New Reward System Launches with Fableborne Adventures Season 1

New Reward System Launches with Fableborne Adventures Season 1

Play To Earn Games | 20 Jun 2024 02:22 UTC

Pixion Games has launched Season 1 of Fableborne Adventures, introducing an innovative reward system that allows players to earn different types of Essence through a variety of activities. This latest update in the web3 mobile ARPG and strategy hybrid game marks a significant milestone in the development of the Fableborne Ecosystem.

Fableborne Adventures Season 1 Launches with New Reward System

Fableborne Logo and Banner Art

Described as a fusion of "Diablo meets Clash Royale, Fableborne offers a unique blend of asynchronous PvP combat, combining strategic deck-building on defense with fast-paced ARPG raiding on attack. Set in the magical realm of Shatterlands, players assume the role of heroes tasked with raiding enemy kingdoms while defending their own.

One of the distinctive features of Fableborne is its asynchronous PvP gameplay on mobile, where attack and defense occur independently. This setup allows players to engage in competitive matches at their own pace, making it accessible for quick, snackable gaming sessions while offering depth for those seeking mastery. The game is powered by the Avalance blockchain.

Recent Rebranding; Enhanced Gaming Experience

Over the past seven months, the development team has been diligently working on remastering Fableborne to address player concerns and enhance the overall gaming experience. The most noticeable changes introduced in the rebranding include a new art style, revamped characters, and updated logos and colors.

The web3-powered PvP combat game's new art style, characterized by a lighter and more chibi-inspired aesthetic, aims to resonate with the preferences of mobile gamers, signaling a strategic shift in the game's visual identity. While the developers have teased glimpses of the new art style and main hero, Glint, they have yet to reveal details about the revamped gameplay - until now!

Fableborne Adventures Season 1 Launches with New Reward System

Introducing Glint the New Character Hero

Fableborne: Adventures Season 1 Details

In Fableborne Adventures Season 1, players can earn Essence by completing social quests, defeating community bosses in the Referral Raids mini-game, holding Primordial NFTs, and participating in in-game competitions and events. The types of Essence available are Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Primordial, each reflecting the value of the activities undertaken to earn them.

Bronze Essence is awarded for social quests, Silver for defeating bosses in Referral Raids, Gold for in-game competitions and events, and Primordial for holding Primordial NFTs. As Primordial Essence is tied to NFT ownership, it is considered the most valuable.

The accumulation of Essence leads to various rewards, though specific details on these prizes remain undisclosed. According to Pixion Games' Discord announcement, this system represents a major development for Fableborne, with promises of more features and events throughout the month.

Fableborne Season 1

Collecting Essence

Getting Started with Season 1

To participate in Season 1, players can sign up on the official Quest Platform using an Apple, Google, or X account, or by connecting a wallet. This platform provides access to social and community quests where players can start earning Bronze Essence. In-game competitions and events, which yield Gold Essence, will be available towards the end of the season, likely around late June or early July.

Detailed instructions for earning Silver Essence through Referral Raids are available in the developer’s official Medium post. This mix of social interaction and strategic gameplay aims to enhance player engagement and offer varied pathways to earn rewards.

Fableborne Adventures Season 1 Launch with New Reward System

Fableborne Adventures Season 1 Logo

Final Thoughts

Fableborne Adventures Season 1, which began on June 11th, is set to offer players a dynamic and rewarding experience through its newly introduced Essence system. With more events and competitions planned, Pixion Games is poised to keep the community engaged and excited about the potential rewards in the Fableborne Ecosystem.

By integrating diverse activities and a tiered reward system, Fableborne Adventures Season 1 offers players multiple avenues to engage with the game and earn valuable rewards. Stay tuned for more updates and events as the season progresses.

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