A Beginner's Guide to Navigating NFTs in Gaming 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Navigating NFTs in Gaming 2024

Play-To-Earn Games News, P2E Games News | 26 Apr 2024 18:19 UTC

NFTs and their emergence have interesting history attached to them, with the launch of the Ethereum blockchain in 2015, digital collectibles made a debut and the journey goes on to date.

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Take a Look at the Emergence and Rise of the Non-Fungible Tokens through the years.

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, have exploded in popularity in recent years, with high-profile sales making headlines and cementing their status as a major force in the world of art and collectibles. But where did NFTs come from, and how did they become so popular? In this article, we’ll look at the history and origins of NFTs, tracing their roots back to the early days of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

To understand NFTs, it’s important to first understand blockchain technology. At its most basic level, blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger that records transactions in a secure and transparent manner. Each block in the chain contains a list of transactions, and once a block is added to the chain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This creates a tamper-proof record of all transactions that have taken place on the blockchain.

One of the earliest examples of blockchain technology in action was Bitcoin, it came to life in 2009. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates on a blockchain, allowing users to make secure and anonymous transactions without the need for a central authority like a bank or government. Bitcoin quickly gained popularity among tech enthusiasts and investors, and its success led to the development of other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum.

Ethereum and the Emergence of NFTs

Ethereum, which was launched in 2015, is a blockchain-based platform that enables the creation of decentralized applications, or dApps. One of the key features of Ethereum is the ability to create and execute smart contracts. These are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller, directly written into lines of code. These contracts are used to automate the transfer of digital assets, such as cryptocurrency or digital art.

It was within the Ethereum ecosystem that the first NFTs hit the internet. In 2017, a project called CryptoKitties went live on the Ethereum blockchain. CryptoKitties is a game that allows users to collect, breed, and trade digital cats. Each cat is a unique digital collectible, which ensures that it is one-of-a-kind and is not replicable or duplicatable. The popularity of CryptoKitties led to a surge in interest in NFTs, and artists and creators began to explore the possibilities of using NFTs to sell digital art and other unique creations.

One of the first high-profile sales of an NFT was the sale of digital art by the artist Beeple. The artwork, titled “Everydays: The First 5000 Days,” was a collage of images by Beeple over the course of several years. The artwork went for a whopping $69 million at auction by Christie’s in March 2021. It is the most expensive NFT sale ever at the time.

Since then, digital collectibles have continued to gain popularity, with sales of NFTs for everything from digital sports trading cards to virtual real estate. The appeal of NFTs lies in their ability to provide a unique and verifiable record of ownership for digital assets. This was something that has traditionally been difficult to achieve. NFTs also allow creators to retain ownership and control over their work, even after selling it.

NFTs Chronology


The first NFT standard, ERC-721, came to light on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows for the creation of unique and non-interchangeable tokens.


CryptoKitties is a game where players collect and breed unique digital cats using NFTs. It becomes hugely popular and causes network congestion on the Ethereum blockchain.


NFTs start to gain traction in the art world, with early adopters selling digital art and collectibles through NFT marketplaces like SuperRare and KnownOrigin.


NBA Top Shot launch. The NFT launch offers fans the chance to collect and trade officially licensed NFTs of their favorite basketball players and moments.


NFTs see a surge in popularity, with high-profile sales. One prime example was a virtual plot of land in a blockchain-based game. It made a bank by selling for $1.5 million and an NFT artwork selling for $69 million.


The first NFT museum exhibition, "The First 5000 Days" by Beeple. It was live at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, cementing the status of NFTs as a major force in the art world.

Blockchain, Ethereum, digital collectible, NFT's, History, The Beginning,
NFT's, History, The Beginning

2022 and Present Status of NFTs

The use cases for NFTs continue to expand with NFTs representing everything from virtual real estate to carbon credits. Moreover, more and more industries are utilizing NFT technology like music and fashion.

While NFTs are still a relatively new technology, they have significantly impacted the worlds of art and collectibles. As technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, it is likely that we will see even more creative uses of NFTs in the years to come.

The Ultimate Guide to NFTs: A Journey Through Time and Pixels

Hey there! Welcome to your all-in-one, friendly guide to the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) - those digital assets that have been making waves across the internet. Whether you're here out of pure curiosity, a budding artist looking to dive into digital art sales, or a savvy investor seeking the next big thing, you've come to the right place. We're about to embark on a journey through the emergence and rise of NFTs, and trust me, it's as colorful and vibrant as the tokens themselves!

Table of Contents

  1. What's All the Buzz About NFTs?
  2. A Brief History: From Blockchain to Beeple
  3. NFTs Demystified: How Do They Work?
  4. Why on Earth Would You Buy an NFT?
  5. The Artistic Revolution: NFTs and Creativity
  6. The Nitty-Gritty: How to Start with NFTs
  7. Future Frontiers: Where NFTs Are Headed
  8. FAQs: Your Burning Questions Answered
  9. Glossary of Terms: Speak Like a Pro

What's All the Buzz About NFTs?

Remember the first time you heard about Bitcoin and thought it was virtual Monopoly money? Or when social media was just for sharing cat videos, not careers? Well, NFTs might sound like the latest internet fad, but they're much more than just a trend. They're revolutionizing how we think about art, ownership, and authenticity in the digital age. Imagine owning a piece of digital art that's as unique as a Van Gogh painting, with a certificate of authenticity to boot. That's the magic of NFTs.

A Brief History: From Blockchain to Beeple

The Dawn of Blockchain

Before NFTs became the talk of the town, there was blockchain - the tech wizardry that made it all possible. Picture blockchain as a digital ledger, but instead of tracking your monthly expenses, it records every transaction ever made. Secure, transparent, and without the need for a middleman. It started with Bitcoin in 2009, but it was Ethereum, born in 2015, that really set the stage for NFTs.

Ethereum and NFTs: A Match Made in Digital Heaven

Ethereum introduced the world to smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. It was like having a robot lawyer who worked for free. In 2017, Ethereum gave birth to the first "mainstream" NFT project - CryptoKitties. Suddenly, everyone wanted a piece of digital cats, and the internet's obsession with felines reached new heights.

The Beeple Boom

Fast forward to 2021, and a digital artist known as Beeple sold a piece for a jaw-dropping $69 million. Just like that, NFTs were catapulted from the fringes of the internet to the front pages of the world's leading newspapers. But it's not just about the money; it's about what NFTs represent - a new era of digital ownership and creativity.

NFTs Demystified: How Do They Work?

In the simplest terms, NFTs transform digital works into one-of-a-kind, verifiable assets that you can buy, sell, and trade. Think of them as digital certificates of authenticity for everything from artwork and music to memes and tweets. Each NFT is unique, or "non-fungible", which means it can't be exchanged on a like-for-like basis, unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

Why on Earth Would You Buy an NFT?

Great question! Buying an NFT is like purchasing a piece of internet history. Whether it's art, music, or a moment from a favorite sports game, you're owning something that can't be replicated. Plus, it's a way to support artists and creators directly. Remember, when you buy an NFT, you're not just buying a JPG file; you're investing in a piece of digital real estate that could appreciate in value.

The Artistic Revolution: NFTs and Creativity

NFTs have opened a whole new world for artists and creators. Gone are the days when digital artists struggled to sell their work or protect it from being copied without credit. Now, they can mint their art as NFTs, ensuring authenticity and scarcity, which can significantly increase its value. Plus, artists can earn royalties every time their NFT is resold. It's a game-changer.

The Nitty-Gritty: How to Start with NFTs

Diving into the world of NFTs can seem daunting, but it's easier than you think. You'll need a digital wallet, some cryptocurrency (usually Ethereum), and a spirit of adventure. Start by exploring NFT marketplaces like OpenSea, Rarible, or Foundation. And remember, the world of NFTs is vast and varied - there's something for everyone.

Future Frontiers: Where NFTs Are Headed

The potential of NFTs goes beyond digital art and collectibles. From virtual real estate in metaverse platforms to tokenizing real-world assets, the possibilities are endless. As technology evolves, we're likely to see NFTs impact industries like gaming, fashion, and even music in ways we can't yet imagine.

FAQs: Your Burning Questions Answered

Let's dive into some of the most common questions swirling around in the minds of many about NFTs. Whether you're a curious onlooker, an aspiring artist, or a potential investor, these answers will help clear the air and provide you with a solid understanding of the vibrant world of non-fungible tokens.

What's the difference between an NFT and cryptocurrency?

At first glance, NFTs and cryptocurrencies might seem like siblings, but they're more like cousins - related but with distinct characteristics. Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, are fungible, meaning each unit is the same as every other unit. One Bitcoin is always equal to another Bitcoin. NFTs, on the other hand, are non-fungible, meaning each token is unique and cannot be exchanged on a like-for-like basis. This uniqueness is what allows NFTs to represent digital art, collectibles, and more, each with its own distinct value.

How do I know if an NFT is worth buying?

Determining the worth of an NFT is a bit like appraising art; it's subjective and influenced by factors like rarity, the artist's reputation, and community interest. However, there are a few key things to consider:

  • Authenticity and Ownership: Ensure the NFT is created by the actual artist or the rightful owner.
  • Scarcity: Limited editions or unique pieces tend to hold more value.
  • Utility: Some NFTs offer additional benefits, like access to exclusive events or content.
  • Community and Social Proof: A strong, active community around an artist or project can be a good indicator of long-term value.

Can I create my own NFT?

Absolutely! Creating your own NFT is becoming increasingly accessible. You'll need a piece of digital art or content, a blockchain wallet, and some cryptocurrency to cover the "minting" fees. Platforms like OpenSea, Rarible, and Mintable offer user-friendly interfaces that guide you through the process of turning your digital art into an NFT. Remember, the value of your NFT will depend on factors like your reputation as an artist, the uniqueness of your work, and the demand within the NFT community.

Are NFTs just a bubble?

This is a hotly debated question. While some see NFTs as a speculative bubble prone to bursting, others view them as the beginning of a new era in digital ownership and art. Like any emerging market, there are risks and volatility. However, the underlying technology and the concept of digital ownership have potential applications far beyond art and collectibles. Only time will tell, but the principles behind NFTs are likely here to stay, even if the market undergoes changes.

Glossary of Terms: Speak Like a Pro

To navigate the NFT universe confidently, it's essential to understand the lingo. Here's a quick glossary of key terms:


A digital ledger that records transactions across many computers in a way that prevents alterations, ensuring the security and integrity of the data. It's the foundational technology behind cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT)

A type of digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content, using blockchain technology. Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs are not interchangeable.


A decentralized, open-source blockchain system that features smart contract functionality. It's the primary platform for creating and managing NFTs, although other blockchains also support them.

Smart Contract

A self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller directly written into code. Smart contracts automate and enforce the terms of an agreement, based on predefined rules.


The process of creating a new NFT by registering it on a blockchain. This digital process turns your digital art or collectible into a part of the blockchain, ensuring its uniqueness and ownership rights.

Understanding these basics will give you a solid foundation as you explore or engage with the world of NFTs. Whether you're minting your first piece, investing in digital art, or just satisfying your curiosity, the world of NFTs is rich with possibilities and new frontiers to explore.

So, there you have it - a whirlwind tour of the enchanting world of NFTs. Whether you're here to marvel at the digital renaissance or ready to jump into the fray, remember, the world of NFTs is as vast as it is vibrant. Here's to exploring this new frontier, armed with knowledge and a dash of curiosity. Who knows? The next digital masterpiece or revolutionary project could be just around the corner, waiting for you to discover it. Happy NFT hunting!

Play to Earn Gaming News

Looking for the best games where you play to earn money (P2E)? Check out our site for reviews of video games. Our huge collection of P2E games has been carefully put together to give you all the information you need. Include the type of game, the platform, the tokens, the white papers, and links to social media. Our site also has game trailers and in-depth reviews, so you'll always know what's new in gaming. We are proud to give you daily news updates about the latest Play-to-Earn, P2E, blockchain, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), crypto, Web3, and metaverse games.

Check out our "Top Games" and "Game Lists" to find the best P2E games and game developers, and read our "Video Game News" every day to find out what's going on in the gaming world. Contact us if you have any PlayToEarn Game news or send us your press release if you're launching a game, and our PlayToEarn Game news writers will cover it. Our video game review site will help you find the best Play-to-Earn (P2E) games out there.


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Tiny Colony - Game Review

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Tiny Colony is a one-of-a-kind pixelated ecosystem on the Solana blockchain that offers a variety of games and experiences that do not require NFTs to play. Tiny Colony is a groundbreaking pixelated ecosystem and the world's first blockchain game for simulating construction and management. It has a wide range of game modes, activities, and experiences, so there are always ways to have fun and make money. Also, you can become a smart humanoid ant by working with other players to build and run your own colony, gather in-game resources, and make your own version of the settlement. The game's interesting mythology and detailed world-building make it feel like a real place. Earn rewards and in-game currency for your work, making the game more fun and showing that hard work is appreciated. Players can also defend their colonies by choosing from different factions and taking on different challenges. They are able to finish missions and make the world a better place. The unique way Tiny Colony works gives players full control over their assets, so each building and collection is completely yours. Tiny Theatre is a part of the game, and it lets players learn more about the story and history of the game through short animated films. Get ready to go on an exciting journey to find out what the Tiny Colony is hiding. Tiny Colony is a game that is both fun and profitable. Players build and grow their ant colonies while protecting them from threats, making alliances, and taking part in community events.

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BR1 - Game Review

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Sorare - Game Review

Sorare - Game Review

If you're a football enthusiast who's tired of the same old fantasy football routine, Sorare might just be the game-changer you've been waiting for. Created by Nicolas Julia and Adrien Montfort in 2018, Sorare is a fantasy football game that intertwines the thrill of managing your dream team with the excitement of cryptocurrency trading. Let's dive into what makes Sorare stand out in the realm of fantasy sports. Sorare's Unique Gameplay! Real-world Integration: Unlike traditional fantasy football games that rely solely on hypothetical scenarios, Sorare connects the virtual and real worlds seamlessly. Your team's success depends on the actual performance of the players on the field. This integration of real-life statistics, player form, and skills adds an extra layer of strategy to the game. As someone who has been playing fantasy football for years, Sorare's approach brought a new level of excitement to the game. Suddenly, my decisions as a manager had real consequences, and I found myself more invested in the actual matches. Card Types and Rarity: Sorare introduces a captivating collectible aspect with four distinct card types: Limited, Rare, Super Rare, and One-of-a-kind. The scarcity of these cards adds value, turning each card into a coveted digital asset. Tip: Keep an eye on the market dynamics. Limited cards are more common, but the One-of-a-kind cards are the holy grail. Understanding the rarity can be a game-changer in the marketplace. Getting Started with Sorare. Sign Up and Card Acquisition: Getting started with Sorare is a breeze. Head to Sorare's official website, sign up, and start your journey. One unique aspect is the ability to draw cards for your favorite teams. This personalizes your gaming experience right from the start. Insider's Tip: Engage in beginner tasks to acquire more starter cards. These initial cards lay the foundation for your team, and strategic use of them can make a significant difference. Trading on the NFT Marketplace: Sorare operates on the Ethereum blockchain, utilizing NFT technology for the creation and trading of player cards. The NFT marketplace allows players to buy and sell cards using Ethereum (ETH). This aspect not only adds a layer of security to ownership but also opens up a whole new world of trading possibilities. Trading cards in Sorare's marketplace reminded me of the thrill of trading physical sports cards as a kid. The digital aspect, coupled with blockchain security, takes it to a whole new level. Sorare's Play-to-Earn Concept Rewards and Prizes Sorare's Play-to-Earn model is a game-changer in the gaming industry. By actively participating in contests and challenges, players can earn rewards in the form of ETH and rare player cards. This innovative approach turns Sorare into not just a game but a potential source of income for dedicated players. Success Story: A friend of mine delved into Sorare casually and found themselves winning rare player cards. It turned from a hobby into a lucrative venture, adding a new dimension to their gaming experience. Weekly Scoreboard and Rankings The thrill of competition is heightened with the weekly scoreboard. Your team's performance determines your rank, and the higher you are on the scoreboard, the greater the rewards at the end of the week. This dynamic keeps players engaged and motivated to consistently improve their strategies. Personal Insight: Climbing the weekly scoreboard is a rush. It's not just about winning; it's about outsmarting your opponents and making strategic decisions that pay off. Frequently Asked Questions about Sorare Understanding the Game Q1: What sets Sorare apart from traditional fantasy football games? A1: Sorare integrates cryptocurrency and blockchain technology into fantasy football, making player cards valuable assets with real-world worth. Q2: How can I participate in Sorare? A2: Sign up on Sorare's website, create your teams using NFT cards, predict match outcomes, and earn points based on real-life player performances. Q3: What makes Sorare's NFT cards unique? A3: Sorare offers Limited, Rare, Super Rare, and One-of-a-kind cards, each with varying levels of rarity and market value. Q4: How do I earn rewards in Sorare? A4: Accumulate points through your team's real-world performance, and the higher your rank on the weekly scoreboard, the greater your rewards. Q5: Can I trade NFT cards in Sorare? A5: Yes, Sorare has a marketplace where players can buy and sell NFT cards using Ethereum (ETH). Q6: What's the Play-to-Earn concept in Sorare? A6: By actively participating in the game, players can win valuable prizes like ETH and rare player cards, turning Sorare into a profitable venture. Sorare's Ongoing Evolution Collaboration and Expansion Sorare's journey doesn't stop at its initial success. Regular collaborations and content updates keep the game fresh and exciting. The recent partnership with the Premier League is a testament to Sorare's commitment to delivering a top-notch gaming experience. Anticipation: As a Sorare player, I'm always excited about what new collaborations and content drops will be announced. It keeps the game dynamic and unpredictable. Conclusion: Sorare's Winning Formula In the realm of fantasy football, Sorare has managed to carve its own niche by blending traditional sports enthusiasm with cutting-edge blockchain technology. The result is a game that not only entertains but also rewards players for their strategic acumen. Whether you're a seasoned fantasy football player or a newcomer to the scene, Sorare offers a unique and thrilling experience that transcends the boundaries of traditional gaming. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Sorare, assemble your dream team, and let the games begin! With Sorare, the thrill of football meets the excitement of cryptocurrency, creating a gaming experience like no other.

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Battle Infinity - Game Review

Battle Infinity - Game Review

Introduction to Battle Infinity! Imagine stepping into a world where gaming isn’t just about playing; it's about earning and being part of an expansive, interactive universe. That's what Battle Infinity offers. It’s not just another gaming platform; it's a vibrant ecosystem that marries the thrill of play-to-earn battle games with the boundless possibilities of a Metaverse. And at the heart of this universe is the enthralling "Battle Beasts Soccer." A Personal Anecdote: Remember the excitement of playing soccer with friends, where every goal felt like a triumph? Now, imagine that feeling intertwined with the allure of fantasy creatures and the strategic depth of chess. That's the essence of "Battle Beasts Soccer" – a game that reminds me of childhood joys but with a twist that keeps me hooked as an adult. Dive into "Battle Beasts Soccer": The Gameplay Mechanics. "Battle Beasts Soccer" is where fantasy meets the soccer field. In 3v3 matches, players choose from a roster of otherworldly creatures, each bringing unique skills to the pitch. The game's two fundamental mechanics, Offensive and Defensive, demand strategic thinking and quick reflexes. Whether it's mastering the art of dribbling or executing a timely tackle, the game offers a rich and dynamic experience. The Thrill of the Golden Goal: One of the most exhilarating aspects is the golden goal period. It’s akin to the nail-biting overtimes in traditional sports, where every move can lead to glory or defeat. It’s a test of not just skill but nerve, reminiscent of those tense moments in a soccer match where the crowd holds its breath, waiting for the decisive goal. The Power of $IBAT Token: Tokenomics and Utility. The $IBAT token is the lifeblood of the Battle Infinity world. Operating on the Binance Smart Chain, it bridges the gap between traditional gaming and blockchain. What makes $IBAT stand out is its utility. It’s not just a cryptocurrency; it’s a passport to a myriad of in-game features and assets. With a max supply of 10 billion, $IBAT ensures a balanced and vibrant economy within the game. My Experience with $IBAT Investing in $IBAT felt like buying a share in this virtual world's future. It’s not just about in-game transactions; it’s about being part of a community that believes in the fusion of gaming, finance, and the Metaverse. Community Insights What Players are Saying The response to Battle Infinity has been overwhelmingly positive. Players appreciate the professional implementation and the clear vision of the development team. It’s not just another game; it’s viewed as a groundbreaking project with enormous potential. Personal Reflection Joining the Battle Infinity community felt like being part of a movement. There’s a sense of belonging and anticipation, akin to being fans of a sports team, waiting eagerly for the next big win. Technical Specs and Game Info Genre: Play-to-Earn Battle Game Platform: Web-based, multi-device accessible Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20) NFT Integration: Yes, for unique in-game assets and characters Tokens: $IBAT for various in-game utilities Game Phase: Ongoing development with active updates Game Type: "Battle Beasts Soccer" - a unique blend of soccer and strategy in the Metaverse FAQs: Unlocking the Mysteries of Battle Infinity How Battle Infinity Stands Out Battle Infinity’s blend of play-to-earn mechanics, strategic gameplay, and Metaverse integration sets it apart from traditional platforms. It’s not just a game; it’s a gateway to a new realm of interactive entertainment. The Significance of $IBAT $IBAT is more than a token; it’s a symbol of innovation and community. It represents a new era where gaming, finance, and virtual worlds coalesce, offering players a unique experience that goes beyond the screen. The Community's Role The community is the heartbeat of Battle Infinity. Their enthusiasm and feedback shape the game’s evolution, ensuring that it’s not just a product but a shared journey in the ever-expanding universe of play-to-earn gaming. Conclusion: Join the Revolution Battle Infinity is not just a game; it's a revolution. It’s a fusion of nostalgia, innovation, and community. Whether you’re a gamer, a crypto enthusiast, or just someone looking for a new adventure, Battle Infinity invites you to be part of this exciting new chapter in gaming history. Explore More on Our Game Listings Discover more about Battle Infinity and similar games on our Games Overview pages. Dive into our extensive listings across multiple pages, and find your next gaming obsession! Watch Our Game Review Now, don't just take my word for it. Check out our video game review

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Wam App - Game Review

Wam App - Game Review

Check out WAM, the play-and-earn app that combines online games, social connections, and rewards for the ultimate social gaming experience. Compete against real people from all over the world in our fun and easy-to-play tournaments to win NFTs, crypto, status, and collectibles backed by blockchain technology. How to play-and-earn in WAM app? The Wam App is a platform that lets you play and understand a wide range of very casual games. Players must sign up for a public or private tournament to play a game. Each tournament has its own entry fee and prize pool in WAM Tokens. Every time a new player joins the tournament, the prize pool grows. Players can join public or private tournaments and compete to win a share of the prize pool, which is shown in WAM Tokens. Each tournament has an entry fee that includes WAM Tokens, which are added to the prize pool. The goal is to get the highest score and rank possible, and players can keep playing up to three times after starting over by paying a small amount of WAM Tokens. This means that everyone has the same chance of winning, no matter how much money they have. To win, players must get the highest possible score and ranking. Players can also pay a small amount of WAM Tokens to keep going with their current score for up to three more tries. After three tries, the game starts over from zero. Real-time rankings let players see how they're doing and know when other players beat them. The goal of the game is to get the best score and place. Up to three times, players can use a small number of WAM Tokens to keep going from a certain score. After that, the game is reset to zero. The ranking for the event is shown in real time, so players can see when other players beat their score. At the end of the event, the people with the most points win prizes from the reward pool. These prizes are paid out in WAM Tokens to their wallets. The Wam app has a variety of super-casual games and tournaments that give players different ways to earn WAM Tokens. Players can take part in both public and private tournaments. The entry fee and prize pool for each event are shown in WAM Tokens. The goal of the games is to get the highest score and rank possible. For a small amount of WAM Tokens, you can continue from a certain score. With real-time rankings, players can see how they're doing and compete for prizes at the end of the event. In the Rewards Center and Daily Challenges, there are different ways to earn WAM Tokens that change often.

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Evolution Land - NFT Game Review

Evolution Land - NFT Game Review

Evolution Land is a blockchain game that uses Darwinia Network's cross-chain technology and features two "continents" on Ethereum and Tron. You may purchase and sell land, manage your space, harvest crops, and construct structures. Moreover, there are 26 continents in total, each with its own blockchain, and the game has over 5 blockchains involved in its lands and NFTS. The platform provides users with virtual real estate and a concept of continents. On these continents, users can buy a land, farm, work on various structures, or hire other users to mine resources on their territory. Players can also buy and sell land on continents, harvest resources and construct buildings, engage in PvP, conduct scientific research, and so on. Fungible and non-fungible coins that are truly owned by the players and safeguarded by blockchain technology where their continent is used significantly in evolution terrain gameplay. In-Game Lands and Their Value: The game already features certain continents on the blockchain. The fourth continent of Evolution Land, the continent of Dawning, will have a total of 2025 lands based on the Huobi ECO Chain. Evolution Land has set aside a total of 249 Lands as reserves, In addition to the center area's resources, there are gold mines, forests, lakes, volcanoes, hills, and other places that will provide for prize distribution, During Crab and Darwinia Network parachain rental offers are for a two-year leasing period, Approximately 1000 acres are in reserve to thank the supporters and the community, The remaining 727 acres of land will go in the auction. An apostle or mining drill is responsible to extract a planet's resources. These resources are tokens that are exchangeable with real money. Furthermore, a user has the liberty to use points to cash out RING rewards in the Happy Lottery. Landowners can get a commission from the apostles and mining drills which can be a significant sum of money!

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Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 - Game Review

Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 - Game Review

Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 is a P2E mobile game where players compete in chaotic mini-games for NFT pins to bring back the excitement of the Winter Games. Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 is the official play-to-earn mobile game for the Winter Olympics. Get ready to dive into its exciting world. People were looking forward to this game, which was made by nWayPlay in partnership with the International Olympic Committee. Its fun gameplay and new features are meant to keep players interested. By putting their Olympic NFTs on the Flow blockchain, the Animoca Brands-owned studio has once again pushed the limits of NFTs. They promise a truly unique and rewarding way to play games.

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Imperium Empires - Game Review

Imperium Empires - Game Review

Imperium Empires is a groundbreaking space-themed third-person action RTS NFT game within the Avalanche Blockchain network, introducing in-game currencies like IME and IMC tokens. This innovative GameFi 2.0 AAA metaverse offers an array of PvE and PvP experiences and integrates DeFi into gameplay. It further aims to bridge DeFi with the global gaming community. Additionally, players form guilds to conquer the metaverse and construct empires, addressing issues through unique features like NFT burns in PvP and fostering a dynamic, team-oriented environment. With in-house game development expertise, Imperium Empires pioneers a fun-to-play, interconnected gaming ecosystem, revolutionizing the play-to-earn landscape. This space-themed, third-person action RTS NFT game is play-to-earn and powered by the Avalanche network. This innovative gaming venture introduces two in-game currencies, IME and IMC tokens, and falls under the GameFi 2.0 category, fusing traditional gaming experiences with decentralized finance (DeFi) elements. Imperium Empires seeks to bridge the DeFi and global gaming communities while offering a rich array of player-versus-environment (PvE) and player-versus-player (PvP) experiences. One of the standout features of Imperium Empires is its focus on forming player guilds to conquer the metaverse and construct empires. The game incorporates unique mechanics, such as NFT burns during PvP encounters, fostering a dynamic, team-oriented environment. Imperium Empires is a notable player in the play-to-earn landscape, drawing attention for its space-themed AAA metaverse. The game caters to players of all skill levels, with a Safe Zone providing a low-stress environment for PvE combat orientation. Spaceships are designed to be easily repairable, making it an ideal learning ground for newcomers. The game also offers the Combat Zone for more intense PvP combat, where the stakes are higher, and spaceship component destruction is a possibility. The pinnacle of challenge lies in the War Zone, where high risks offer the greatest rewards, albeit with the potential for permanent spaceship loss. In addition to combat, players can scavenge from defeated ships, adding an economic dimension to the game. On the PvE side, Imperium Empires offers asteroid mining, enabling players to refine ores for profit or use them in guild construction projects. This diversity of experiences ensures there's something for every player, from cooperative mining to territorial control and various combat encounters across distinct zones. Tokenomics play a pivotal role in the Imperium Empires ecosystem, with two in-game currencies. IME tokens can be obtained by looting defeated enemy spacecraft and participating in seasonal tournaments. These tokens are instrumental in acquiring NFTs and engaging in staking activities. On the other hand, IMC tokens can be earned by selling refined ores on the marketplace and through guild-based rewards. Players can utilize IMC tokens for ship repairs, covering guild facility fees, and contributing to guilds for structure development. As for community response, there appears to be a mix of anticipation and skepticism. Some users express excitement about the gameplay and project's potential, while others raise concerns about the project's lack of a gameplay trailer before its IDO (Initial DEX Offering) launch. Additionally, there is speculation about when popular content creators like PewDiePie might venture into the world of Web3 games, with some users indicating their intent to recommend Imperium Empires to such influencers.

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Oath of Peak - Game Review

Oath of Peak - Game Review

As an adventurer in Oath of Peak, you can explore beautifully made 3D lands where you can make friends with pets, monsters, and other adventurers. The MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) of Oath of Peak takes players into a mythical and legendary world. Play the part of a person who likes to try new things and explore carefully made 3D landscapes. Making deals with other explorers and making friends with pets, monsters, and other people who share your adventurous spirit. This long-awaited game is all about being easy to play. It can be played on both mobile devices and PCs, so a wide range of people can enjoy it. Blockchain technology is what makes Oath of Peak stand out. It changes how the players work together and makes the game more fun. Players can also use $PKTK and $OOP tokens, as well as NFT items and beasts, to get rewards. The Goddess made the Earth into a lush paradise full of resources, where people, elves, spirit beasts, and other beings could live and thrive. But when the Goddess left, the Evil Spirits became envious and turned this utopia into a place where people fought each other. On the other hand, a hero with a powerful sword showed up, brought people of different races together, and led a brave fight against the evil invaders. After making deals with humans and spirit beasts, the Elves changed into Spirit Benders and were able to stop the Evil Spirits. People enter the Earth Realm in the present day. After the war, the realm came back to life as a new generation of Spirit Benders. Also, players use their Spirit Bender powers and the mysterious stories told by the mysterious human to go on a heroic journey through the Omnispirit Realm, reliving past victories and making their own legends.

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DeepSpace: Space Metaverse with a Twist - Game Review

DeepSpace: Space Metaverse with a Twist - Game Review

DeepSpace: A Space Metaverse with a Twist! Imagine a universe where your strategic decisions, combat prowess, and exploratory adventures can turn into real-world rewards. That's the captivating premise of DeepSpace, a blockchain-based metaverse game that's making waves in the gaming community. As someone who's navigated the intricate world of blockchain gaming, I can tell you that DeepSpace stands out with its unique play-to-earn concept. In this game, you're not just a player; you're a pioneer crafting civilizations, conquering territories, and venturing into uncharted cosmic realms. Blockchain Gaming Meets Space Exploration: Hosted on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC), DeepSpace is a 3D space-based metaverse that offers a rich tapestry of activities like spaceship trading, resource mining, and engaging battles. It's a blend of strategy, combat, and exploration, tailored for both the casual gamer and the blockchain enthusiast. DeepSpace Review: A Gamer's Perspective. Developed by Chainify Labs, DeepSpace elevates traditional gaming with its smart NFTs and Play-to-Earn mechanics. As a gamer who's seen the evolution of in-game economies, I find the integration of blockchain tech in DeepSpace particularly innovative. The game's Galactic Resource Exchange and the use of the native $DPS token add a tangible sense of achievement to your gaming exploits. Gameplay Experience: Every time I dive into DeepSpace, I'm struck by the depth of its gameplay. Owning and deploying NFT starships in a universe teeming with resources and opportunities feels genuinely exhilarating. The game's seven distinct planets, each with its unique challenges, ensure that your strategic skills are always put to the test. The Thrill of Exploration and Battle: From mining planets to engaging in high-stakes battles for dominance, DeepSpace offers a dynamic and rewarding gaming experience. The addition of Land Deeds as resource-generating NFTs is a game-changer, providing an avenue for passive income within the game. And let's not forget the asteroids – a consistent source of resources for the daring miners among us. Understanding DeepSpace's Tokenomics At the heart of DeepSpace's economy is the $DPS token, a linchpin that drives in-game transactions and rewards. With a total supply of 100,000,000 $DPS, this token is not just an in-game currency; it's a symbol of your achievements and efforts within the game. Community Enthusiasm It's not just me who's excited about DeepSpace. The gaming community is abuzz with anticipation. Comments like "Looking forward to this project launching!" and "hope I get a spot" are common. There's a palpable sense of excitement about the potential of flying spaceships and engaging in epic space battles. Dive into More Game Reviews If you're intrigued by DeepSpace, there's a whole universe of games waiting for you to explore. Check out our Games Overview pages, where we list hundreds of games across multiple genres. Whether you're into strategy, action, or exploration, there's a game out there for you. Visit our listings across pages 1 to 8, and find your next gaming adventure! Conclusion: The Final Frontier in Gaming DeepSpace is more than just a game; it's a foray into a new era of gaming where your skills and strategies have real-world value. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a blockchain enthusiast, DeepSpace offers a unique and rewarding experience. It's a game that pushes the boundaries of what we've come to expect from the digital realm. So, are you ready to conquer the stars and reap the rewards? DeepSpace awaits!

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Bullieverse - Game Review

Bullieverse - Game Review

In "Bullieverse," a fun blockchain game, players can become citizens of Bulliver Island by purchasing a Bull non-fungible token (NFT). The game allows players to own and control digital assets in the form of Bull NFTs, which represent their place in the game's virtual world. "Bullieverse" is a simple game in which players can become citizens of Bulliver Island by purchasing a Bull non-fungible token (NFT). These NFTs allow players to use a 3D representation of their Bull to play games within the game's virtual world. In 2021, a total of 10,000 Bull NFTs were created, and more than 2300 wallets currently hold them. The NFTs were programmed with 160 different bull attributes to add variety and depth to the gameplay experience. Overall, "Bullieverse" offers a fun and engaging gameplay experience for players who enjoy collecting and using NFTs. Bullieverse Gameplay Earning: In "Bullieverse," players who own a Bull non-fungible token (NFT) have access to the "Play-and-Earn" feature. In this game mode, players control a bull avatar and must battle against bears in order to win prizes. The prizes for winning include a Bear NFT and Bull tokens. The game keeps track of winners on a leaderboard, adding an element of competition and replay value for players. Overall, "Bullieverse" gamifies the process of earning rewards and provides players with a fun and engaging gameplay experience. You also get rewards for holding your COBI NFTs, and they are dependent upon a few factors. Which are the rarity of the bull NFT and the number of these Bull NFTs owned by a player. For instance, just 2.5% of the island's residents have bulls with claws, making them uncommon. Other uncommon characteristics include Crown, Laser eyes, Dagger horns, etc.

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Mines of Dalarnia - Game Review

Mines of Dalarnia - Game Review

Mines of Dalarnia is a 2D action-adventure game that uses DAR as its token. Players can harvest, use a variety of in-game rewards. All assets are NFTs. Players can harvest and use a variety of in-game rewards to improve their skills and gear as they advance through Dalarnia's universe in pursuit of unique relics and treasures.

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Dustland Runner - Game Review

Dustland Runner - Game Review

Dustland Runner is a move to earn crypto NFT game where you will explore, survive, and earn real money. After a cataclysmic event, the earth witnessed a solar flare calamity on a global level. The reaming after this cataclysmic event is only a big ball of barren land and deserts. This is an NFT game with $DOSE tokens. The year is 2272, and only a few survivors of that fateful event now remain on earth. The survivors roam from one place to another in search of food, water, resources, and other fellow beings. The future of the world rests in your hands, or it may be the end of human civilization. You must run all over the metaverse terrain by actually running in the real world to advance as a player. Dustland Runner is an audio game of fitness where working out will be required to earn points and complete tasks in the game. Higher levels will help unlock more features and greater rewards in the form of $DOSE tokens. The game is a project of the OliveX metaverse, the creator of games like 22 Pushups, and Dustland Riders. $DOSE is the unified currency of the OliveX metaverse ecosystem. In Dustland Runner, $DOSE tokens are utility tokens that are necessary for the in-game economy and performing various tasks in the game. However, in order to start in the game, the players must first buy Kettlemine NFTs that will allow the players to buy $DOSE tokens. In a changing world, where everyone is moving towards the metaverse, physical and mental health is also necessary and Dustland Runner provides that with the opportunity to earn money and have fun.

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Armored Kingdom - Game Review

Armored Kingdom - Game Review

Armored Kingdom is a unique and innovative NFT card game that defies genres and is available on multiple platforms. Set in a medieval fantasy universe, this character-driven tale is full of conflict, deceit, and mystery. Players can immerse themselves in the immersive world of Armored Kingdom as they collect, trade, and use cards featuring a variety of characters and abilities. Whether you are a seasoned card game player or new to the world of NFTs, Armored Kingdom offers something for everyone. Its genre-defying gameplay and immersive universe make it a must-try for anyone looking for a fresh and exciting gaming experience. In a crucial battle that could potentially destroy all three armies, the humans of the Veldt, the sea creatures known as the Costraca, and the anthropomorphized jungle animals from the Kingdom of the Horn are ready to engage in combat. However, before any fighting can take place, a mysterious city-sized spacecraft appears and threatens to take on all three empires. Despite not moving, the unseen threat forces the armies to put aside their differences and work together. Despite the need for cooperation, there are rivals among the three armies. The chaotic situation presents opportunities for those who seek to gain control at any cost. When the coalition leader is killed, a group of fugitives must prove their innocence and embark on a quest to find missing magical relics, which could be their only hope of stopping an extraterrestrial invasion. As they search for the weapons, they must navigate the political intrigue and maneuverings of their fellow factions. The overarching narrative of this universe, which will be reflected in the comics, games, and animation, is designed to create synergy and a sense of cohesion. The story is set in a rich, multicultural world with intricate backstories and a serialized plot full of twists and turns. By weaving together the various elements of this expanding universe, we aim to create an engaging and immersive experience for our audience.

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Mecha World - Post-Apocalyptic NFT Adventure on WAX Blockchain - Game Review

Mecha World - Post-Apocalyptic NFT Adventure on WAX Blockchain - Game Review

Mecha World is a post-apocalyptic game set in a world where players must scavenge, quest, and build their own mecha animals in order to survive and thrive. These mecha animals, or mechanized creatures, are created using NFTs on the WAX blockchain, giving players the ability to truly own and customize their own unique mecha animals. In addition to building and customizing their mecha animals, players can also engage in battles with other players' mecha animals, testing the strength and capabilities of their creations. The game's post-apocalyptic setting adds an extra layer of excitement and danger, as players must navigate through a world filled with danger and uncertainty in order to survive. Dice battles are a simple but strategic way to test your Mecha's strength against other players' Mechas. Players will roll a virtual dice to determine their attack, and the higher number wins the round. Players can also earn rewards for participating in these battles, such as new Parts for their Mechas or in-game currency. In addition to the dice battles, Mecha World will also introduce additional PvP modes, such as 1v1 and team battles, allowing players to test their strategic skills and Mechas against others in more complex and dynamic combat situations. Players can also embark on quests with their Mechas, discovering new locations and battling enemies to earn rewards and experience points. As their Mechas level up, they can unlock new abilities and become even more powerful. Overall, Mecha World is a unique and exciting NFT game that combines the fun of building and customizing your own Mecha with the thrill of battle and questing in a post-apocalyptic world.

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Knights of the Ether: Blightfell - Game Review

Knights of the Ether: Blightfell - Game Review

Knights of the Ether: Blightfell is a play to earn blockchain gaming experience that seamlessly integrates Web3 play-to-earn economics with intricate gameplay. It offers players a unique dual-chain universe within the Knights of the Ether (KOTE) ecosystem, where they can explore two distinct games: a Play2Earn (P2E) staking questing adventure and an engaging Deck-Building Roguelike challenge. These games cater to different skill sets, with the P2E "Stake/Quest" game requiring strategic thinking within the TreasureDAO ecosystem, and the Deck-Building Roguelike offering tactical battles against formidable monsters. The hallmark of this experience is its endless replayability and substantive progression, where every decision made carries weight. Knights of the Ether Review: The narrative unfolds in the mysterious realm of Blightfell, where a Knight and his two loyal Squires have vanished under enigmatic circumstances. Players step into this world, assuming the roles of either villagers, blessed villagers, or knights, each with unique health attributes. The game world is procedurally generated, with daily map refreshes and sporadic special events, creating a dynamic and evolving environment. The central quest is to assist in the search for the missing Knight and his faithful Squires. To partake in the primary Deck-Building Roguelike adventure, players must obtain a Knight of the Ether NFT. The P2E staking/questing game, on the other hand, requires the possession of Arbitrum Squires NFTs. NFTs: Knights of the Ether NFTs are native to the Ethereum network and can be acquired through direct minting via the KOTE website or through marketplace transactions. Every Knights of the Ether NFT ownership grants players a complimentary Arbitrum Squire NFT, residing on the Arbitrum L2 network. Additionally, players can obtain Squires through secondary marketplace channels. Despite existing on separate blockchain chains and serving distinct purposes, these NFTs are intricately interconnected. Squires play a pivotal role in enhancing the abilities of their Knights, facilitating resource accumulation, and acquiring essential gear for the Deck-Building Roguelike adventure. This interdependence creates a symbiotic relationship where Knights rely heavily on their Squires, and Squires derive value through their collaboration with Knights. Tokenomics: Participation in the primary Deck-Building Roguelike adventure necessitates owning a coveted Knight of the Ether NFT. The P2E staking/questing game, meanwhile, relies on the ownership of Arbitrum Squires NFTs. Knights of the Ether NFTs can be minted directly from the KOTE website or obtained through marketplace transactions, residing on the Ethereum network. Ownership of a Knights of the Ether NFT automatically grants a complimentary Arbitrum Squire NFT on the Arbitrum L2 network. Alternatively, players can procure Squires through secondary marketplaces. Despite residing on separate blockchain networks, Knights of the Ether NFTs and Arbitrum Squires NFTs maintain a complex symbiosis. Squires play a pivotal role in enhancing the capabilities of Knights, aiding in resource acquisition, and acquiring superior gear for the Deck-Building Roguelike game. Knights, in turn, rely on their Squires for crucial support and collaboration throughout their epic journey. The in-game utility and governance token is known as $FIEF. Community Response: The community response to Knights of the Ether: Blightfell varies. Some individuals have expressed concerns, such as high gas fees for minting free Villager NFTs, while others have recommended exploring different gaming experiences like "cross the ages." There are also comments critiquing the game's aesthetics, likening it to a flash-made game. Overall, community sentiment seems mixed, with both excitement and reservations about the project.

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Play To Earn Games: Best Blockchain Game List For NFTs and Crypto

Play-to-Earn Game List
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