Discover Nekoverse: City of Greed - NFT Game Guide

Discover Nekoverse: City of Greed - NFT Game Guide

Play To Earn Games | 20 Jun 2024 14:43 UTC

Nekoverse: City of Greed may deceive players at first glance with its charming and simple graphics, leading them to underestimate the game's complexity and strategic depth. However, as players delve deeper, they find themselves engrossed in a game where every decision significantly impacts their success and earnings.



The game aims to be highly accessible, free to play, and available from any browser with a wallet connection. The paid version of the game follows the same core game loop and offers additional rewards upon completing the rounds.

At first glance, Nekoverse resembles a slots game. The game board consists of a 5-reel, four-symbol slot. Initially, the reels are mostly empty with only a few symbols. The game is divided into stages. In each stage, players must earn enough coins to pay the tax, all while under the pressure of limited spins.

Each spin costs one coin, and once the reels stop, the coins given by each symbol are calculated as winnings for the spin. Players then choose from three options in the shop, which range from symbols to boosters, each with varying rarity and cost.

However, focusing solely on the raw "coin payout" of each symbol will lead to failure. The game's strategy lies in building synergies between symbols, Nekos, and boosters. For example, one Neko provides a bonus payout when adjacent to a water bottle symbol. A booster may ensure that all "ore" symbols give an extra coin.

These factors introduce a deeper level of strategic play. The choice of how to spend coins and which synergies to build, considering the randomness of the shop, draws players into the game.

Additional pressure is added in the final rounds when players face off against the boss. Now, players not only pay a tax but also "attack" the boss, with each coin won reducing its health. However, the boss fights back by adding a debuff every turn.

Between each stage, players encounter dialogue from the "Mayor" Cat, which surprisingly engages players and creates a fuller "world" beyond the slots. This wider world is also reflected in the idea that each slot machine is situated on "land" with a fertility rating and level, affecting the quality of items offered by the shop.

Successfully defeating the boss rewards players with random rewards, ranging from symbols for their inventory, usable in future games, to payouts in Ethereum.

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The art, symbols, and animations are engaging and do not become repetitive or grating even after extended play. The depth of strategy elevates the game beyond casual enjoyment, keeping players coming back for more.

Nekoverse: City of Greed has been released in “seasons” with each changing the core loop slightly, maintaining high replayability. The x5 speed mode makes grinding enjoyable and breaks potential metas forming.

While the simplistic interactions and PvE challenge may not appeal to all players, the game hits the mark for its target audience. Excitement builds for future seasons and what surprises the mischievous Mayor Cat has in store.

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