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Tag: Blockchain

Nigeria Stresses Blockchain and AI as Tools Against Financial Crimes in Africa

Nigeria Stresses Blockchain and AI as Tools Against Financial Crimes in Africa

Navigating Through the Storm: Africa's Fight Against Illicit Financial Flows Imagine a world where roads, hospitals, and schools across Africa receive a massive boost in their quality and availability This vision might seem distant, even unrealistic, to some, but it might be closer to reality than we think, courtesy of a groundbreaking idea that's been making waves across the continent The spotlight is on a daring proposal to employ the latest in tech innovations—Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI)—to tackle the persistent issue of illegal money movements that plague African nations The Underlying Challenge At the heart of Africa's development and stability challenges lies a significant problem: the staggering loss of funds through illicit financial flows This issue was recently brought to light by none other than Olanipekun Olukoyede, the head of Nigeria's Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC)...

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Transactions of Runes Token Plunge 88% on the Bitcoin Blockchain

Transactions of Runes Token Plunge 88% on the Bitcoin Blockchain

The Ripple Effect of Declining Runes Transactions on Bitcoin's Ecosystem The Bitcoin blockchain has seen its fair share of innovations and adaptations over the years, but recent trends present a fascinating case study into the impacts of token standards on the network A notable player in this narrative is the Runes token standard, which, according to Dune Analytics, has experienced a significant downturn in activity This development isn't just a statistic but a story of how emerging technologies interact with the robust ecosystem of Bitcoin, affecting everything from miner fees to the fundamental economics of the blockchain A Sharp Decline in Runes Activity The recent data is striking: daily transactions involving Runes tokens have plummeted by over 88% from their peak just a few months ago This decline is significant, not merely for the numbers themselves but for what it signifies about the adoption and usage of new token standards within the Bitcoin network...

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Sky Mavis Integrates Lumiterra into Ronin Blockchain

Sky Mavis Integrates Lumiterra into Ronin Blockchain

Exploring the Exciting New World of Lumiterra on the Ronin Blockchain Gaming is an ever-evolving industry, constantly on the move and always searching for the next big platform to entertain and engage its audience In a move that signals a significant shift in the direction of blockchain gaming, Ticker Logic Studio, a creative force in the gaming landscape based out of Hong Kong, has announced a strategic decision that's about to change the face of online multiplayer games The MMO RPG, Lumiterra: Embers of the Legacy, is transitioning from the Arbitrum blockchain over to Ronin, an EVM-powered platform created by Sky Mavis This move isn’t just a change in the backend; it's a major play to enhance accessibility and elevate the gaming experience for enthusiasts worldwide Lumiterra isn't just any game...

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OneFootball Club Debuts on Base Blockchain Platform

OneFootball Club Debuts on Base Blockchain Platform

Introducing the Game Changer in Football Fan Engagement: OneFootball Club Welcome to the future of football fandom, where your passion for the game earns you more than just bragging rights Imagine a world where every cheer, every follow, and every display of loyalty to your favorite team could unlock exclusive rewards, achievements, and a sense of belonging in a global community This isn't just a dream; it's the reality offered by the revolutionary platform known as OneFootball Club (OFC) The Birth of OFC: A New Era for Football Fans In an exciting move that merges the worlds of football and digital innovation, the OneFootball platform has launched its latest initiative, the OneFootball Club This remarkable endeavor is the brainchild of a collaboration with Animoca Brands, utilizing the power of blockchain technology and digital collectibles...

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Inactive Whale Moves $61M in Bitcoin to Exchange, Blockchain Records Reveal

Inactive Whale Moves $61M in Bitcoin to Exchange, Blockchain Records Reveal

The Big Splash: Whales Making Waves in the Crypto Sea Welcome to the wild, wild world of cryptocurrency, where fortunes can be made and lost in the blink of an eye, and where the 'old hands'—the ones who've been around the block a time or two—are stirring things up again If you've been keeping an eye on the market this quarter, you might have noticed some bearish trends What's contributing to this downward pressure, you ask Well, it seems the veterans are in a selling mood, offloading their coins and making significant ripples across the crypto sea What’s Happening with the Market...

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The Impact of Blockchain on Gaming Industry Evolution

The Impact of Blockchain on Gaming Industry Evolution

Unraveling the Blockchain Revolution in the Gaming Universe The evolution of gaming technology has been nothing short of spectacular From the early days of pixelated screens to the modern era of immersive 3D graphics, the gaming industry has always been at the forefront of embracing technological advancements In recent years, a groundbreaking technology has slowly started to weave its way into the fabric of gaming, showing potential to transform the industry in unprecedented ways This technology is none other than blockchain – a decentralized ledger system renowned for its critical role in the rise of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum Digital Assets In the Gaming World: Scarcity and Ownership Blockchain's foray into gaming heralds a new dawn for digital asset ownership and scarcity...

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Particle Network Raises $15M in Series A Funding for Blockchain Abstraction Tool

Particle Network Raises $15M in Series A Funding for Blockchain Abstraction Tool

The Exciting Frontier of Blockchain: Particle Network's Leap Forward The digital age is constantly evolving, and at the forefront of innovation lies the blockchain technology, pushing boundaries and redefining possibilities A significant leap in this dynamic landscape is marked by Particle Network's recent achievements and ambitious plans Let's dive into the world of Particle Network and explore the advancements that are setting the course for the future of blockchain technology Empowering the Future with $15 Million in Funding In a remarkable milestone, Particle Network has successfully secured a whopping $15 million in a token round, co-led by heavyweights The Spartan Group and Gumi Cryptos Capital This boost of confidence is further supported by an impressive roster of participants including SevenX Ventures, Morningstar Ventures, Flow Traders, and HashKey Capital, not to mention the strategic backing from industry giants like Animoca Ventures, LongHash Ventures, and Alibaba Group...

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ApeCoin Enhances Web3 Games with Supra's Blockchain Data Service Integration

ApeCoin Enhances Web3 Games with Supra's Blockchain Data Service Integration

Revolutionizing Real-Time Data and Randomness on Blockchain with Supra In the constantly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, the demand for real-time data accessibility and integrity in outcomes has never been more critical Entering the stage to address these crucial needs is Supra, a frontrunner in providing top-tier data oracle and verifiable randomness solutions that are set to redefine how GameFi, DeFi, and various decentralized applications (dApps) operate Supra's Decentralised Oracle and Randomness Protocols Supra is making waves with its Decentralised Oracle Agreement (DORA) and decentralised verifiable randomness (dVRF), two innovative solutions poised to bolster the blockchain ecosystem These technologies are designed to ensure that GameFi, DeFi, and other dApps have access to real-time, trustworthy data and can generate fully transparent, unpredictable outcomes This breakthrough is not only a game-changer but also a trust-builder within the community...

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"Solo Leveling: Unlimited" Debuts on Avalanche Blockchain via OtherWorld

"Solo Leveling: Unlimited" Debuts on Avalanche Blockchain via OtherWorld

The Dawn of a New Era: Gaming Meets Blockchain with 'Solo Leveling: Unlimited' Imagine a world where your favorite webtoons and blockchain technology collide to create an immersive experience like no other Well, guess what That world isn't just a figment of your imagination anymore OtherWorld has propelled us into the future with the closed beta launch of 'Solo Leveling: Unlimited' (SL:U), a cutting-edge digital collectibles platform This thrilling initiative harnesses the power of Avalanche's technology to offer a smooth experience, including transactions without those pesky gas fees...

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The Future of Digital Collectible Card Games Through Blockchain Technology

The Future of Digital Collectible Card Games Through Blockchain Technology

Splinterlands: Play and Trade Collectible Cards to Earn Cryptocurrencies In the ever-evolving world of blockchain gaming, one game has notably stood out by offering players not just the thrill of battle but also the opportunity to earn cryptocurrencies Enter Splinterlands, a collectible card game that operates on the Hive Blockchain Since its debut in 2018, originally known as Steem Monsters, it has drawn in an impressive player base of over 100,000 and hosted more than 60 million matches This game has positioned itself as a frontrunner in the dApp space, redefining how gaming and blockchain technology intertwine The mechanics of Splinterlands are akin to those found in popular card games like Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone...

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Over Half a Million Users Join Blockchain Game in Just One Week

Over Half a Million Users Join Blockchain Game in Just One Week

Splinterlands Breaks Its Own Record: A New Era in Blockchain Gaming Imagine diving into a universe where your gaming achievements earn you real rewards, where each move you make and each victory you secure could spell the difference between commonality and rarity Welcome to the thrilling world of Splinterlands, a digital coliseum where strategy and luck collide Recently, this groundbreaking NFT video game raised the bar by smashing its previous user engagement figures, reaching an unprecedented milestone that signals a significant shift in the landscape of blockchain gaming The Rise to Half a Million Users In a landmark achievement, Splinterlands has seen its realms flooded with enthusiasts and strategists alike, crossing the threshold of 500,000 active users in a single week This surge is not merely a number—it's a testament to the game's growing allure and the vibrancy of its community, a remarkable feat since its inception...

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Introducing the Inaugural Blockchain Game Endorsed by the NFL

Introducing the Inaugural Blockchain Game Endorsed by the NFL

The Exciting Kickoff of NFL Rivals: A Blend of Sports and Blockchain Technology The world of sports is about to get thrillingly intertwined with the latest in blockchain technology The announcement of NFL Rivals marks the NFL's pioneering venture into the blockchain gaming arena Gamers and NFL enthusiasts alike are on the edge of their seats, eager to step into the shoes of a General Manager (GM) of an NFL team, navigating their way through the game with the help of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Although the specifics of the gameplay remain under wraps, there's widespread anticipation and speculation among fans and players about this innovative game The details we know so far about NFL Rivals NFL Rivals is gearing up to offer an immersive experience that couples the strategic depth of being a team GM with the excitement of collecting and trading player NFTs...

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Epic Games and Gala Collaborate to Launch "Grit," a Blockchain NFT Game

Epic Games and Gala Collaborate to Launch "Grit," a Blockchain NFT Game

A New Frontier: The Epic Adventure of Grit - A Blockchain Gaming Saga Begins Imagine stepping into a world where the dust swirls around your boots, the sun sets over a horizon lined with saloons and the sound of spurs echo through the streets This isn't just a journey back in time to the Wild West; it's a leap into the future of gaming, where blockchain technology reigns supreme Welcome to Grit, the result of a groundbreaking collaboration between Epic Games and Gala Games, unveiled during the buzz of the Galaverse convention on June 6th Grit isn't just another video game; it's the frontier of a new era, blending the excitement of battle royale with the innovation of NFT technology How did Epic Games and Gala Games become partners...

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Ora Secures $20M for AI Oracle on Blockchain, Backed by Polychain, HF0, Hashkey

Ora Secures $20M for AI Oracle on Blockchain, Backed by Polychain, HF0, Hashkey

Revolutionizing AI and Blockchain Integration: A Closer Look at Ora Protocol's Latest Advancements In an era where technology continuously reshapes our world, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with blockchain technology has become the next frontier for developers and tech enthusiasts Among the trailblazers in this domain, Ora Protocol has emerged as a key player with its groundbreaking approaches to decentralization and AI The Beacon of Trust in Decentralized Applications Ora Protocol has introduced what it calls a "verifiable oracle protocol", which stands as a pillar for building decentralized applications (dApps) that are not only trustless from end-to-end but also harness the power of artificial intelligence This initiative is not just about creating a new wave of applications; it's about instilling trust and transparency within the ecosystem where AI and blockchain merge Through their pioneering efforts, developers now have the toolkit to build dApps that go beyond the conventional, exploring new horizons where AI can play a central role...

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Crown Chaser and Elysium Form Blockchain Alliance

Crown Chaser and Elysium Form Blockchain Alliance

The Dawn of a New Era in Gaming: Crown Chaser Meets Blockchain Exciting news has surfaced for the gaming community as Incantum Games teams up with Elysium Blockchain to bring an innovative twist to the beloved game, Crown Chaser This strategic partnership is set to revolutionize the gaming landscape by embedding blockchain technology into the game’s core, promising a slew of enhancements that cater to security, authentic in-game asset ownership, and a universally accessible gaming economy The Fusion of Gaming and Blockchain Gone are the days when gaming was just about hitting high scores and completing levels With the integration of Elysium Blockchain's cutting-edge technology, Crown Chaser is not just a game—it's an economy This free-to-play tower defense and real-time strategy marvel, available across Windows, Android, and iOS platforms, is about to redefine gaming economics...

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