Next-Gen Gaming: AI, Blockchain, and VR Trends for Gamers Like You!

Next-Gen Gaming: AI, Blockchain, and VR Trends for Gamers Like You!

Play To Earn Games | 23 Apr 2024 12:09 UTC

Dive into the future of gaming with VR, NFTs, and blockchain. Discover how AI and privacy tech are changing the game for crypto gamers.

Hey gamers! Ever wondered how the gaming world is leveling up with some tech magic? Well, you're in the right spot! This article is your ticket to understanding the cool blend of gaming with blockchain technology—yes, the same tech that powers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, but it's not just about money here. It's about how this tech is changing our games, making them more fun, rewarding, and even giving us a say in the game's universe.

We'll dive into some challenges gamers and game developers face, especially with the new wave of Web3 games. Ever had trouble getting into a game because it was just too complex to start? We've got that covered. Plus, we'll explore how virtual reality (VR) is making gaming more like stepping into another world and how non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are letting players truly own a piece of their digital adventures.

Here's a quick peek at what we're unpacking today:

  1. Challenges in Web3 Gaming: Why getting into blockchain games can feel like a puzzle and what's being done about it.
  2. VR Meets Blockchain: How VR is teaming up with blockchain to take our gaming experience to the next level.
  3. NFTs: The Game Changer: Exploring how NFTs are making the gaming world more exciting and rewarding.

So, grab your gear and let's jump into this gaming adventure together. Whether you're a hardcore gamer or just curious about where gaming is headed, there's something here for you. Let's level up our gaming knowledge!

The Puzzle of Web3 Gaming: What’s the Deal?

Why Is It Hard to Jump In?

So, you’ve heard of Web3 games, right? They're the new kids on the block(chain). But getting into them can be like trying to solve a puzzle without seeing the picture. Why? Well, it's mainly because they're kinda new and different from the games we're used to. Imagine trying to play a game where you also need to learn about wallets, cryptocurrencies, and a bunch of other tech stuff first. That’s what's going on here.

What’s Being Done?

Developers and tech wizards are on it! They know it’s a bit of a headache to start playing these games, so they're working on making things smoother. Imagine having a guide that holds your hand through the whole setup process – that’s the goal. They want to make sure you can jump into the game without having to take a crash course in crypto.

Why Should You Care?

Okay, so it sounds like a hassle, but here’s the cool part: Web3 games can give you more than just a high score. They offer a chance to earn real stuff, like digital collectibles, that you can keep or trade. Plus, these games are all about giving power back to the players. You get to have a say in how the game world evolves. Pretty neat, huh?

Looking Ahead

The future looks bright as more gamers get on board and the setup gets easier. Think of it as the early days of online gaming. It was a bit rough at the start, but look at where we are now. We’re just at the beginning of something big with Web3 gaming.

VR + Blockchain = Epic Game Time

What’s the Big Idea?

Virtual Reality (VR) is like stepping into your favorite game. Now, mix that with blockchain, and it’s like you get to own a piece of that game world. Cool, right? This combo is making games more than just games. They’re becoming entire worlds where what you do really matters.

VR Meets Blockchain: How?

Here’s the deal: VR makes games feel real, like you’re actually there. Blockchain makes sure that when you win a sword in a game, it’s yours, like for real. No one can take it away. This means the stuff you earn or buy in these game worlds has value, even outside the game. Imagine trading a game item you own for something else, just like you would with a skateboard or a concert ticket.

Why It’s Awesome

This mix is great because it gives you control. In a VR game on the blockchain, you can own land, build stuff, or trade gear. It’s like being part of a huge online world that’s also part of the real world. Plus, it’s a new way to hang out with friends, go on adventures, and even make some money.

Looking Into the Future

The future of gaming looks wild. Imagine games where you can create your own stories, own pieces of new worlds, and even earn by playing. That’s where we’re headed with VR and blockchain. It’s not just about playing a game; it’s about being part of a game. The possibilities are endless.

NFTs: Your Golden Ticket in Gaming

What’s an NFT?

Picture this: An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is like a one-of-a-kind trading card, but digital and way cooler. It means if you own an NFT, you have something unique that no one else has. In gaming, this could be a rare sword, a cool outfit for your character, or even a piece of land in the game world.

Why NFTs Are Game Changers

NFTs shake things up because they make the game stuff you earn or buy truly yours. Unlike old-school games where you could buy or win items but not really own them, NFTs mean your digital treasures are yours to keep, trade, or sell.

Earning While Playing? Yes, Please!

Here’s where it gets real exciting. Some games let you earn NFTs just by playing. This means you could be chilling, playing your favorite game, and earning stuff that has real-world value. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone — having fun and making gains.

But There’s More...

NFTs aren’t just about making money. They add a whole new layer to gaming. Imagine playing a game where every choice you make can turn into a unique NFT story, making your gaming experience totally different from anyone else’s. Plus, trading NFTs can be a game within a game, adding another fun element to the mix.

Looking Forward

As more gamers get into NFTs, the future looks bright and full of possibilities. We’re talking about games where players have real power, creating and trading game items that are as valuable as things in the real world. It’s a new era of gaming, and we’re just getting started.

Must-Know Facts for the Modern Gamer

Gaming is evolving, and there's some stuff you've got to know to keep up. Let's dive into the nitty-gritty but keep it cool and straightforward.

The Onboarding Obstacle Course

First up, jumping into blockchain games isn't always a walk in the park. A big survey found that more than half of the folks trying to get into these games find it tough. Why? It's all about getting used to new stuff like crypto wallets and understanding how blockchain works. Imagine learning to ride a bike, but the bike is a spaceship.

Why Can't I Find These Games Easily?

Visibility is a headache. Blockchain games don't pop up as easily as regular games because app stores have strict rules. It's like trying to find a hidden level in a game, but the level doesn't want to be found.

Paying to Play (or Earn)

Here's a kicker: If you want to buy something in a Web3 game, it's not always straightforward. Setting up a crypto wallet feels like solving a puzzle without all the pieces. Plus, app stores take a big slice of the pie (30%!) for in-app purchases, making it less appealing for game creators who want to keep things decentralized.

Web2 vs. Web3: The Familiarity Factor

Web2 games are like your favorite old sneakers – comfortable and familiar. You know you can buy stuff easily within those games. Web3 games, though, are like a new pair of shoes that need some breaking in. They're promising but need a bit of work to feel just right.

The Secret Sauce: Making Web3 Games a Hit

For Web3 games to rock our world, they need to be easier to find and get into. Think of it as needing a map where X marks the spot. Better discoverability means more gamers can join the party.

The Future Is Now: VR Meets Blockchain

Imagine owning a piece of a game world that's as real as your online avatar. That's what VR and blockchain together are all about. You can own stuff, build stuff, and really dive into the game. It's gaming with an extra layer of awesome.

Show Me the Money: The Impact of NFTs

NFTs in games are like having a limited-edition comic book. They're rare, and they're yours to trade or keep. This makes gaming more than just a pastime; it can be a way to earn real stuff that has value outside the game too.

Staying Healthy, Earning Wealthy

Who thought you could earn rewards for staying fit? With NFTs, moving your body can get you more than just health benefits; it can also earn you cool digital collectibles. It's like a fitness tracker but way cooler because you get game-like rewards.

A Bigger Picture: DeFi, CeFi, and Your Assets

Understanding the world of decentralized and centralized finance (DeFi and CeFi) is like unlocking a new level in gaming. It helps you move, sell, or use your digital assets across different games and platforms. Think of it as having a master key for all your digital stuff.

Privacy Matters

In the world of Web3, your personal info is yours to keep. No one needs to know what you're up to in-game, making things like zero-knowledge technology super cool. It's all about playing it safe while keeping things private.

Unlocking the Next Level: Insights and Innovations in Gaming

The gaming world is buzzing with new tech and big ideas. Let's break down some of the cool stuff and big names making waves, keeping it simple and fun.

Expert Voices in the Game

First off, let's talk about what the pros are saying. Dean Takahashi and other smart folks are looking at how Web3 games are a bit like trying to jump onto a moving skateboard. It's tricky, but once you're on, the ride can be awesome. They're working on making that jump easier for everyone. Imagine a game that not only lets you play but also be part of its world, making decisions that matter. That's the future we're heading towards.

AI: The Game Changer

AI in gaming is like having a wizard by your side, creating magic that makes every player's experience unique. From changing game landscapes on the fly to understanding what you love most about gaming, AI is making games smarter and more personal. It's like your favorite game knows you better than you know yourself.

Privacy with Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Privacy matters, especially in games where you're earning real stuff. Zero-knowledge proofs are like secret handshakes between you and the game. They let you prove you've got the goods without showing your hand. It's techy stuff, but it means you can keep your private info safe while still being a part of big, open worlds.

Spotlight on Blockchain Gaming Stars

Games like Sidus Heroes and Kryptomon are leading the charge, showing how NFTs can be more than just collectibles—they're keys to new worlds. And with VR projects like Africarare and Victoria VR, gaming is not just about playing; it's about living inside the game. Imagine owning a piece of a digital Africa or stepping into a VR world that's as detailed and vibrant as the real one.

The Numbers Game

Let's talk turkey. The blockchain gaming market is exploding, projected to hit over $600 billion by 2030. And those in-game NFTs? They're not just for show. They're expected to rake in billions in revenue. This isn't just play; it's serious business.

Beyond Gaming: NFTs That Move You

NFTs are stepping out of the gaming world and into fitness. Move-to-earn apps like Aniborgs are rewarding you for staying active, turning your morning jog into a treasure hunt. It's a whole new way to think about staying healthy and earning cool digital rewards at the same time.

Navigating the Digital Economy

Understanding DeFi and CeFi is like having a map in a treasure hunt. It helps you figure out where to stash your digital gold and how to use it across different games and platforms. It's about making the most of your gaming gains in the vast world of digital finance.

We've covered the advanced tech, the wisdom of gaming pro's, and the economic powerhouse behind gaming's latest trends—all while keeping it light and digestible. Whether it's the wizardry of AI, the cloak-and-dagger cool of privacy tech, or the gold rush of blockchain gaming, the future is bright, and it's right at our fingertips.

FAQs on Next-Gen Gaming Tech

What is Blockchain Gaming?

Blockchain gaming uses tech that lets you truly own game items as digital assets, making games more secure and rewarding.

How Does VR Change Gaming?

VR makes gaming super immersive, letting you step into game worlds as if you're really there, enhancing the experience.

What are NFTs in Gaming?

NFTs in gaming are unique digital items you can own, trade, or sell, adding real-world value to your gaming achievements.

Why is AI Important in Games?

AI customizes your gaming experience, making games smarter in adapting to what you enjoy most for endless fun.

Can I Earn Money with Blockchain Games?

Yes, by playing blockchain games and collecting or trading NFTs, you can earn digital assets that have real-world value.

Is My Privacy Safe in Web3 Games?

Web3 games prioritize your privacy using tech like zero-knowledge proofs, keeping your data secure while you play.

What’s the Big Deal with VR and Blockchain Together?

Combining VR and blockchain offers a deeply immersive experience with real ownership and earnings in virtual worlds.

Next-Gen Gaming: AI, NFTs, Blockchain, and VR Trends for Gamers Like You!
Next-Gen Gaming: AI, Blockchain, and VR Trends for Gamers Like You!

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MOBOX Gameplay - Game Review

MOBOX Gameplay - Game Review

Well, let me introduce you to MOBOX, a groundbreaking GameFi platform that's turning heads in the crypto world. Imagine a place where every click, every strategy, and every win translates into real value. That's MOBOX for you! What's the Buzz About MOBOX? So, what exactly is MOBOX? Picture this: a gaming universe where the excitement of play-to-earn (P2E) meets the innovation of blockchain technology. MOBOX is a decentralized platform that thrives on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), offering a trio of gaming experiences combined with the thrill of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the perks of decentralized finance (DeFi). It's not just a game; it's an ecosystem where the native MOBOX token is your key to unlocking a world of possibilities. My First Encounter with MOBOX: Let me take you back to my first dive into MOBOX. It was a rainy afternoon, and I was scrolling through my feed, looking for something new to spark my interest. That's when I stumbled upon MOBOX. Initially, I was drawn in by the vibrant characters and the promise of earning while playing. Little did I know, I was about to embark on an adventure that blurred the lines between gaming and investing. The Unique Twist of MOBOX: What sets MOBOX apart, you ask? It's the ingenious blend of gaming, NFT farming, and team collaboration. Imagine teaming up with friends, not just for the glory of victory but for tangible rewards. MOBOX has crafted an ecosystem where every player's contribution is valued, whether it's through engaging in strategic gameplay, farming for NFTs, or participating in community events. How Does MOBOX Keep You Hooked? Gaming with a Purpose: In the realm of MOBOX, every game is an opportunity. Whether you're battling it out in an RPG or exploring the metaverse, your efforts translate into MOBOX tokens. These tokens are your ticket to a whole new level of gaming, where you can invest in high-level equipment or trade the adorable MOMO NFTs. NFTs and More: The MOMO Magic Speaking of MOMOs, these aren't your ordinary NFTs. They come in various rarities, from Common to the elusive Legendary. I remember unboxing my first MOMO; the anticipation was palpable. And when I finally saw the unique character I'd received, it was a moment of pure elation. These MOMOs aren't just collectibles; they're assets that grow in value, offering a thrilling aspect to the MOBOX experience. Community at the Heart What truly makes MOBOX shine is its community-driven approach. It's a platform built by gamers, for gamers. The developers, a diverse team hailing from Canada, Australia, and China, have created an ecosystem that values user input and rewards engagement. It's a place where your voice matters, and your participation paves the way for growth, both personally and within the game. FAQs Unwrapped What's the Gameplay Like? MOBOX is not just any game; it's an RPG and a metaverse experience rolled into one. The immersive worlds and strategic gameplay will keep you on the edge of your seat, ensuring that every session is as rewarding as it is exhilarating. Can I Earn Scholarships? Absolutely! MOBOX has teamed up with giants like Yield Guild Games and Bayz to offer scholarships, making it accessible for everyone to join the fun and start earning. Where Can I Play? Accessibility is key, and MOBOX nails it by being playable directly in your browser. No hefty downloads, no fuss. Just pure gaming joy, anytime, anywhere. Wrapping It Up with a Personal Touch As I reflect on my journey with MOBOX, it's been more than just gaming. It's been a journey of discovery, community, and investment. MOBOX isn't just a game; it's a gateway to a new era of entertainment where fun meets finance. So, why not dive in and see where this adventure takes you? Trust me, it's a journey worth embarking on! MOBOX is best categorized under the following: Genre: Given its play-to-earn (P2E) mechanics, interactive gameplay, and virtual economy, MOBOX fits well within the "Strategy" and "Role-Playing Game (RPG)" genres. It combines elements of strategic decision-making with role-playing, where players can assume characters, complete quests, and engage in battles. Blockchain: MOBOX operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), making it part of the growing ecosystem of blockchain games on this platform. BSC is known for its high performance and low transaction costs, which is ideal for games that require frequent and fast transactions, like MOBOX. Category: In the realm of gaming and blockchain, MOBOX falls into the "GameFi" category, which is a blend of gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi). GameFi games often incorporate financial activities like staking, farming, and trading within the gaming experience, allowing players to earn real-world value through their in-game activities. MOBOX stands out in this category by integrating NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) into its core gameplay, offering players ownership of unique in-game assets that can be traded or utilized to earn rewards. Game Reviews: Find all game reviews on our Games Overview pages, we call them our game listings pages. You can find 100s of games like this: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6, page 7, page 8. Choose your pick!

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Mojo Melee - Game Review

Mojo Melee - Game Review

Mojo Melee is the first game in the Planet Mojo metaverse. It is a PvP game that is similar to chess and has both NFTs and auto-battle strategies. Planet Mojo's immersive metaverse gets its start with Mojo Melee, which gives the autochess battler genre a new twist. Mojo Melee is based on popular games like Dota Auto Chess, Dota Underlords, and Teamfight Tactics. It lets players compete head-to-head in mini-tournaments that are a lot of fun. The game is interesting because it has a strategic planning phase where you can improve and place your teams, and then it has intense combat phases. Mystic Moose wants to change the way auto-battle games are made by adding new features and taking on established heavyweights like Teamfight Tactics by using their years of experience making games.

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Carrom Blitz: Play for $RLY Tokens - Android Blockchain - Game Review

Carrom Blitz: Play for $RLY Tokens - Android Blockchain - Game Review

Carrom Blitz is an innovative Android game developed by Joyride Games, designed to breathe new life into the traditional Carrom game experience. This free game, available on the Flow Blockchain, introduces exciting gameplay and the opportunity to earn $RLY rewards. Inspired by the success of Joyride Games' previous titles like Trickshot Blitz and Solitaire Blitz, Carrom Blitz reimagines the classic Carrom game by incorporating blockchain elements. Carrom, a beloved indoor pastime in India and Southeast Asia, is a popular game enjoyed by families and clubs during social gatherings. Joyride Games recognized its substantial user traffic, particularly in Southeast Asia, and decided to create Carrom Blitz to cater to the region's love for this iconic game. In Carrom Blitz, players can acquire Tickets through special events and daily challenges, which reset at the end of each season. These Tickets can be used in both Seasonal and Special events, offering opportunities to win valuable $RLY Tokens. The game also rewards players with Boosters for achieving milestones, with each Booster having a specific expiration time. The XP Booster doubles the experience points earned, while the Coin Booster doubles in-game coin accumulation. Coins serve as entry fees for various gameplay formats and can be earned through activities like watching ads, referring friends, and actively participating in matches. The gameplay in Carrom Blitz is diverse, offering various match formats and competitive opportunities for players. The game's elegant interface features authentic trick shots reminiscent of real Carrom matches. With tournaments, leagues, and weekly challenges, players have thrilling avenues for competition. Matchmaking ensures fair matchups by pairing players with similar skill levels. Matches involve the strategic task of pocketing seven white pucks and the coveted red puck (Queen) to secure victory. Players control a Striker using a slider at the screen's base, carefully aiming shots to outmaneuver opponents. Each pocket on the board has a specific point value, contributing to a player's score when a puck is successfully pocketed. Missed shots result in the loss of a Striker. Additionally, players can earn bonus points by executing masterful trick shots quickly. As players progress in XP levels, they unlock Carrom Blitz contests, adding to their sense of accomplishment. Successful matches reward players with coins, tickets, and coveted $RLY tokens. In Carrom Blitz, $RLY is a tangible digital currency that enables players to challenge opponents and win substantial prizes within the game. It is an ERC-20 utility token built on FLOW blockchain technology.

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Tennis Champs - Game Review

Tennis Champs - Game Review

Tennis Champs is a competitive multiplayer NFT game that promises engaging gameplay, one-of-a-kind NFT characters, and live tournaments where you can earn $JRX. Tennis games are usually about swiping left and right on your phone, but not this one. To prove that you are a great tennis champion, you must use precise timing and positioning. Every NFT includes an animated video clip and a PFP-optimized image of your Tennis Champs avatar so you can proudly display your elite status wherever you go! Make your own NFT character by selecting from a variety of characteristics, play styles, and appearances. To wear out your opponent, manage your stamina and direction of shots while playing. Win $JRX prizes by winning, leveling up, and entering premium tournaments! A Tennis Champs Genesis NFT with a unique set of features is included in each pre-reveal Blind Bag. There are 16 animations, face props, rackets, expressions, colors, and character traits to choose from. Each trait, such as character, animation, or facial prop, has various levels of rarity, resulting in one-of-a-kind and epic combinations for you to collect! The Tennis Champs Genesis Series on Ethereum is the first set of characters to appear in the Champs metaverse's Tennis Champs game, earning them a blazing crown to signify their elite rank. The only Tennis Champions to wear the burning crown will be the Genesis series.

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Arlequin - NFT Game Review

Arlequin - NFT Game Review

Arlequin is a one-of-a-kind NFT game that allows players to showcase their painting skills and potentially win NFTs and cryptocurrency. Using what they call the "Paint to Earn" approach, Arlequin aims to provide players with the opportunity to earn rewards by utilizing their creative talents. Whether you are an experienced painter or simply enjoy dabbling in the arts, Arlequin is a game that offers something for everyone. Its unique approach to NFT gaming and focus on creativity make it a must-try for anyone interested in showcasing their skills and potentially earning rewards. Arlequin is aiming to provide free painting competitions each month, giving members of the community the chance to participate and showcase their skills to the crypto community. These competitions are sure to be exciting for those who enjoy competition and are looking for an opportunity to demonstrate their artistic abilities. Whether you are an experienced painter or simply enjoy trying out new creative pursuits, Arlequin's painting competitions are an excellent opportunity to get involved and have fun. Arlequin Operations: Arlees are charming 3D animals that inhabit the Arlequin Metaverse and can be purchased as Flow Blockchain-powered non-fungible tokens (NFTs). One of the unique features of Arlequin is the ability to use your web browser to paint directly on the Arlees, providing a level of customization not found in other blockchain NFT-based games. This allows players to truly make their Arlees their own and, with the right level of artistic skill, potentially make a profit. Whether you are an experienced artist or simply enjoy expressing your creativity, Arlequin is a game that offers something for everyone.

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Crypto Raiders - Game Review

Crypto Raiders - Game Review

Crypto Raiders, as the name suggests, is an NFT game falling in the RPG, PvP format. The game works on the RNG (Random Number Generator) method of playing so that there is a sense and element of thrill, mystery, and unexpectedness in the game. The players have the opportunity to own NFT characters with complete ownership. Therefore, giving them the right to buy, sell, and trade in the marketplace. Around 7500 NFT characters were available when Crypto Raiders was first released. These characters are based on a total of 9 characters i.e. Mike, Old Man, Elves, John, Cyborgs, Tammy, Orcs, Skeletons, Elves, and Dark Elves. Thus, each NFT character has a personality of their own. The game is based on the Polygon blockchain technology and the goal is to participate in different raids, either in temporary dungeons or stable dungeons. Crypto Raiders Raid and Expedition Gameplay: Raids and expeditions in the temporary dungeons are for a little time and then they vanish, while, in the stable dungeons raids can be performed repeatedly. There is an upside to Crypto Raiders, when the NFT character dies during a raiding mission, the character dies forever. Therefore, the players need to exercise extra care in starting an expedition. Moreover, they must first assess their power and position before going into a raid. After each expedition is completed, the power (EXP) of the player's increases. This increase helps in future raids and players earn AURUM tokens that can be used to craft new weapons, build armors, own mobs, and create new raiders. Another token in Crypto Raiders is the RAIDER which is the governance token and can be used to stake them in order to win AURUM tokens daily.

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Shardbound - Multiplayer Collectible Tactics Web3 Game - Review

Shardbound - Multiplayer Collectible Tactics Web3 Game - Review

Shardbound is an engaging multiplayer collectible tactics game set in the unique world of the Axis islands suspended above the earth's core. Players must strategically build decks to outsmart their opponents and achieve victory. The game is rich in lore, and players embark on a quest to protect the Lifeweave bonds and uncover the mysteries of the Shards. Developed by Immutable Games and Bazooka Tango, Shardbound combines turn-based tactics with collectible card mechanics and integrates Web3 elements through the Immutable Passport for enhanced access, community involvement, and digital ownership. Shardbound leverages Immutable's zkEVM technology, offering scalability, security, and true digital ownership. It introduces a player-centric ecosystem with Web3 integration, enhancing the overall gaming experience. The game combines top-down tactical collectible card gameplay with hex-based grid battles, where players engage in intense 1v1 PvP battles or challenge NPCs. Victory depends on reducing the opponent's champion's health to zero using spells and minions. The game features six distinct factions, each with unique abilities and minions, providing tactical advantages. The Shardfall System allows players to watch and interact with live-streamed matches within the game. Shardbound emphasizes PvP gameplay, diverse factions, and unit acquisition through objectives or Box purchases, offering players a strategic and exciting experience. The game includes a PvE tutorial and plans for an episodic campaign in the future. In terms of tokenomics, Shardbound utilizes the $IMX token on the ImmutableX technology platform.

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BR1 - Game Review

BR1 - Game Review

BR1 is a shooter game that makes use of NFT technology. Unlike most games, which give players very little incentive, BR1 is a high-risk, high-reward game. Although BR1's premise differs fundamentally from other titles on the market, it was built with the user in mind. Currently, well-known businesses including Krafton, Solana Ventures, and Shima Capital, to name a few, have invested in BR1. The co-founder of Twitch, Justin Kan, has made an investment in the BR1 Metaverse Game, according to the game's publisher.

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Wizarre - Game Review

Wizarre - Game Review

Welcome to Wizarre, the ultimate Web3 Game that brings the magic of NFTs to your mobile device! In Wizarre, you'll discover a world of rare and unique NFT creatures known as Wizards. These powerful beings are yours to collect, trade, and battle as you compete against players from around the globe. Experience the thrill of magical battles as you command your team of NFT Wizards to victory. With turn-based gameplay and a wide range of tactical options, each match is a unique and exciting challenge. But that's just the beginning. Level up your wizards to unlock new abilities and evolve them into more powerful forms. In Wizarre, you'll have the opportunity to customize your NFT Wizards, building your dream team of one-of-a-kind creatures. When you're ready to take your team to the next level, head to the marketplace to trade with other players. With a dedicated marketplace for buying and selling NFTs, you can discover rare Wizards and grow your collection like never before. Summon your unique NFTs and watch as they come to life in battle. With stunning visuals and immersive gameplay, Wizarre is an NFT game for players who want to experience the magic of the blockchain like never before. So what are you waiting for? Join the Wizarre community today and discover the world of NFT Wizards for yourself!

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FOTA - Fight of the Ages - Game Review

FOTA - Fight of the Ages - Game Review

FOTA (Fight of the Ages) is poised to make a splash in the cryptocurrency gaming market as the first game to offer a truly immersive metaverse experience. This is made possible by the fact that FOTA is designed as a mixed reality (MR) game, which combines elements of both virtual and physical reality to create a fully interactive and seamless gaming environment. Players will be able to explore, battle, and interact with one another in a way that feels both real and fantastical, making FOTA a truly one-of-a-kind gaming experience. FOTA allows players to explore the 3D game world on any platform that is compatible, making it accessible to a wide range of players regardless of their preferred device or operating system. In order to appeal to as many players as possible, the developers of FOTA have created versions of the game for multiple platforms using the Unity 3D game engine. This means that the game will be available on Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS, as well as through the WebGL API in modern web browsers. No matter what device or operating system you prefer, you'll be able to play FOTA and enjoy all that it has to offer. With this level of accessibility and flexibility, players can choose to play the game in whatever way works best for them. FOTA- Fight of the Ages Gameplay: Mixed reality is a powerful tool, but it's only effective when used in a way that enhances the gameplay experience. Fortunately, Fight Of The Ages appears to have identified a gaming market that is well-suited for this new technology. The game itself is a top-quality multiplayer online battle arena title with a range of game modes to suit different player preferences. Whether you prefer fast-paced action or strategic planning, FOTA has something for you. With its innovative use of mixed reality and its focus on delivering a thrilling and engaging gameplay experience, FOTA is poised to become a leader in the cryptocurrency gaming market. Players can explore Greenland, The Earth, and The Nightmare, the game's three main areas, in a 30-level campaign mode that is quest-driven. Players must complete tasks in various worlds to receive rewards in the form of experience points and the game's native FOTA tokens. Additionally, there are plans to host unique monthly and seasonal missions with new obstacles and even better rewards.

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WaveLings - Game Review

WaveLings - Game Review

"WaveLings" is a unique game that introduces artificial intelligence (AI) companions to non-fungible token (NFT) characters in order to enhance the gameplay experience. These AI companions assist the player's NFT characters in various ways, such as providing support in battles or offering special abilities. The use of AI companions is a novel idea that is likely to add an interesting dynamic to the game's mechanics. "WaveLings" is a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game that is built on the Enjin blockchain ecosystem. The game features a fully realized virtual world for players to explore and complete tasks and quests in order to earn points, ranking, and cryptocurrency. "WaveLings" was developed by Axana Games, a studio specializing in creating engaging and immersive gaming experiences. The game's use of blockchain technology and focus on completing tasks and quests to earn rewards is likely to appeal to many players. WaveLings Gameplay: In "WaveLings," players are immersed in a futuristic, fictional world where blockchain technology has brought about a utopian society. The game allows players to buy or earn parcels of land that can be used for farming new resources and making investments. These land parcels are tradeable tokens that can be exchanged or sold on the EnjinX marketplace and other marketplaces. Players can also use their land parcels to advertise real-life products and create non-fungible tokens (NFTs) out of them. The game's dynamics involve players joining giant corporations that determine their friends and foes, adding an element of social interaction and competition to the gameplay experience. "WaveLings" has partnered with the Enjin platform and uses the ERC-1155 token on blockchain technology. Enjin's Efinity sidechain, which operates on Ethereum, provides the security and protection needed for games like "WaveLings." Efinity is not a blockchain, but rather a sidechain that is connected to the main Ethereum blockchain. This connection allows Efinity to offer many of the same benefits as the Ethereum blockchain, such as security and decentralization, while also providing additional scalability and performance advantages. Overall, the use of the ERC-1155 token and the Efinity sidechain helps to ensure that "WaveLings" is a secure and stable platform for players to enjoy.

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Apex Kings NFT Racing - Game Review

Apex Kings NFT Racing - Game Review

Apex Kings NFT Racing is much more than what meets the eye. Apex Kings NFT Racing is a car collecting game that allows players to own and trade virtual racing cars in the form of NFTs. The game is built on blockchain technology, which ensures the authenticity and uniqueness of each NFT car. Apex Kings NFT Racing Review: Kings NFT Racing features authentic cars from real brands, making it an exciting opportunity for car enthusiasts to collect their favorite cars in a digital format. The number of NFT cars available in the game is limited and equivalent to the number of real cars manufactured, giving each NFT car rarity and value. The game's goal is to build a collection of the rarest and most valuable NFT racing cars to achieve supremacy in the game. The game's immersive experience and the ability to trade virtual cars for crypto add to the excitement of playing Apex Kings NFT Racing. Players can build their collections by purchasing virtual racing cars, trading with other players, and winning races with their NFT cars. Apex Kings NFT Racing is a thrilling racing game that combines the excitement of racing cars with the unique features of NFT technology. The game has a finite number of cars and developers say they match the real-world number of productions. So, users can find absolute bargains at times, and when the demand grows they can sell or trade those rare vehicles for crypto if they want to earn. For example, in The Aston Martin One-77, only 77 were made in real life and it will be a similar case in the game. Moreover, the developers have a background in both games and cars. They have joined hands with real-life companies and try to get car features as accurate as possible. This is a must-play game for any car fan. Race, collect, and sell cars all in one place. Moreover, the graphics and game engines are very advanced for NFT games and this only shows us the future potential for NFT-based games.

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Continuum World - Game Review

Continuum World - Game Review

Continuum World is a free-to-play MMO where players can freely explore, build, collect NFTs, and earn the UM token. Continuum World is a massively multiplayer online game where players can freely explore, build buildings, gather resources, level up, compete, make friends, and earn the UM token. Continuum World is a unique MMO that lets you play for free and earn money at the same time. The game lets players explore a new world, build different kinds of buildings, and gather useful materials. With the help of a team of gaming and blockchain experts, it has cutting-edge features. There are also NFT assets that pay out interest and a player-driven economy that a lot of people like. Players can make money by gathering resources, owning land, leveling up their avatars, trading in the market, racing in exciting events, and staking the game's native $UM token. It is also changing the gaming industry and bringing in a lot of players because the game is fun and always changing. The exciting new world of Continuum is where Continuum World takes place. It has interesting things like floating islands and unique plants and animals. To make a successful UMi colony, players must go into uncharted territory and use its many resources and wonders. By growing land and promoting trade with UMis, users will also be able to talk to each other, trade, and work together on projects. You can catch creatures, set up exciting races, and compete against other players in Continuum World, all of which add to the game's immersive feel.

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Plants vs Undead - Game Review

Plants vs Undead - Game Review

Plants vs Undead: the catch here is the plants and gardens that you will build are your NFTs. The game’s in-game currency LE can be converted into PVU tokens to buy other cryptocurrencies. The game is full of the colorful, cartoonish, yet comic landscape which serves as eye candy for the gamers. The game has Player versus Environment mode where you find yourself in a vast stretch of the open forest world. The objective is to defend the Mother Tree from zombie animals with help of supernatural plants.

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Play To Earn Games: Best Blockchain Game List For NFTs and Crypto

Play-to-Earn Game List
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