Asia & MENA Games Revenue to Reach $100B by 2028

Asia & MENA Games Revenue to Reach $100B by 2028

Play To Earn Games | 24 Jun 2024 06:40 UTC

Gaming Industry's Astonishing Leap in Asia and MENA by 2028

The world of gaming is on the brink of an unprecedented expansion, with the Asia and MENA regions leading the charge. A groundbreaking analysis by Niko Partners, an authority in market research within the gaming, esports, and streaming domains, highlights the substantial growth trajectory expected through 2028. This article delves into the key findings and insights from their recent report, which encapsulates dynamics across 13 pivotal markets including China, India, Japan, Korea, and various Southeast Asian and MENA countries.

Towards a $100 Billion Threshold

At the heart of the findings lies an eye-opening projection: the gaming market in Asia and MENA is poised to breach the $100 billion mark by 2028. This reflects not just a quantitative leap but signifies the changing contours of the global entertainment and leisure landscape. Anchored by rapid advancements and an increasingly engaged user base, these regions are set to redefine the future of gaming.

Gamer Count Surge: A New Era

The number of individuals engaged in gaming activities within Asia and MENA is anticipated to swell to a staggering 2 billion by 2028, marking a hefty increase from 1.6 billion in 2023. These gamers represent a crucial segment, contributing over half of the global players and investments in mobile and PC gaming. With an impressive $86 billion generated in games revenue in 2023 alone—a 4.6% year-over-year uplift—these regions are outpacing global market growth dynamics and setting new benchmarks.

Regional Market Nuances and Growth Drivers

India, MENA, and Southeast Asia are earmarked as the epicenters of this exponential growth, with India expected to introduce 277 million gamers by 2028. This colossal increase represents 72% of the total surge in gamer populations across these districts, propelling India ahead of China in the gaming domain. Nonetheless, it's not just the sheer numbers but the qualitative aspects that are reshaping the industry. Factors such as enhanced game localization, increasing female participation, governmental endorsements of esports, and innovative monetization of mobile games are fuelling this growth spree.

Interestingly, mobile games hold the lion's share of revenue in these regions, attributed to the high penetration of mobile gaming. A remarkable 93.7% of gamers in Asia and MENA play on mobile devices, with a substantial portion also engaging in PC and console gaming. This diversified gaming ecosystem, combined with rising spending power and local market understandings, presents a fertile ground for gaming companies.

The Increasing Role of Web3 Gaming

The explosive growth forecasted for Asia and MENA is significantly relevant to the budding sector of web3 gaming. As these regions embrace an upsurge in gamer numbers, especially in market giants like India and the MENA countries, the high mobile gaming penetration augurs well for the adoption of decentralized gaming platforms. Web3 gaming, distinguishing itself through player ownership, interoperable digital assets, and novel monetization avenues via NFTs and cryptocurrencies, resonates well with the market dynamics and ascending purchasing power in these territories.

Localization and the solid backing of esports by governance structures are acting as catalysts in this sweeping market expansion. The insights derived from Niko Partners' analysis underscore the immense potential that lies within adapting and tailoring web3 gaming experiences to meet local market peculiarities. It's an impetus for blockchain gaming enterprises to strategize with a keen eye on these evolving landscapes, thereby tapping into the burgeoning opportunities that Asia and MENA's growth streak brings to the fore.

In essence, the gaming industry is on the cusp of a transformative era, particularly in Asia and MENA. With projections pointing towards a $100 billion revenue mark and gamer counts pushing the 2 billion boundary, the implications for both traditional and web3 gaming platforms are profound. As we look towards 2028, the nexus of localization, technological advancement, and strategic market adaptation will undoubtedly herald a new chapter in the global gaming saga.

For a deeper dive and to access comprehensive insights, Niko Partners' Asia & MENA Market Model offers an exhaustive analysis and forecast that can guide stakeholders in navigating this thrilling growth trajectory.

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