Zeeverse Evolutions: Level Up Your Zees Now!

Zeeverse Evolutions: Level Up Your Zees Now!

Play To Earn Games | 20 May 2024 06:21 UTC

Get ready to level up in Zeeverse! Discover the new Evolutions feature where you can transform your Zees, boost stats, and unlock awesome abilities. Dive into this monster-taming RPG adventure today!

Get ready to Level Up in Zeeverse!

Zeeverse Introduces Evolutions Feature on May 20th

Hey, gaming enthusiasts! Have you heard the latest? On May 20th, Zeeverse is launching a totally rad feature called Evolutions! This isn't just any update—it’s a game-changer for all you monster tamers out there. Let's dive into what makes this feature a must-check-out!

How to Evolve Your Zees? Here’s the Scoop!

Alright, let’s break it down! Want to level up your Zees beyond level 50? It’s simple but epic! All you need is to chat with Coyote, the master of Zee evolution. He’s the only one who can bump your Zees from level 50 to a whopping level 100!

Here’s the inside scoop: leveling up a level 50 Zee? You’ll need to sacrifice two same-type Zees and shell out 150k $VEE using your Treasure wallet. Remember, keep those tokens and Zees on-chain to make the magic happen. What’s the payoff? Your Zee not only jumps to level 51 but also transforms with a new look, new powers, and boosted stats. That’s right, a 10% stat boost without changing their traits!

Meet the New and Improved Zees!

Check this out! Evolving your Zoomba? You'll get Zuulu, rocking the "Bee Sweet!" ability that messes with your foe’s moves right from the get-go, lowering accuracy and piling on those gnarly Blind & Burn debuffs.

And there’s more where that came from. Chakari evolves from Chaka and brings the fiery "Burn-e-rang" into play, adding a hefty 50% Bloodthirst to your next strike plus a debuff halving any healing the enemy Zee tries to sneak in.

Don’t forget about Hotpot who evolves into Maocai, snagging the "Hot Plot" ability. It's an AOE blast that crafts a shield equal to half the damage dealt—talk about a game changer!

Additionally, for those who favor variety, the new roster includes three Fire types, three Grass, and three Water types. Each comes with unique abilities like Tonka's "Rock Whisperer" or Gajara’s "Trunk Smooch," which banks damage from Reverse Harm to unleash or heal as needed.

Curve Llamas Level Up Too!

And for the Curve Llama fans? Get this: evolve your Curve Llama for 420 $CRV, and it turns into Curve Ll, or even funkier, the Funkier Curve Ll. These new forms come with Monty's Box, a trickster move that puts a new spin on cooldowns and combat strategy.

So, what are you waiting for? Jump into Zeeverse, level up your game, and explore these awesome new Evolutions! It's going to be a blast—see you in the game!

More details? Head over to their medium page and read everything you need to know!

Quick Facts: Zeeverse's Evolution Feature

What's New?

  • Zeeverse Evolution Rolls Out! — Gear up! On May 20th, Zeeverse introduces a groundbreaking feature: Evolutions!

How It Works:

  • Talk to Coyote — Ready for a change? Coyote’s your go-to for evolving those Zees from level 50 to 100.

Upgrade Details:

  • Double the Power — Sacrifice two Zees, spend some $VEE, and boom! Your Zee hits level 51 with a cool new form and enhanced abilities.

Meet the New Zees:

  • From Zoomba to Zuulu — Catch the 'Bee Sweet!' ability that messes up enemy moves right from the start.
  • Chakari and Maocai Enter the Scene — New looks, new powers. Witness Chakari’s 'Burn-e-rang' and Maocai’s 'Hot Plot' in action.

Additional Evolutions:

  • Curve Llamas Get Funky — Transform your Curve Llama into Curve Ll or even Funkier Curve Ll with the quirky 'Monty's Box' ability.
Get ready to level up in Zeeverse! Discover the new Evolutions feature where you can transform your Zees, boost stats, and unlock awesome abilities
Get ready to level up in Zeeverse! Discover the new Evolutions feature where you can transform your Zees, boost stats, and unlock awesome abilities

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