Exploring MIR4 NFT Game: A Quick Guide to Playing

Exploring MIR4 NFT Game: A Quick Guide to Playing

Play To Earn Games | 20 Jun 2024 13:25 UTC

Hailed as a gem in the web3 gaming ecosystem, MIR4 brings a fresh perspective to the MMORPG genre with its rich history and innovative gameplay. Developed by the creative minds at WeMade, known for delivering successful titles like Legend of Mir 2 & 3 and Icarus, MIR4 aims to captivate players with its unique blend of customization, abilities, and player assistance functionalities.

One of the standout features of MIR4 is its engaging narrative, which revolves around an Asian princess fleeing from an ambitious lord who seeks to marry her to claim the throne. This intricate backdrop adds depth and meaning to the player's journey, making the main campaign questline a compelling experience.

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MIR4 shines when it comes to accessibility, being available on mobile game stores, Windows, Steam, and Mac. With moderate hardware requirements, players of all demographics can enjoy the game, even those with lower-spec machines.


The gameplay in MIR4 kicks off with an extensive character creation process and six distinct classes to choose from: Warrior, Sorcerer, Taoist, Lancer, Arbalist, and Darkist. Players are gradually introduced to the game mechanics, including the economic system and crafting mechanics that add depth and strategy to the gameplay.

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As players progress, cooperative play becomes essential in navigating the game's challenges. With a diverse range of skills and abilities, players can personalize their combat style and formulate unique strategies, culminating in exciting late-game PvP dynamics and large-scale battles for territory.

A notable feature in MIR4 is the assistant function, allowing players to automate quest completion. This unique addition sets MIR4 apart from traditional MMORPGs, offering convenience and a fresh approach to gameplay.

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In summary, MIR4 receives a rating of 8.5 out of 10 for its engaging gameplay, immersive narrative, and comprehensive customization options. While the game excels in many aspects, there is room for improvement in terms of UI optimization for PC users and English audio support for western audiences. Overall, MIR4 is a solid addition to the MMORPG landscape, offering a blend of innovation and tradition that will resonate with players seeking a fresh gaming experience.

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