Guide to Earning DIO Points in Age of Dino
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Guide to Earning DIO Points in Age of Dino

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Ultimate Strategies for Maximizing Your Earnings in Age of Dino

Welcome back to our comprehensive guide to mastering Age of Dino! After covering the basics and giving you some initial strategies, we're diving deeper into how to amass DIO points. These points are integral to the play-to-airdrop campaign within the Xterio ecosystem, rewarding both gamers and NFT holders for their involvement.


With Age of Dino now accessible on iOS and Android, opportunities to earn DIO points are everywhere. However, it's important to distinguish between the earning avenues available to NFT holders compared to those open to all players. Let's explore the plethora of options awaiting you.

Dinobrawl Minigame

Engage in the Dinobrawl Minigame, a thrilling top-down shooter experience available on both web and mobile platforms. Guide your dinosaur in intense shootouts and evasive maneuvers to secure high scores and, more importantly, rewards. Both NFT holders and the general player base can participate, with each minute survived opening the door to potential DIO point rewards via randomized egg selections.

Remember, any DIO or TC points you earn here are on-chain currencies. This means you'll need to connect your Web3 wallet via the Xterio chain to play and manage your earnings efficiently.

For NFT holders, the "Dino Hammer" NFTs multiply rewards by 200 times for each round they're employed, varying in availability according to the rarity of your NFTs. This presents an incredible boost to your earning potential.

Dinosaur Mine

The Dinosaur Mine is an exclusive feature for Dinosty and Mechpal NFT holders. By utilizing Xterio's deposit function, players can activate massive boosts in both TC and DIO points. Within the Dinosaur Mine Site, your hatched dinosaurs become miners, and the rare the NFTs deposited, the higher your overall mining power.

Users have the option to set mining missions for durations of 4, 12, or 24 hours, requiring manual claim of rewards once completed. This feature underscores the value of strategic planning in maximizing your DIO point harvest.


X Crates represent the treasure chest of Age of Dino, filled with a mixture of TC or DIO points. The excitement of unlocking these crates lies in their varied rarity levels, from common to Epic, impacting the quality of loot inside.

Here’s the ultimate roadmap to ramp up your X Crate collection:

  • Daily Missions: Engage in daily missions to unlock common X Crates, with a completion bonus of a Random X Crate. These are your bread and butter for consistent rewards.

  • Intel Missions: Amp up the stakes with Intel Missions for a chance at snagging even more coveted X Crates. The difficulty scales up, but so do the rewards, presenting a compelling challenge.

  • Game and Alliance Events: Participate in events for both the challenge and the chance to earn high-tier X Crates. Alliance events, in particular, can offer Epic X Crates for top-performing groups.

  • Trading Hub: Leverage your TC for X Crates or vice versa. Strategic trading here can significantly impact your progress and collection.

Lastly, don't overlook the importance of the Wallet/Treasury for keeping a close eye on your DIO and TC point balances. With the option to deposit or withdraw through the Xterio platform, managing your in-game wealth becomes a breeze.

And there you have it, commanders! Armed with these insights and strategies, venturing into the prehistoric landscapes of Age of Dino has never been more rewarding. May your wits stay sharp, your reflexes swift, and your treasury overflowing. Here's to climbing the ranks and achieving DIO domination!

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