy game where apes have taken over the world after the end of the world. Players work with their Gang to build the strongest Clan, and then they race to take over the whole universe. The first game on BNB Sidechain is a web3 version of the MMO game Age of Apes called Meta Apes. Meta Apes is another fun game that focuses on building cities, working as a team, interacting with other people, and using web3 features. It puts an emphasis on openness, ownership, and freedom. Players can download the game from Google Play or the App Store, link their accounts, create a wallet, and then go on an adventure with NFTs and play-to-earn features. Meta Apes is a one-of-a-kind multiplayer strategy game where the main goal is to work together to get to the launchpad in the middle of the map. There are many ways to play, and swiping lets you move quickly from one place to another. Players can build cities, manage their resources, train their troops, and do research in order to take part in PvP and PvE battles, as well as fun challenges and minigames they find while exploring the map. When their main fighter gets three stars, the pairing system is unlocked. This lets two heroes lead a unit into battle together. NFT fighters also have useful features like rarity levels, unique skills, improved abilities, and exclusive cosmetics that let players plan their moves and make the game more personal.

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Gran Saga: Unlimited - Game Review

Gran Saga: Unlimited - Game Review

The adventurous MMORPG flagship, Gran Saga: Unlimited game is an anime-inspired open-world game which is presented by METAPIXEL and powered by Aptos. Within Gran Saga: Unlimited's expansive virtual realm, players venture into diverse classes and roles, forging collaborations and competitions. This MMORPG transcends the screen by weaving personal experiences into its narrative, resulting in an evolving saga of player-driven intrigue and drama. In contrast to its precursor, Gran Saga, which offered a predetermined tale, GSU infuses reality, granting players a realm that extends beyond mere pixels. The experience is enhanced through cooperation and rivalry, as players band together for mutual success or vie for prestige and rewards. GSU ushers in an unparalleled MMORPG journey, where destinies intertwine and the metanarrative takes form.

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Infinite Fleet - Game Review

Infinite Fleet - Game Review

Infinite Fleet is an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) built on the Liquid Network, a sidechain of Bitcoin. It is a play-to-earn game, meaning players can earn rewards through gameplay. Infinite Fleet is a massively multiplayer online real-time strategy (MMORTS) game set in a dystopian future where humanity is on the brink of extinction. The game is built on the Liquid Network, a sidechain of Bitcoin, and offers players the opportunity to earn cryptocurrency while they play. With immersive gameplay and stunning graphics, players can explore a rich, immersive world and participate in epic battles as they work to save humanity from its impending doom. The game is being developed by veteran game developers, including Charlie Lee, and early access has been granted to players to allow for community input and feedback during the development process. Infinite Fleet Storyline: In Infinite Fleet, players are tasked with defending humanity against the Atrox, a destructive alien threat. The game is set in the United Sol Federation, the last line of defense against the Atrox. As players engage in combat and contribute to the game's rich history through the chronicles, they have the freedom to create their own stories and lore within the game. Developed by experienced game developers, including Charlie Lee, Infinite Fleet aims to provide a high-quality, play-to-earn MMORPG experience on the Liquid Network blockchain. Early access to the game has been granted to players, allowing the development team to shape the game based on community feedback. Gameplay: In Infinite Fleet, players take control of a fleet of starships and team up with an AI companion to fight against the alien threat known as the Atrox. As they explore the universe and participate in battles for space domination, players can also level up their stats through PvE gameplay. The game also includes a companion app for trading NFTs, managing tokens, and sending assets to other players. Additionally, players can boost their stats by searching for Godspeed Zones. Developed by experienced game creators and currently in early access, Infinite Fleet aims to offer a top-quality gaming experience on the Liquid Network blockchain. Tokenomics: Infinite Fleet is a new AAA MMORPG on the Liquid Network blockchain, developed by veteran game developers Charlie Lee and others. The game takes place in a world under attack by an alien threat called the Atrox, and players must join forces to defend humanity as part of the United Sol Federation (USF). Each player controls a fleet of starships with an AI companion, and gameplay includes both PvE elements and space battles for domination. Players can earn INF tokens, the in-game currency, by playing the game and can use them for transactions with vendors or other players. The game also features NFTs, including ships, shipyards, and fleets, which have unique characteristics and actual value. A companion app is available for managing tokens, trading NFTs, and transferring assets to other players. In order to advance in the game, players can search for Godspeed Zones to increase their stats.

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Nakamoto Games - Game Review

Nakamoto Games - Game Review

Nakamoto Games is a play-to-earn and free-to-play ecosystem built on blockchain. It was made to give game developers and players more opportunities. The Nakamoto Games was started with the goal of giving gamers and developers ways to make money through a play-to-earn ecosystem based on blockchain. The project aims to bridge the gap between traditional online games and play-to-earn games. It runs on the Polygon blockchain, which has benefits like low transaction fees and high throughput. The Nakamoto Games, unlike many blockchain games, deals with these problems and has a real token burn mechanism for deflationary sustainability. Their economy is diverse, and their economic model has no winners or losers. This makes for a strong financial ecosystem. They attract a larger audience by making a platform with multiple games and putting themselves in the play-to-earn market as leaders. Also, recent team additions have helped them improve their development, website updates, and tokenomics, which means they will continue to grow and listen to what the community has to say. This year, Nakamoto Games surprised everyone by putting out 20 different games in a wide range of genres, all of which kept getting better and better. But their innovative approach includes putting out about two new games a month, which helps them be successful in the long run.

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Defi Kingdoms (DFK) - Game Review

Defi Kingdoms (DFK) - Game Review

Defi Kingdoms (DFK) is an innovative role-playing game (RPG) set in a captivating pixelated 8-bit world. Players have the freedom to create their own characters and engage in real-time battles with other participants, offering a unique gaming experience that combines mythical cards, castles, dungeons, and strategic gameplay. The game operates on the Harmony network and employs a native token known as DEFI for all in-game transactions. DEFI also serves as the currency for purchasing items within the game. Furthermore, Defi Kingdoms features two additional tokens: ONE and JEWEL. ONE tokens are used for covering gas expenses, while JEWEL is the primary token within the game, facilitating in-game purchases and paying gas fees on the DFK chain. A noteworthy aspect of Defi Kingdoms is its implementation of cross-chain gaming, enabling interactions with different blockchain platforms, each offering distinct realms with unique features and gameplay experiences. As of now, the game presents two realms: Serendale on Harmony and Crystalvale on the DFK chain, with Serendale 2.0 operating on Klatyn. The game also introduces a unique farming and yielding system, allowing players to cultivate virtual gardens by planting seeds, ultimately earning real money. However, it's essential to note that completing quests in Defi Kingdoms may come with transaction conditions, adding depth to the gaming experience. The ecosystem token, JEWEL, plays a central role in the game, transcending realms and enabling players to pool resources in the Gardens and stake their authority at the Jeweler. Different realms within the game have their respective power tokens, with CRYSTAL representing Crystalvale and JADE for Serendale. While Defi Kingdoms is not a free-to-play game and requires an initial fee, the game's reward and quest system offers players opportunities to earn money while they indulge in the gameplay. With its engaging gameplay, a decentralized exchange, liquidity pool, and utility-driven NFTs, Defi Kingdoms presents an exciting addition to the world of blockchain gaming. It's currently under development and will soon be available on the Harmony network, making it a promising venture for players seeking an immersive and rewarding gaming experience. To prepare for their journey through the Defi Kingdom, players can invest in Harmony tokens.

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Play To Earn Games: Best Blockchain Game List For NFTs and Crypto

Play-to-Earn Game List
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