Sequence and Astar Network Launch Astar Studio with $200K Grant!

Sequence and Astar Network Launch Astar Studio with $200K Grant!

Play To Earn Games | 22 May 2024 19:22 UTC

Discover the epic launch of Astar Studio by Sequence and Astar Network! Get in on the $200K grant program, explore Astar zkEVM, and start building amazing web3 apps today!

Quick Recap: Sequence and Astar Network's Epic Launch!

What’s Happening?

  • Sequence and Astar Network Team Up: They’re launching the Astar Studio developer console.
  • Massive $200K Grant Program: A $200K credit grant for developers is up for grabs.

Why Astar Network Rocks!

  • Originated in Japan: A network of over 550,000 members and 300+ dapps.
  • Big Partnerships: Collaborations with CASIO, Japan Airlines, and more.

The Magic of Astar zkEVM

  • Low Transaction Fees: Thanks to off-chain batched transactions.
  • Seamless Ethereum Integration: Existing smart contracts run smoothly.
  • Account Abstraction Support: For a better gaming experience.
  • Developer-Friendly Tools: Use Remix, Hardhat, and Open Zeppelin.

Sequence Builder and Astar zkEVM’s Power Combo

  • Seamless Integration: Build on Astar zkEVM and Astar ZKyoto using Sequence.
  • Full Access: Utilize smart wallet solutions, marketplaces, and more.

How to Get Started

  • Explore Astar Studio: Sign up and use intuitive web3 tools.
  • Apply for Funding: Get a chance to secure part of the $200K credit grant.

Discover More About Sequence

  • All-in-One Development Platform: For integrating web3 into games.
  • Trusted by Big Names: Backed by Take-Two Interactive, Ubisoft, and Coinbase.

Ready to dive into this exciting world? Start building with Astar and Sequence today!

You Won’t Believe What Sequence and Astar Network Just Launched!

Sequence and Astar Network have teamed up to bring you the Astar Studio developer console. And guess what? There’s a whopping $200K grant program for developers. Let’s dive into the details!

And if you are interested, check out the website of Astar Studio!

What Makes Astar Network So Special?

First things first, what exactly is Astar Network? Originating from Japan, Astar Network is a buzzing hub for creators, businesses, and gaming enthusiasts. With over 550,000 members and more than 300 dapps, it’s got partnerships with giants like CASIO, Japan Airlines, and Mazda. This network is a game-changer in the blockchain world!

The Power of Astar zkEVM!

Ready to dive into Astar zkEVM? At the heart of Astar Network lies its Layer-2 scaling solution using zero-knowledge proofs. This makes web3 experiences on the Ethereum blockchain super smooth and efficient. Here’s why Astar zkEVM stands out:

  • Low Transaction Fees: Off-chain batched transactions keep costs down.
  • Smooth Ethereum Integration: Existing Ethereum smart contracts run seamlessly.
  • Account Abstraction Support: Players enjoy a smooth gaming experience.
  • Developer-Friendly Tools: Keep using tools like Remix, Hardhat, and Open Zeppelin.

How Sequence Builder and Astar zkEVM Are Changing the Game!

Here’s the scoop! The Sequence Builder platform, combined with Astar zkEVM, provides developers with powerful tools to create amazing web3 applications and games using Astar Studio. This collaboration makes life easier for developers, creators, and players. Check this out:

  • Seamless Integration: Build on Astar zkEVM (mainnet) and Astar ZKyoto (testnet) using the Sequence stack.
  • Full Access to Tools: Use smart wallet solutions, marketplaces, and more through an intuitive dashboard.

The $200K Astar Studio Credit Grant!

We’re super excited to announce the Astar Studio Credit Grant! Sequence and Astar Network are offering $200,000 in Astar Studio credits. These can be used for any developer tools within Astar Studio. And that’s not all! Selected projects get reduced marketplace fees. Ready to get funded? Let’s get started and see what’s in store!

Steps to Kickstart Your Journey with Astar Studio

Want to know more? Keep reading! Here’s how to get started with Astar Studio:

  1. Explore Astar Studio: Sign up and dive into a streamlined development workflow with intuitive web3 tools.
  2. Get Funded: Apply for the Astar Studio Credit Grant and see if your Astar zkEVM project gets selected!

Discover More About Sequence and Its Impact on Web3!

Lastly, let’s talk about Sequence. It’s an all-in-one development platform for integrating web3 into games. From collectibles to fully on-chain experiences, Sequence makes blockchain simple so developers can focus on creating awesome player experiences.

Trusted by hundreds of games and thousands of developers, Sequence is backed by big names like Take-Two Interactive, Ubisoft, and Coinbase. This is going to blow your mind!

So, are you ready to dive into the world of Astar and Sequence? Sign up today and start building the future of Web3!

Sequence and Astar Network Launch Astar Studio with $200K Grant!
Sequence and Astar Network Launch Astar Studio with $200K Grant!

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