Blockchain Gaming 2024: Your Starting Guide to How-To Play

Blockchain Gaming 2024: Your Starting Guide to How-To Play

Play To Earn Games | 11 Apr 2024 08:59 UTC

The gaming industry stands on the brink of a transformative era, propelled by the innovative currents of blockchain technology and blockchain games. It's a pivotal moment that reminds me of the early days of the internet, a time of boundless potential and excitement. As we navigate this journey, I'm reminded of personal anecdotes and stories from pioneers in the field, illuminating the path from traditional gaming to the boundless possibilities of Web3. Let's embark on this adventure together, exploring how blockchain is reshaping the gaming world, from ownership and interoperability to new play models and beyond.

Ownership and Scarcity: A Gamer's Dream Realized

Remember the heartbreak of losing your digital avatar or cherished items when a game server shut down? Blockchain has revolutionized this aspect of gaming, ensuring that your hard-earned achievements and possessions persist beyond the lifespan of any single game. This transformative shift towards true ownership is not just a technical upgrade; it's an emotional journey for gamers worldwide.

Personal Anecdote: The Legendary Sword

I recall the joy of acquiring a legendary sword in a game, a symbol of hours of dedication and skill. Previously, this achievement was fleeting, existing only within the confines of the game world. However, with blockchain, this sword isn't just a collection of pixels; it becomes a part of your digital legacy, tradeable and valued across platforms. This shift is profound, offering a sense of permanence and value to our digital endeavors that was previously unimaginable.

Interoperability: Breaking Down Digital Walls

Blockchain isn't just transforming ownership; it's breaking down barriers between games and platforms. This era of interoperability is akin to the early days of social media, where separate platforms gradually became interconnected, enriching our online experiences.

The Vision of a Unified Gaming Ecosystem

Imagine taking your cherished assets from one game and utilizing them in another. This was a distant dream just a decade ago but is now becoming a reality thanks to blockchain. The ability to traverse gaming worlds with your digital assets in tow opens up a universe of possibilities, fostering a richer, more vibrant gaming ecosystem.

Democratizing Game Development: A New Dawn

Blockchain technology is also revolutionizing who gets to create games. In the past, the industry was dominated by a few large players, but blockchain is democratizing this space, empowering indie developers and communities to bring their visions to life.

A Story of Community Empowerment

Consider the story of a small developer team with a big dream, previously barred by the high barriers to entry in the gaming industry. Through blockchain and the support of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), they secure funding and community support to bring their game to life. This is the power of blockchain: transforming dreamers into creators, enriching the gaming landscape with diverse and innovative experiences.

Transparency: Trust in the Digital Age

Blockchain introduces an unprecedented level of transparency to gaming. Gone are the days of opaque algorithms and decisions. Now, every transaction and game mechanic is verifiable, building a foundation of trust and fairness that was previously unattainable.

From Skepticism to Empowerment

Reflecting on the early skepticism around digital purchases, the clarity that blockchain brings is transformative. It reassures players about the fairness of the games they love, fostering a community that's engaged, informed, and empowered to shape the future of gaming.

New Play Models: Beyond Play-to-Earn

While play-to-earn models have garnered significant attention, blockchain enables a plethora of new ways to engage with games. From guilds and subscription models to tokenized economies, blockchain is expanding the horizons of gameplay, offering diverse and enriching experiences for all types of players.

The Rise of Gaming Guilds

The emergence of gaming guilds exemplifies this new era. These groups pool resources and tackle challenges together, transforming solitary gaming into a communal adventure. It's a testament to the power of blockchain in creating new social and economic dynamics within the gaming world.

The Journey Ahead: From Resistance to Acceptance

Despite the immense potential of blockchain in gaming, the path to widespread acceptance is not without its challenges. Early resistance from traditional gaming communities underscores the importance of bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3, ensuring a smooth transition for gamers worldwide.

Bridging the Gap: A Call to Action

The journey from skepticism to acceptance requires patience, education, and inclusive strategies. By focusing on the benefits of blockchain — enhanced ownership, interoperability, and transparency — we can pave the way for a future where gaming is more connected, fair, and rewarding for everyone involved.

In Conclusion: A World of Possibilities

As we stand on the cusp of this new era in gaming, it's clear that blockchain technology is not just a passing trend; it's the foundation for a more immersive, equitable, and interconnected gaming future. From ownership and scarcity to new play models and beyond, blockchain is unlocking a world of possibilities for players, developers, and the industry at large.

In this transformative journey, personal stories of triumph and innovation illuminate the path forward, reminding us that at the heart of every technological leap is the human spirit — adventurous, resilient, and endlessly creative. Together, let's embrace this new horizon, where the virtual worlds we love become even more vibrant, inclusive, and alive with possibility.

Guide to How-To Play
Guide to How-To Play

Blockchain's Revolution in Gaming - FAQs and Factsheet

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • A Brief Overview of Blockchain in Gaming
    • Why This Matters to You
  2. Understanding Blockchain and Gaming
    • What Is Blockchain?
    • How Does Blockchain Transform Gaming?
    • Personal Anecdote: My First Encounter with Blockchain Gaming
  3. Ownership and Scarcity in Gaming
    • What Does True Ownership Mean in Blockchain Gaming?
    • How Does Scarcity Affect the Value of In-Game Assets?
    • The Legendary Sword: A Story of Virtual Ownership
  4. Interoperability Across Games
    • What Is Interoperability in the Context of Gaming?
    • Exploring the Boundless World of Cross-Game Assets
    • My Journey Across Virtual Worlds
  5. Democratizing Game Development
    • How Blockchain Empowers Indie Developers
    • The Rise of Community-Funded Games
    • From Dreamer to Creator: My Experience with DAOs
  6. Transparency and Trust
    • The Role of Transparency in Blockchain Gaming
    • Building a Community of Trust: A New Era for Gamers
    • A Transparent World: My Revelation
  7. Innovative Play Models
    • Beyond Play-to-Earn: Exploring New Models
    • The Evolution of Gaming Guilds and Communities
    • My Adventure with Gaming Guilds
  8. Overcoming Challenges and Resistance
    • Addressing the Skepticism Around Blockchain Gaming
    • The Road to Widespread Acceptance
    • Overcoming My Own Doubts
  9. The Future of Blockchain in Gaming
    • Emerging Trends and What Lies Ahead
    • How Can Gamers and Developers Prepare?
    • My Vision for the Future
  10. FAQs
    • Answering Your Most Pressing Questions
    • Providing Clarity and Insight
  11. Glossary of Terms
    • Demystifying Blockchain and Gaming Jargon
  12. Conclusion
    • Final Thoughts and Encouragement


A Brief Overview of Blockchain in Gaming

Blockchain technology is not just a buzzword; it's a revolution that's reshaping the gaming industry. Imagine a world where the items you grind for hours to obtain truly belong to you, can be used across multiple games, and might even earn you real money. That's the promise of blockchain in gaming.

Why This Matters to You

Whether you're a gamer, developer, or merely curious about the future of entertainment, blockchain is a game-changer. It's about more than just playing; it's about being part of a new era of digital ownership and creativity.

Understanding Blockchain and Gaming

What Is Blockchain?

At its core, blockchain is a decentralized ledger that records transactions across multiple computers. This ensures that no single entity has control over the data, making it secure, transparent, and immutable.

How Does Blockchain Transform Gaming?

Blockchain introduces concepts like true ownership of digital assets, interoperability, and a transparent economy into gaming. This means players can own, trade, and utilize their in-game items across various platforms and games.

Personal Anecdote: My First Encounter with Blockchain Gaming

I remember the first time I traded an in-game item on a blockchain platform. It was exhilarating to know that the digital sword I had just traded was now truly owned by someone else, and I had the cryptocurrency to prove it. It was a moment of realization that the future of gaming was here.

Ownership and Scarcity in Gaming

What Does True Ownership Mean in Blockchain Gaming?

True ownership means that when you acquire an in-game item, it's yours in the same way a physical item would be. You can keep it, sell it, or use it in other games, all verified by the blockchain.

How Does Scarcity Affect the Value of In-Game Assets?

Blockchain allows for the creation of scarce digital items, meaning there can be a limited number of certain assets. This scarcity can increase the value of items, making them more desirable and valuable.

The Legendary Sword: A Story of Virtual Ownership

There was a time when I earned a legendary sword in a game, a feat that took countless hours. Thanks to blockchain, that sword wasn't just a bunch of pixels; it was a digital asset with my name on it, tradeable and valuable. It was a profound shift in how I viewed my gaming achievements.

Interoperability Across Games

What Is Interoperability in the Context of Gaming?

Interoperability refers to the ability of different gaming platforms and ecosystems to work together, allowing players to use their digital assets across multiple games and worlds.

Exploring the Boundless World of Cross-Game Assets

Imagine using a spaceship from one game as your home base in another or bringing a character you've developed in one world into a completely different adventure. That's the power of interoperability.

My Journey Across Virtual Worlds

One of my most memorable gaming experiences was taking an avatar I had developed in one game and using it in another. It felt like my digital identity was truly portable, traveling with me across universes. It was a testament to the power of blockchain in creating a cohesive gaming multiverse.

Blockchain Gaming 2024: Your Starting Guide to How-To Play
Blockchain Gaming 2024: Your Starting Guide to How-To Play

Democratizing Game Development

How Blockchain Empowers Indie Developers

Blockchain technology levels the playing field, allowing indie developers access to funding, marketplaces, and communities that were previously out of reach. It's a new dawn for creative minds.

The Rise of Community-Funded Games

With blockchain, communities can come together to fund and support the development of games. This not only democratizes game development but also ensures that the games being made reflect what players truly want.

From Dreamer to Creator: My Experience with DAOs

I've seen firsthand how DAOs can transform a simple idea into a gaming reality. Joining a community of like-minded individuals to fund a game we all believed in was a powerful experience. It wasn't just about funding; it was about building something together.

Transparency and Trust

The Role of Transparency in Blockchain Gaming

Blockchain brings transparency to gaming, allowing players to see the inner workings of game economies, verify the rarity of items, and trust in the fairness of the game mechanics.

Building a Community of Trust: A New Era for Gamers

This transparency fosters a community of trust. Players no longer have to take a developer's word for it; they can see for themselves, leading to a more engaged and empowered player base.

A Transparent World: My Revelation

Discovering the transparency of blockchain gaming was a revelation. It was as if the curtain had been lifted, and for the first time, I could see the gears turning behind the scenes of my favorite games. This transparency didn't just change how I played games; it changed how I thought about them.

Innovative Play Models

Beyond Play-to-Earn: Exploring New Models

Blockchain gaming is not just about earning; it's about creating new ways to play, interact, and contribute to gaming worlds. From subscription models to tokenized economies, the possibilities are endless.

The Evolution of Gaming Guilds and Communities

Gaming guilds have taken on a new life in the blockchain era, pooling resources, sharing strategies, and collectively tackling challenges. It's a new form of social gaming, powered by the shared ownership and collaborative spirit of blockchain.

My Adventure with Gaming Guilds

Joining a blockchain gaming guild was an adventure in itself. It was more than just playing together; it was about contributing to a shared goal and reaping the rewards together. It showed me the power of community in the new age of gaming.

Blockchain Gaming 2024: Your Starting Guide to How-To Play
Blockchain Gaming 2024: Your Starting Guide to How-To Play

Overcoming Challenges and Resistance

Addressing the Skepticism Around Blockchain Gaming

Despite its potential, blockchain gaming has faced skepticism. Overcoming this requires education, transparency, and a focus on the benefits that blockchain can bring to the gaming experience.

The Road to Widespread Acceptance

The journey toward widespread acceptance of blockchain in gaming is ongoing. It involves demonstrating the value of true digital ownership, interoperability, and a fair, transparent gaming economy.

Overcoming My Own Doubts

I'll admit, I was skeptical at first. But as I delved deeper into blockchain gaming, I realized the skepticism was based on misunderstandings. Experiencing the benefits firsthand turned my doubt into belief.

The Future of Blockchain in Gaming

Emerging Trends and What Lies Ahead

The future of blockchain in gaming is bright, with trends like VR integration, AI-driven economies, and even more immersive play models on the horizon. The possibilities are as limitless as our imagination.

How Can Gamers and Developers Prepare?

For gamers, the key is to stay informed and open-minded. For developers, it's about embracing the new tools and opportunities blockchain provides. For both, it's about being part of a community that's building the future of gaming together.

My Vision for the Future

My vision for the future is a gaming world that's more connected, more fair, and more exciting than ever before. A world where gamers and developers alike can thrive, powered by the revolutionary potential of blockchain technology.


What is blockchain gaming?

Blockchain gaming refers to video games that incorporate blockchain technology to provide decentralized, secure, and transparent game mechanics. This can include true ownership of in-game assets (like skins, weapons, or characters), the use of cryptocurrencies for transactions, and the ability to trade or sell items across different games and platforms.

How does blockchain technology enhance gaming?

Blockchain technology enhances gaming by introducing true digital ownership, secure and transparent transactions, and interoperability between different games and platforms. It enables players to own, buy, sell, and trade their in-game assets in a way that was not possible in traditional gaming environments. This not only adds a new layer of engagement and investment in games but also opens up new economic opportunities for players.

Can I earn real money through blockchain gaming?

Yes, many blockchain games offer mechanisms through which players can earn cryptocurrencies or digital assets with real-world value. This is often through play-to-earn models, where players can earn in-game currency or items by completing tasks, winning battles, or participating in tournaments, which can then be traded on various platforms.

Are blockchain games only about earning money?

While the play-to-earn aspect is significant, blockchain gaming also focuses on creating rich, immersive experiences, with the added benefits of digital ownership and new economic models. Many developers aim to build games that are enjoyable and engaging first, with the play-to-earn elements adding an additional layer of interaction.

What are NFTs, and how are they used in gaming?

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are unique digital assets verified using blockchain technology. In gaming, NFTs can represent various in-game assets like characters, equipment, or land. Unlike traditional in-game items, NFTs can be bought, sold, or traded on external markets, providing players with true ownership and the potential for their assets to appreciate in value.

Is blockchain gaming safe?

Blockchain gaming itself offers a level of security and transparency not typically found in traditional games, thanks to the immutable and decentralized nature of blockchain technology. However, players should exercise caution, especially when engaging in transactions or trading, by using reputable platforms and wallets, and being aware of phishing scams and fraudulent schemes.

How do I start with blockchain gaming?

To start with blockchain gaming, you'll need a digital wallet that supports the blockchain the game is built on (e.g., Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain) and some cryptocurrency, often required for initial purchases or gas fees. Research to find a game that interests you, set up your wallet, purchase any necessary crypto, and follow the game's instructions to begin playing.

Will blockchain gaming replace traditional gaming?

While blockchain gaming is growing and offers new possibilities not available in traditional gaming, it's unlikely to completely replace traditional gaming. Instead, it's expected to coexist, offering gamers a broader range of options and experiences. Some gamers may prefer the immersiveness and narratives of traditional games, while others may be drawn to the economic models and innovation of blockchain games.

What challenges does blockchain gaming face?

Blockchain gaming faces several challenges, including scalability issues, environmental concerns related to energy consumption, regulatory and legal hurdles, and the need for wider adoption and understanding. Additionally, balancing fun gameplay with the economic aspects of play-to-earn models remains a significant challenge for developers.

How can I ensure my digital assets are secure?

To ensure the security of your digital assets, use reputable wallets and exchanges, enable two-factor authentication, keep your private keys and recovery phrases secure and never share them with anyone, and stay informed about best practices for digital security. Regularly monitoring your accounts for any unauthorized activity is also advisable.

Glossary of Terms - Blockchain Gaming


A decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across many computers so that the record cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks and the consensus of the network.


A digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security and operates independently of a central bank, often used for transactions within blockchain networks.

NFT (Non-Fungible Token)

A unique digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of an item or artwork using blockchain technology. Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs are not interchangeable.


The process of distributing or dispersing functions, powers, people, or things away from a central location or authority, which in blockchain technology ensures no single entity has control over the entire network.

Smart Contract

A self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. These contracts automatically enforce and execute the terms of the agreement based on predefined rules.

Wallet (Digital Wallet)

A software application or hardware device that allows individuals to store and manage their cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Digital wallets can be used to send and receive digital currencies.

Gas Fees

Transaction fees on a blockchain network, paid by users to compensate for the computing energy required to process and validate transactions on the blockchain.

Play-to-Earn (P2E)

A business model in blockchain gaming where players can earn real-world rewards, often in the form of cryptocurrencies or NFTs, by playing games. Rewards are earned through competitions, completing tasks, or trading in-game assets.

DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

An organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members, and not influenced by a central government. DAOs are the most effective way of establishing a digital company and are most often controlled by token holders.


The ability of different blockchain networks to communicate and interact with each other, allowing for the exchange of assets and information across various platforms and games without the need for intermediaries.


A unit of value issued by a project or company that exists on a blockchain and can represent assets or utility. Tokens can be used for investment purposes, to store value, or to make purchases.


The process of creating new coins, tokens, or NFTs and recording them on the blockchain, effectively bringing them into existence.

DeFi (Decentralized Finance)

An umbrella term for various applications and projects in the public blockchain space geared toward disrupting the traditional finance world. DeFi platforms allow people to lend or borrow funds from others, speculate on price movements on a range of assets using derivatives, trade cryptocurrencies, insure against risks, and earn interest in savings-like accounts.


A virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users. It's often used to describe a future version of the internet made up of persistent, shared, 3D virtual spaces linked into a perceived virtual universe.


The ability of a blockchain network to handle a growing amount of transactions or processing as its usage grows, without leading to excessively high fees or slow transaction times.

Layer 1 / Layer 2

Layer 1 refers to the base architecture of a blockchain network (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum). Layer 2 is an overlaid network that lies on top of the base layer, designed to address issues such as scalability and speed by handling transactions off the main blockchain.

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Earn While You Play: Check out our list of the Best 10 Play-to-Earn Games to Play for Fun in 2024, for more details play for fun.

Unlock the Potential: Dive into the Fun & Fortune of Crypto Gaming: Your Beginner's Guide 2024. For insights on starting your journey, play crypto games.

Discover the Best: Unveil the Top Play To Earn Games of 2024 and start earning through gaming. For a complete guide, explore popular P2E games.


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Bitcoin Halving Impact, Hut 8’s Struggles, BlastUP’s Success and More!

Bitcoin Halving Impact, Hut 8’s Struggles, BlastUP’s Success and More!

Hey, awesome gamers! Are you curious about Bitcoin mining, crypto projects, blockchain tech, and game trends? Our latest article covers all these exciting topics in detail. We explore how major Bitcoin miners like Bitfarms and Hut 8 are adapting to changes after the halving. We also dive into cool crypto projects like BlastUP, which helps startups grow faster and earn more. Plus, we look at new blockchain tech developments, such as India’s digital rupee, and how gaming companies like Riot Platforms are adjusting their operations. This article is packed with insights and fun facts, perfect for gamers who want to stay in the know. Don't miss out on this amazing content. Join the conversation, share with your friends, and let's explore this adventurous world together. Let's level up our knowledge and have a blast!

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Dubai TOKEN2049, Apeiron Tournaments and Gaming Trends

Dubai TOKEN2049, Apeiron Tournaments and Gaming Trends

Get ready for an exciting look into the gaming and crypto world​​! In this article, we explore key topics like the TOKEN2049 event in Dubai and the exciting happenings in the Apeiron community​​. You'll also learn about Yat Siu's vision for tokens and how they can change Web3 gaming. Moreover, the article highlights the "Support Your Creator Week" and "Zenith Invitational Tournament" in the Apeiron community. These events showcase top players and engage fans with great rewards. The article also covers major announcements from Tether and Telegram and new developments from Polkadot and Berachain. This article is perfect for anyone wanting to stay updated on the latest gaming trends and crypto news. So, dive into the insights and get ready to be part of an amazing gaming community!

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Storm Warfare and Parallel TCG Launch: WW2 and Sci-Fi Gaming Action

Storm Warfare and Parallel TCG Launch: WW2 and Sci-Fi Gaming Action

Storm Warfare and Parallel TCG launch on Epic Games Store. Discover exciting WW2 and sci-fi card games, filled with thrilling heroes and tournaments! Storm Warfare is officially launching on the Epic Games Store. It's a free-to-play, WW2-themed card game developed by Janus Interactive Studio. Now, it's heading to Windows and Mac. Parallel TCG is in its Open Beta Season 3, and it's releasing a major expansion called Planetfall. This expansion brings over 100 new cards, adding depth to gameplay. You can now explore new strategies and combos. But, since it's a beta release, there might be some bugs. The developers are listening closely to feedback, though, so they can fix any issues that pop up.

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Proxi - Game Review

Proxi - Game Review

Proxi is a groundbreaking new game from Will Wright, the developer behind popular titles like Sims, SimCity, and Spores. In Proxi, players can create 3D representations of their memories and explore them in a fully immersive gaming environment. Whether you're looking to relive past experiences or simply want to explore a new and unique world, Proxi has something for everyone. With its innovative gameplay and world-class developer at the helm, Proxi is sure to be a hit in the WEB3 gaming industry. Proxi is a play-to-earn, metaverse building game developed by Gallium Studios. It is an artificial intelligence (AI) game that allows players to build and explore their pivotal memories of life. By using keywords to define these memories and placing them on a roadmap from beginning to end, players can help the AI create a model of their personality, consciousness, and thought process. In Proxi, players will have the opportunity to build and customize their own unique world, filled with the memories that define who they are. Whether you're looking to relive the past or simply want to engage with a cutting-edge AI, Proxi has something for everyone. With its innovative gameplay and immersive world-building experience, Proxi is a must-play for fans of building games and AI alike.

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Race X - Game Review

Race X - Game Review

Race X is the first Race-2-Earn simulation to combine real-world racing with a virtual racing gaming platform on the Avalanche ecosystem. Race X is a groundbreaking simulation engine that is currently being developed with a pre-panned roadmap schedule. The "Race-2-Earn" game will only be open to RaceCar NFT holders. Users will be able to make use of the special game items of the platform because each NFT will be a representation of the same car inside the simulation.

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Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 - Game Review

Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 - Game Review

Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 is a P2E mobile game where players compete in chaotic mini-games for NFT pins to bring back the excitement of the Winter Games. Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 is the official play-to-earn mobile game for the Winter Olympics. Get ready to dive into its exciting world. People were looking forward to this game, which was made by nWayPlay in partnership with the International Olympic Committee. Its fun gameplay and new features are meant to keep players interested. By putting their Olympic NFTs on the Flow blockchain, the Animoca Brands-owned studio has once again pushed the limits of NFTs. They promise a truly unique and rewarding way to play games.

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Citizen Conflict Game - Game Review

Citizen Conflict Game - Game Review

Citizen Conflict is an RPG metaverse-based game set in a futuristic ecosystem set on the ETHER Island also known as Dystopian city with a variety of different gameplay. Citizen Conflict Game: Play and Earn in Dystopian Sci-fi Team-based Shooter Blockchain Game, it is a promising free-to-play, play-to-earn, AAA game Citizen Conflict. The game is built on Unreal Engine 5, a team-based third-person shooter game. The game is set in the year 2101 and has a completely futuristic landscape, which kind of reminds us of the very popular Cyberpunk2077.

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Moniwar - NFT Game Review

Moniwar - NFT Game Review

Moniwar is a play-to-earn game that uses non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and is built on multiple blockchain technologies. Players can earn rewards by participating in gameplay, and can use and trade the NFTs they collect within the game. Moniwar is a collection of games that offers a variety of modes for players to enjoy, including player versus player (PvP), player versus environment (PvE), pet-hunting, dungeon adventures, World Boss mode, and more. It combines elements of role-playing games (RPGs) with puzzle-solving gameplay. The game is available on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and PC. Whether you are a seasoned gamer or new to the world of RPGs, Moniwar has something to offer for players of all levels. Moniwar is a game with an immersive storyline and rich lore based on Greek mythology. The game was released in September 2021 and takes place in the Iron Age, around 1200 BC. The story follows the character Lucas, whose father was killed by the people of Upper Elysia. In the game's universe, there are three realms: Upper Elysia, the Soma Realm, and the Lower Naraka Realm. These realms are at war, and when the Lower Naraka Realm is defeated, monsters invade the Soma Realm through a void in space. Upper Elysia comes to the Soma Realm's aid and defeats the ruler of the Naraka Realm, King Abarazax. The game's detailed and intriguing plot helps to immerse players in the world of Moniwar. In Moniwar, the son of King Abarazax, Prince Lucas, seeks revenge for his father's death. To do this, he converts different parts of King Abarazax's corpse into monsters with elemental properties such as metal, fire, wood, earth, and water. These five legendary monsters then travel the world searching for powerful monsters to join their army and help them take on Upper Elysia. With a strong desire for revenge driving them forward, the monsters of Moniwar seek to right the wrongs of the past and restore balance to the world. Gameplay: Moniwar is a play-to-earn game that combines elements of puzzle-solving and role-playing with the ability to earn rewards through gameplay. The main goal of the game is to collect NFT pets representing the different elements (fire, wood, metal, water, earth), which are ranked by rarity from 1-star to 3-star. These NFTs can be used in different game modes based on their abilities. The game is decentralized, meaning that players can own a part of the game, and it features a safe token, an in-game marketplace called the Moni Shop, and daily missions. Overall, Moniwar offers a unique gaming experience that allows players to earn rewards while enjoying fun gameplay. Tokenomics: The economy in Moniwar is based on the $MOWA token, which is available on the PancakeSwap exchange. The developers of the game have promised that they will not engage in "rug pull" behavior, a type of online fraud in which a project suddenly shuts down and takes investors' funds with it. In the future, the $MOWA token may be available on other exchange platforms as well. The token is built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) technology, which is known for its stability and reputation in the industry. Overall, the $MOWA token is an important part of the Moniwar economy and is backed by the reliability of the BSC platform.

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My Crypto Heroes - Game Review

My Crypto Heroes - Game Review

My Crypto Heroes stands as an Ethereum blockchain RPG, featuring historical heroes, quests for rare items, and battles for fame and rewards. My Crypto Heroes (MCH) stands as a turn-based RPG strategy game accessible through web browsers. Renowned within the blockchain community, it employs ERC-721 token-based "heroes". Its connection with the EMONT alliance, comprising PC game developers advocating EMONT as a universal cross-game currency, has further fueled its popularity. My Crypto Heroes introduces a play-to-earn MMORPG concept, enabling players to possess NFT characters and items, while simultaneously accumulating MCHC tokens, all built on the Ethereum network. Additional tokens like GUM, CI, and CP serve distinct purposes within the game's framework. The game seamlessly caters to both mobile and PC users, offering an expansive platform choice. To initiate the My Crypto Heroes journey, individuals need to navigate to the official website. Account creation offers two avenues: either through a Google account or an Ethereum wallet. Opting for a Google account grants access to three complimentary heroes, though acquiring additional ones is restricted. On the other hand, using an Ethereum wallet grants complete game privileges, enabling hero collection. Once logged in, a trio of crypto heroes – MCH Warrior, MCH Tactician, and MCH Artist – is provided without charge. While the prospect of obtaining more heroes is appealing, it should be noted that ERC-721 heroes on-chain come at a minimum cost of 5,000 GUM (0.5 ETH or approximately US$88). In the dual game mode system, PvE mode permits hero exploration in dungeons for experience points and rare NFT items, which are vital for asset advancement. PvP mode engages players in tournaments, rewarding top-ranking participants with NFT items.

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Crypto Spells - Game Review

Crypto Spells - Game Review

Utilizing blockchain, "Crypto Spells" is a digital card game enabling card ownership visualization, issuance tracking, and Ethereum-based card trading. Cryptospells introduces a digital trading card game, offering ownership and trade of limited-edition digital assets. With four levels of rarity and capped issuance, Ethereum records owner data, transaction history, and card count. Ownership persists even beyond service termination. Leveraging third-party platforms like OpenSea, players can seamlessly trade their in-game assets. The game grants the unique ability to earn and design personalized cards through the issuance right, receiving 50% of transaction fees. This innovative Japanese blockchain card game, part of the MCH+ initiative, achieved remarkable sales, garnering 600 ETH on the first day of presale and surpassing 800 ETH overall. Crypto Spells Review: Card rarity within the game presents itself in four tiers: bronze, silver, gold, and legend. Notably, legend cards encompass even rarer and more potent Limited Legends. Each rarity level dictates aspects such as card selling price, issuance limits, deck quantities, and user-to-user transaction capabilities. For instance, bronze cards have no upper issuance limit and no user transactions, while gold cards boast a maximum issuance of 999 with user transactions enabled. The in-game free battles serve as a card mining opportunity for players, earning Battle Points and leveling up the Player. Quest mode, pitting players against CPUs, offers both normal and event quests. Normal quests encompass practice battles and weekly challenges with varying reward mechanisms. While library battles hone skills without consuming stamina, weekly challenges yield Battle Points, experience points, and the potential to acquire spirit. The game's stamina system, contingent upon Total Asset Value (TAV), impacts quest participation. Tokenomics: Within the market function, the inclusion of SPL enables diverse activities such as trading, shopping, renting, and tracking transaction history. Acquiring SPL involves using Ethereum, with a minimum purchase of 500 SPL (0.05 ETH) and a maximum of 100,000 SPL (10 ETH), requiring a wallet login for the process.

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Karmaverse Zombie - Play-and-Earn Metaverse - Game Review

Karmaverse Zombie - Play-and-Earn Metaverse - Game Review

Karmaverse, a GameFi multiverse that's taking the gaming scene by storm. Developed by the brilliant minds behind two of the top ten SLG titles in mobile gaming history, Karmaverse is rewriting the rules of the game, quite literally. Buckle up, as we explore the unique features, gameplay highlights, and the revolutionary use of blockchain within the Karmaverse ecosystem. Karmaverse Multiverse Overview: Imagine a gaming universe where you can seamlessly transition from battling zombies in a post-apocalyptic wasteland to embarking on mythical quests, reliving the Old West adventures, and immersing yourself in the futuristic Cyberpunk realm. That's the magic of Karmaverse—a GameFi multiverse with distinct metaverses, each offering a gaming experience like no other. Self-Contained Universes: Each universe within Karmaverse is a self-contained gaming world, complete with its own graphic style, history, storyline, characters, music, and maps. It's like stepping into a different dimension every time you switch universes, ensuring that monotony is a thing of the past. Venture Capital Backing: Now, let's talk money! Karmaverse has raised a whopping $8 million in a private round led by venture capital heavyweights A&T Capital ($6M), TPS, and YGG SEA. With this kind of financial backing, Karmaverse is gearing up to make a significant impact on the gaming industry. Interconnected Game Worlds Here's the kicker: as each game world is developed within Karmaverse, they become accessible through a single hub. That means you can seamlessly travel between post-apocalyptic scenarios, historical adventures, Cyberpunk landscapes, and more—all within the Karmaverse multiverse. RPG and SLG Games Hold your horses, RPG and SLG fans! Karmaverse promises to deliver the best of both worlds by featuring at least one RPG and one SLG game in each universe. Get ready for a gaming experience that's as diverse as it is thrilling. Karmaverse Zombie: Battle for Survival and Dominance Now, let's shine the spotlight on Karmaverse Zombie, the trailblazing addition to the Karmaverse multiverse. Picture this: a post-apocalyptic world overrun by mutants and zombies, and you—the player—standing as the last line of defense for humanity. Fighter NFTs In Karmaverse Zombie, every player manages a shelter, and the fighters within have their own NFTs. These NFTs aren't just collectibles; they can be sold, traded, and used strategically in the game. It's like having your own squad of digital warriors, each with its unique strengths and abilities. Cooperative Gameplay Teamwork makes the dream work, especially when facing a zombie apocalypse. Karmaverse Zombie encourages collaborative play, with the formation of the strongest Fight Club by cooperating players. Together, you can resist zombie onslaughts and compete or cooperate with other players to dominate the challenging environment. Token and NFT Interoperability Here's where blockchain magic comes into play. Karmaverse Zombie utilizes a token system with planet-exclusive, interchangeable, and universally usable tokens and NFTs. This interoperability adds a layer of complexity and excitement to the gameplay, making every move count. Tokenomics and Marketplace Let's talk about the backbone of the Karmaverse ecosystem—the tokenomics and marketplace that keep the gears turning. Dual Token System Karmaverse operates on a dual token system, with sub-tokens in each game world and $Knot as the main token across the entire ecosystem. This dual token system ensures a smooth and interconnected experience as you navigate through different universes within Karmaverse. Karma Swap DEX Enter the Karma Swap DEX, a socially driven decentralized exchange platform that allows players to swap, earn, stack yields, lend, or borrow tokens and NFTs. It's not just a marketplace; it's a dynamic space where the community actively participates in shaping the gaming economy. Token Use Case Both sub-tokens and $Knot aren't just for show. They can be used and sold for in-game resources and transactions, turning your digital assets into real value. Karmaverse doesn't just promise play-to-earn; it delivers on that promise. Meet the Visionaries Behind Karmaverse Behind every great project are the people who make it happen. Let's take a moment to meet the key team members driving the Karmaverse revolution. Scott Cheung: NFT specialist, with a track record in 3 NFT/GameFi projects. Adam Markiewicz: Entrepreneur and investor with a global perspective, specializing in NFTs. Jesse Slater: Gameworld architect and narrative builder, contributing to Dapps since 2018. Kartik Garg: Explorer, entrepreneur, and crypto investor disrupting global business operations. Greg Young: Lifelong gamer with experience in print, television, and feature films. Notable Partners It's not just about the team; it's also about the company you keep. Karmaverse has attracted strong investors and partners, securing $8M in a private round. The list includes A&T Capital, TPS, YGG SEA, Foresight Ventures, Polygon Studios, Cao Zhen (Partner of Republic), OKX Blockdream Ventures, NFX, Mindfulness Capital, GSR Ventures, HashKey Capital, Fundamental Labs, Y2Z, L2Y, and Altonomy. That's a powerhouse lineup right there! Karmaverse Zombie Storyline But what's a great game without an engaging storyline? Let's delve into the narrative that sets the stage for Karmaverse Zombie. A World in Peril A virus sweeps across the globe, aiming to wipe out humanity. But some survivors manage to weather the storm, taking refuge in shelters with fighters by their side. These fighters aren't just any allies; they are unique non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with real value, and players have complete control over them. Gameplay: Play-to-Earn Revolutionized Now, let's talk about the heart of Karmaverse Zombie—the gameplay that's changing the game, literally. Emphasis on Play-and-Earn "Karmaverse Zombie" isn't just another game; it's the world's first play-and-earn game that prioritizes the gameplay experience. Assemble your team or horde of fighters to become the strongest mercenary group in the game's metaverse. The more stars on your NFT fighters, the rarer and more valuable they are. Tokenomics in Action In the world of Karmaverse Zombie, it's all about the tokens—SERUM and KNOT tokens, to be precise. The Karmaverse marketplace becomes your playground, where you can trade assets and NFTs with fellow players. But here's the catch: to withdraw in-game tokens, you need an in-game account with at least three NFT fighters, and the withdrawal amount must surpass the withdrawal fee. In Conclusion: Karmaverse Redefining the Gaming Landscape As we wrap up this journey through the Karmaverse multiverse, one thing is abundantly clear—this is not just a game; it's a revolution. With interconnected universes, innovative tokenomics, and a vibrant marketplace, Karmaverse sets a new standard for blockchain gaming. As Karmaverse gains momentum with strong investor backing and a powerhouse team, the gaming landscape is in for a seismic shift. So, fellow gamers, gear up for a thrilling adventure across multiple dimensions, where every move you make and every token you earn brings you one step closer to dominance in the Karmaverse multiverse. Happy gaming!

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Abyss Online (Formerly Metagates) - Game Review

Abyss Online (Formerly Metagates) - Game Review

Abyss Online, previously known as Metagates, is an immersive free-to-play MMORPG that offers players a vast open-world experience. Set in a richly detailed and story-driven realm, the game features a bustling social hub city, PvP arenas, PvE dungeons, and a range of activities including gathering, crafting, and trading. Players can join parties with friends, form guilds to claim territories, and enjoy the game on PC, Mac, and Mobile platforms. The world of Abyss Online is filled with resource gathering, intricate crafting, challenging monster battles, extensive exploration, political intrigue, and competitive PvP, making it a player-centric universe that constantly evolves. In the world of Abyss Online, formerly Metagates, the appearance of mysterious portals known as Metagates has introduced supernatural entities and transformed the world's inhabitants. Some individuals have harnessed the mystical energies of these portals, gaining unique magical abilities. These gates lead travelers to different realms, some filled with brutal arenas where survival requires battling others, and others to distant lands rich in valuable resources. The origins of these Metagates remain a mystery, with theories ranging from interdimensional conflicts to natural evolution. However, one undeniable truth is that the world is undergoing rapid and irreversible changes due to these portals. The gates themselves pose a mysterious threat, as they bring forth menacing creatures. Defeating these creatures rewards players with currency and vital resources, unlocking new facets of the ever-evolving world. The central question remains: will these newfound powers be used for the greater good, or will they plunge the world further into chaos? Gameplay in Abyss Online combines elements of fantasy and science fiction in a dynamic and expansive world. Inter-dimensional gates appear unpredictably, disrupting the universe's balance and bringing elements from diverse worlds into this realm. Players explore various landscapes, including lush woodlands, towering peaks, and desolate wastelands, often finding themselves in otherworldly domains as they seek treasure and understanding. The game features a generative quest system that tailors the narrative to each player's choices, allowing artisans to create powerful items and engage in a complex in-game economy, shaping the game's economic landscape. PvP battles and guild warfare add excitement, with epic Zerg vs. Zerg warfare occurring as armies clash over open-world territories. Abyss Online seamlessly blends fantasy and science fiction, creating a captivating and ever-evolving open world. The community response to Abyss Online has been enthusiastic, with players expressing excitement about the game's immersive world and the desire to join the adventure. Some players draw comparisons to other games, indicating a sense of familiarity with Abyss Online's concept. Overall, Abyss Online, formerly Metagates, promises an engaging MMORPG experience with its immersive world, dynamic gameplay, and rich narrative, attracting players eager to explore its ever-evolving universe.

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Reign of Terror - NFT Game Review

Reign of Terror - NFT Game Review

"Reign of Terror" is an innovative mixed reality simulation game and play-to-earn massively multiplayer online game (MMO) built on the Solana blockchain, offering players an opportunity to earn rewards as they explore and advance through its unique virtual world. The game operates on a decentralized, crowdfunded platform and is set in a cyberpunk dystopian future. It follows a permissionless model, allowing players to acquire various non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by completing a diverse range of in-game tasks and activities. The game's narrative progression is directly linked to the completion of these tasks, making for a dynamic and engaging gameplay experience. Within the realm of "Reign of Terror," players have the opportunity to collect a wide array of NFT items, including heroes, equipment, weapons, treasures, blueprints, lands, vehicles, machines, and building systems. Furthermore, players can immerse themselves in a Virtual Reality experience, fostering interactions with other players and establishing their reputation and notoriety within the game. The core gameplay of "Reign of Terror" revolves around the idea of players achieving recognition and respect within the gaming community, making it an immersive and captivating experience. The game offers two primary modes: Player versus Environment (PvE) and Player versus Player (PvP). PvE mode involves players facing off against non-playing characters (NPCs) within the game, while PvP mode enables players to compete against one another. Additionally, there are three distinct game loops, each varying in difficulty and format. The Basic Loop encompasses activities such as team creation, mission completion, credit earning, leveling up, and the aspiration to become Ascend Agents. The Advanced Loop introduces elements like investing in secure land plot NFTs, obtaining building blueprints, constructing buildings, gathering resources, and supporting alliance guilds. The Hard Core Loop, on the other hand, involves investment in terror zone land NFTs, raiding enemy lands, defending one's own land NFTs, and active participation in guild wars. The game's economic structure is characterized by interdependence, where players rely on one another for trading NFTs and advancing within the game. It features both on-chain and off-chain items, with on-chain items being more valuable but convertible into off-chain items. The on-chain items include NFTs categorized into seven rarity levels, while off-chain items consist of credits and resources. The in-game economy operates using the $ROT and $SOL tokens, which serve as the primary currency for transactions and value exchange, adding depth and complexity to the game's economic ecosystem.

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Bitverse - Game Review

Bitverse - Game Review

Bitverse is a universe of games that offers a diverse range of genres, including PVP, TCG, and Battle Royale. At the heart of Bitverse are unique characters known as "Bitverse Heroes," which players can collect and use to compete in various games within the universe. In addition to the exciting gameplay, Bitverse also features NFTs that players can earn and own. These NFTs add an extra layer of collectibility and ownership to the game and allow players to express their unique personalities and styles. Whether you are a seasoned gamer or new to the world of NFTs, Bitverse has something to offer for everyone. Bitverse is a gaming universe developed by Kongregate, a well-known American web gaming portal and video game publisher. At the center of the gameplay in Bitverse are unique characters known as "Bitverse Heroes." These heroes are customizable and can be modified by players to suit their own tastes and preferences. Players can also improve and use their heroes in a variety of ways throughout the game. With its customizable heroes and diverse range of gameplay options, Bitverse offers an immersive and engaging gaming experience for players of all levels. Upcoming Games in Bitverse: Bitverse is a gaming universe that is set to launch with three initial games: an RPG, a battle royale, and an endless runner. These games will offer unique gameplay systems, but will also share some traditional RPG elements such as fighting, leveling up, collecting equipment, and upgrading that equipment to increase power. While these three games mark the beginning of the Bitverse universe, the plan is to add additional games across genres in the future, expanding the universe even further. Whether you are a fan of RPGs, battle royales, or endless runners, Bitverse has something to offer for every type of gamer. Competition is an integral part of the gaming experience, and the developers are committed to fostering a healthy and engaging competitive environment for players. This will be achieved through live events and prize giveaways, which will reward the most skilled and engaged members of the Bitverse community with player-owned items.

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Battle Leet: Mastering Arena in a 3D NFT World - Game Review

Battle Leet: Mastering Arena in a 3D NFT World - Game Review

Introduction to the World of Battle Leet! Remember the excitement when you first discovered a game that was not just about playing, but also about creating and earning? That's the feeling I get with Battle Leet, GMR's flagship offering in the gaming world. It's not just a game; it's an adventure on the BNB Chain. Imagine a 3D PvP skill-based arena where your strategic prowess leads to real earnings. Let's dive into this intriguing world where your gaming skills can literally pay off. The Thrill of the Battle: A Personal Anecdote: I recall the first time I entered the Battle Leet arena. The adrenaline rush was real. I was armed with my uniquely customized Leet, ready to face off against fellow NFT Leets. It was a blend of excitement and strategy, much like my early days of gaming, but with a modern twist. Understanding the Play-to-Earn Ecosystem: Battle Leet is more than just a game. It's part of the growing Play-to-Earn and Play-to-Create ecosystem. Winning battles not only brings the glory of victory but also tangible rewards in the form of $GMR and various Parts. These Parts are crucial; they're your toolkit for mastering the game, enhancing your Leet, and even trading in the NFT Hub. My First Big Win: An Exciting Memory: I vividly remember winning my first major battle. The sense of achievement was amplified by the tangible rewards I earned. It felt like a real accomplishment, a true merger of skill and strategy paying off in the digital world. Delving into Asset Packs and Battle Droids: The game offers Asset Packs, purchasable with $GMR, to enhance your Leets. And let's not forget the Battle Droids – these NFT companions add a unique dimension to the gameplay, leveling the playing field and introducing new tactics. How Battle Droids Changed My Strategy: I was initially skeptical about the Battle Droids, but they quickly became a game-changer for me. They added a new layer of strategy, making each battle more dynamic and unpredictable. Gameplay Mechanics: A Technical Overview The game's server-authoritative gameplay logic and GAS (Gameplay Ability System) make for a seamless experience. Abilities are modular, allowing for real-time adjustments and ongoing gameplay fluidity. This technical finesse is what keeps players like me hooked. My Experience with Game Mechanics I've always appreciated games that allow for strategic flexibility, and Battle Leet doesn't disappoint. The ability to tweak and adapt in real-time makes each battle a unique experience. The Unique World of NFT's in Battle Leet Battle Leet started with the release of 10,001 Non-Fungible Leets, each with its unique properties and abilities. These Leets come in various forms, like Eleets, Leets, Sentients, Automatons, and Service Units. Each variant offers a different strategic advantage in the arena. Crafting My Unique Leet Creating my Leet was an adventure in itself. Choosing the right combination of Antenna, Head, Face, Chest, and Hands was like crafting a digital extension of myself – a warrior in the virtual world. Tokenomics: The Role of $GMR $GMR, the in-game governance and utility token on the Binance Smart Chain, plays a vital role in the Battle Leet universe. It's the currency that powers your journey, from purchasing Asset Packs to trading in the NFT Hub. My First $GMR Earnings: A Milestone Earning my first $GMR was a landmark moment. It was the point where I realized the potential of Play-to-Earn games. It's not just about the fun; it's an investment in your gaming skills. Community Response: A Testament to Excitement The gaming community's response to Battle Leet has been overwhelmingly positive. Players are excited about the graphics, the story, and the unique gameplay experience. This enthusiasm is a testament to the game's appeal and its potential to revolutionize the gaming industry. Joining the Community: My Own Experience Joining the Battle Leet community was like finding my tribe. Engaging with fellow gamers, sharing strategies, and celebrating victories together has been an integral part of my gaming journey. Conclusion: A New Era in Gaming Battle Leet isn't just a game; it's the beginning of a new era in gaming. It combines skill-based battles with a Play-to-Earn model, making it an exciting and rewarding experience. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the world of NFTs, Battle Leet offers an adventure worth exploring. Your Turn to Enter the Arena Now, it's your turn to step into the Battle Leet arena. Choose your Leet, strategize your moves, and embark on an exciting journey of battles, earnings, and community. Welcome to the thrilling world of Battle Leet!

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Project Moon - NFT Avatars - Dr Disrespect - Game Review

Project Moon - NFT Avatars - Dr Disrespect - Game Review

Project Moon has garnered a lot of attention and curiosity from the community due to the lack of information and leaks available. However, here is what we know so far about the project. There has been a high demand for "Variants," NFT avatars that provide gamers with an "Access Pass" to Project Moon, from tens of thousands of Dr. Disrespect fans and supporters for months. These avatars allow players to gain behind-the-scenes access to Project Moon. Players have been eagerly anticipating information about the first game that Midnight Society, launched last year, will release. While only a few minor details have been revealed so far, the gaming community is excited to learn more about the project. According to what has been revealed so far, the game will include both a player versus everyone mode and a player versus player mode. Only those who have obtained their NFTs are receiving updates and information about the project, adding to the exclusivity and mystery surrounding it. As a result, gamers are even more curious and eager to learn more about the game.

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Quantum Noesis - Game Review

Quantum Noesis - Game Review

Quantum Noesis is the world’s first playable, NFT-based graphic novel, where you can win crypto prizes, and unlock the ultimate puzzle: the mystery of consciousness. The first sentient AI in the world, EVI, is being attacked by those who will do anything to obliterate her. To complete all twelve stages, earn crypto rewards, and solve the world's toughest riddle, the mystery of consciousness, you must use your wits. The difficult choice to delay the game's release has to be made. 

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War Park - Game Review

War Park - Game Review

Hit Factor is making War Park, a free-to-play MOBA-style PC game with fast-paced battles between military vehicles that is backed by blockchain and is based on the blockchain. War Park is different from other tank games because it focuses on realistic simulations instead of tanks from the future or from fantasy worlds. Fans of historical tanks talk about the game a lot on the Discord platform for it. Even though War Park is not a real-life simulation, the tank models used to show battles are accurate to the time period. The game is a team-based brawler with modes like deathmatch, king of the hill, and capture the flag.

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Town Star - Game Review

Town Star - Game Review

Town Star is a competitive blockchain game developed by one of the co-founders of Zynga. The game is a lot like Farmville, a farming simulation game, but there is a competitive touch in it with real money involved to acquire land. Although on the face, Town Star seems like your average farming simulation but the game is very close to real-life scenarios, dynamics, and issues. The game is very beautiful and colorful with its cartoon graphics and visuals. Moreover, Town Star is based upon the Ethereum blockchain technology with a diverse in-game economy. Like many other farming simulations, the goal is to acquire land and build farms on it. However, in Town Star, it is not so simple. Town Star Gameplay: The players have to understand the land they are acquiring. Several important factors are the proximity of the land to the water supplies, main roads, access to the markets, distance from the urban centers and city, the market prices of the livestock and cattle, the prices of the seeds and fertilizers, etc. In short, the game has great depth that hooks the players in a never-ending fun strategy gaming experience. Town Star Tokenomics: Every day the players must endeavor to reach 1000 stars which will lead them to receive 1 Town Coin of the game token as earnings that have real-life value. Moreover, these Town Coins are tradeable in open marketplaces and exchanges. The earned Town Coins can also be traded with in-game NFTs which is another good investment. The game requires complete involvement as it is a strategy game and there is a requirement for proper planning of the towns and farms. The game requires lots of clicks and the collection of resources to help players grow as virtual farmers and earn more money. Not only the game is fun to play with deep strategic gameplay, but it also generates decent real-world earnings which make it one of the most popular farming simulation games on the market.

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