AI Arena to Launch Neuron $NRN Token on Arbitrum in 80 Characters

AI Arena to Launch Neuron $NRN Token on Arbitrum in 80 Characters

Play To Earn Games | 20 Jun 2024 04:57 UTC

ArenaX Labs, building AI Arena, has announced key details on the upcoming launch of its Neuron ($NRN) token. This significant development marks a new chapter in the integration of AI and blockchain, aiming to foster a dynamic web3 ecosystem. The Token Generation Event (TGE) registration is now live. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about ArenaX Labs, their web3 game AI Arena, and the upcoming neuron $NRN token on Arbitrum.

In the world of innovative gaming and cutting-edge technology, ArenaX Labs has emerged as a trailblazer in the field of artificial intelligence and blockchain integration. With the upcoming launch of its Neuron ($NRN) token, the company is poised to revolutionize the gaming industry by combining AI, NFTs, and blockchain technology. Here's everything you need to know about ArenaX Labs, AI Arena, and the groundbreaking Neuron token set to launch on Arbitrum. ![AI Arena Launching Neuron $NRN Token on Arbitrum]( ### The Vision of ArenaX Labs ArenaX Labs is the creative force behind AI Arena, a PvP platform fighter that blends gaming, AI education, and NFTs. Recently, the company secured $6 million in funding, with support from Framework Ventures, SevenX Ventures, FunPlus/Xterio, and Moore Strategic Ventures. Founded in 2018 by Brandon Da Silva, Dylan Pereira, and Wei Xie, ArenaX Labs has a mission to educate individuals about artificial intelligence and inspire them to pursue careers in AI development. ### The Birth of AI Arena Initially focused on indie games, ArenaX Labs pivoted its focus in 2020 after discovering the potential of NFTs. This realization led to the creation of AI Arena, a platform fighter that allows players to purchase, train, and battle AI-enabled NFT characters in intense PvP matches. The game utilizes imitation learning, where AI characters observe human actions to learn new skills. Players can assess and train their AI characters strategically to improve their performance. The autonomous AI battles create engaging video content, adding an extra layer of excitement for players. ![AI Arena]( ### Unveiling the Neuron Token The upcoming launch of the Neuron ($NRN) token on the Arbitrum blockchain is set to redefine the gaming landscape. The Neuron token will serve as the native currency within the AI Arena ecosystem, enabling users to engage in various activities such as staking, governance, and accessing premium features. #### Key Details of the Neuron Token Launch **TGE Timeline** The registration period for the $NRN TGE runs from June 12th to June 19th. Participants must register within this timeframe to claim their tokens during the upcoming Claiming Period. AI Arena emphasizes using official channels like its social media accounts and Discord server to avoid falling victim to scams. ![AI Arena X (Twitter) Account]( #### Registration Process AI Arena has categorized eligible wallets into two cohorts, each with specific registration procedures to ensure a secure and fair process: - **Cohort 1**: Wallets scoring above the threshold can register and claim their tokens directly from the AI Arena portal. - **Cohort 2**: Wallets scoring below the threshold must register and claim their tokens through ByBit, a cryptocurrency exchange platform. #### Geographic Restrictions To comply with regulations, AI Arena has imposed geographic restrictions, barring residents of certain regions like the USA and Canada from claiming $NRN tokens. ![ArenaX Labs: Change The Game. Change The World]( ### The Economic Design of the $NRN Token The Neuron token plays a vital role in the AI Arena ecosystem, serving as a medium of exchange, staking asset, and governance token. Token distribution strategies ensure fairness and widespread adoption, with rewards for early supporters and contributors. #### Tokenomics and Eligibility - **Official Ticker $NRN**: Originally planned as $N, the ticker was changed to align with technical requirements. The token will be launched on the Arbitrum blockchain. - **Tokenomics**: The $NRN tokenomics are designed to promote engagement and stability, with a community allocation of 30% of the total supply. ![Neuron $NRN Token Allocation]( #### Vesting and Unlock Schedule The vesting schedule for $NRN tokens includes lock-up periods for investors, contributors, and the ecosystem to ensure a balanced token release. - **Investors and Contributors**: Tokens are locked for one year, vesting linearly over 24 months. - **Ecosystem**: Includes a 1.9% unlock at TGE, followed by linear vesting over 36 months. - **Community**: An 8% unlock at TGE, with future unlocks based on the performance of the game economy. ![Neuron $NRN Token Vesting and Unlock]( ### Eligibility for TGE Participation Measures have been implemented to reward genuine users who have participated in various campaigns and activities. The TGE process emphasizes rewarding active community members and ensuring compliance with campaign rules. Become a part of the transformative journey as AI Arena takes the lead in AI-driven blockchain applications. Register for the $NRN TGE and join the revolution today!

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