Pixels Hits 1M Users: Join the Epic RPG!

Pixels Hits 1M Users: Join the Epic RPG!

Play To Earn Games | 17 May 2024 06:10 UTC

Dive into Pixels on the Ronin Network! Experience the explosive RPG that's smashing records with over 1 million daily active users. Ready for epic gaming action?

Pixels Shatters Records with 1 Million Daily Active Users!

Pixels, that epic browser-based RPG on the Ronin Network, just smashed past 1 million daily active users! That’s right, over 1 million of you are diving in every single day, making Pixels one of the hottest games in the blockchain universe!

Wild Growth on the Ronin Network

Since its big move to Ronin in November 2023, Pixels has been on a wild ride. And guess what? It’s not stopping there. We’re racing towards 4 million lifetime wallets! That’s almost a 23% jump in just a few weeks—absolutely insane!

Maybe, just maybe, you try it yourself? Go Play here!

Setting New Benchmarks

Remember Axie Infinity? Pixels is closing in on their record of 1.1 million daily users. We might just set a new record soon, making Pixels the undisputed champ of blockchain games!

Battling the Bots

But it’s not all about playing; it’s also about battling those pesky bots. Pixels is stepping up big time, making sure your gaming experience is as smooth as possible.

VIP Benefits for Players

And for those of you investing in the game with $RON, there’s some sweet VIP action waiting for you.

The Future of Blockchain Gaming

Keep your eyes peeled, guys—Pixels is redefining what blockchain gaming can be. Who’s ready to be part of this game-changing adventure?

Pixels: The Game-Changing RPG!

Quick Facts

  • Massive Player Base: Over 1 million daily active users!
  • Lifetime Wallets: Nearing 4 million!
  • Record Chasing: Poised to overtake Axie Infinity's peak records!
  • Bot Battles: Aggressive measures against bots!
  • VIP Perks: Special benefits for $RON token investors!

Dive Deeper

Unstoppable Growth

Pixels is absolutely crushing it on the Ronin Network with more than 1 million daily players! Since its daring move in November 2023, this browser-based RPG hasn’t just grown—it’s soared!


We're zooming past milestones here, people! Currently aiming for 4 million lifetime wallets—that's a whopping 23% increase in just a few short weeks. How epic is that?

On the Verge of History

Pixels isn't just playing games; it’s setting records! Watch out, Axie Infinity—Pixels is closing in fast on your 1.1 million daily user record. We’re about to rewrite history!

Fighting the Good Fight

It's not all fun and games. We're seriously stepping up to smash those annoying bots, ensuring a smooth and fair gaming experience for everyone.

Exclusive Rewards

And for the real enthusiasts investing with $RON, get ready for some sweet VIP action. Exclusive perks are waiting just for you!

Join Pixels

Pixels is not just a game; it's a revolution in the blockchain gaming world. Are you ready to be a part of this epic journey? Join now and help Pixels set new gaming standards!

Dive into Pixels on the Ronin Network! Experience the explosive RPG that's smashing records with over 1 million daily active users. Ready for epic gaming action
Dive into Pixels on the Ronin Network! Experience the explosive RPG that's smashing records with over 1 million daily active users. Ready for epic gaming action

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