Animoca Brands and EVG Partner Up for Web3 Gaming

Animoca Brands and EVG Partner Up for Web3 Gaming

Play To Earn Games | 05 Jun 2024 02:10 UTC

Animoca Brands and Everest Ventures Group (EVG) just announced a game-changing partnership in blockchain and web3 games. This strategic deal involves cross-investments and aims to revolutionize the blockchain economies in Asian markets.

In this article, we’ll break down the exciting details of their collaboration, including the specific projects each company will support and invest in. We’ll also introduce you to the key players behind this partnership and their vision for the future of digital entertainment. Let’s dive into the specifics!

Quick Recap: Animoca Brands and EVG’s Epic Partnership!

Hey guys, need a quick rundown? Here’s what you need to know about this game-changing partnership between Animoca Brands and Everest Ventures Group (EVG). Let’s dive in!

Key Highlights of the Partnership

  • Strategic Deal: Animoca Brands and EVG announced a strategic partnership with cross-investments.
  • Focus Areas: The partnership targets blockchain economies in Asian markets to enhance web3 games and experiences.
  • Project Support: Animoca will back EVG projects like OpenSocial Protocol, Zeek, Legend of Arcadia, and Last Odessey.
  • Investment Plans: EVG will invest in Animoca projects such as Darewise Entertainment, Anichess, and Mocaverse.

The Big Players

  • Everest Ventures Group: EVG, based in Hong Kong, is pushing the mass adoption of web3 with a global team of 300.
  • Animoca Brands: A global leader in gamification and blockchain, Animoca boasts over 400 investments in web3 projects.

Vision and Future

  • Real-World Use Cases: The partnership emphasizes tangible use cases over speculation for long-term adoption.
  • Innovation Drive: Both companies aim to reshape the digital landscape with innovative products and solutions.

With these points, you're all set to dive into the detailed breakdown of Animoca Brands and EVG’s epic partnership. Let's get into the specifics!

Animoca Brands and EVG: A Game-Changing Partnership in Web3 Gaming!

Hey guys, you won’t believe what’s happening! Animoca Brands and Everest Ventures Group (EVG) just announced a game-changing partnership, involving cross-investments in each other's projects. This collaboration is set to harness the emerging blockchain economies in key Asian markets, making web3 games and experiences more accessible than ever. Let’s break it down.

Animoca Brands and EVG: A Game-Changing Partnership

Animoca Brands, chaired by Yat Siu, is thrilled about this strategic deal. Siu mentioned, “EVG is one of our earliest allies and dedicated builders. We’re excited to elevate our partnership and support EVG’s projects, which have high potential for mass adoption.” This partnership is all about driving real-world use cases and making web3 games a staple for everyone.

Details of the Strategic Collaboration

Here’s what you need to know. As part of the agreement, Animoca will back several EVG projects. These include the infrastructure layer OpenSocial Protocol, the social bounty and reputation network Zeek, the turn-based RPG Legend of Arcadia, and the 5X war battle simulator Last Odessey.

In return, EVG will invest in a range of Animoca projects, such as the Bitcoin metaverse studio Darewise Entertainment (building Life Beyond), the on-chain chess game Anichess, the membership NFT PFP collection Mocaverse, and more.

Animoca’s Support for EVG Projects

Animoca Brands is extending its support to exciting EVG projects. OpenSocial Protocol, Zeek, Legend of Arcadia, and Last Odessey are just the beginning. These projects are poised to reshape the digital landscape with their innovative approaches.

EVG’s Investment in Animoca’s Initiatives

EVG is stepping up with investments in Animoca’s groundbreaking initiatives. From Darewise Entertainment’s Life Beyond to Anichess and Mocaverse, EVG’s support is a testament to the strong potential these projects hold in the web3 and blockchain space.

Everest Ventures Group: The Powerhouse Behind the Partnership

Based in Hong Kong, EVG is driving the mass adoption of web3. With a global team of 300, they’ve launched a diverse portfolio of products for the future of digital interaction. Their contributions include projects like Aspen Digital, Mugen Interactive, Kiki, LiveArt, Blocktempo, Cassava Network, and Adaverse.

Animoca Brands: Leaders in Blockchain and Gamification

Animoca Brands is a global leader in gamification and blockchain, with over 400 investments in web3 projects. Their mission? To advance digital property rights and build the open metaverse. From web3 games to traditional games based on popular global brands, Animoca Brands is at the forefront of the digital revolution.

Partnership: Real-World Use Cases Over Speculation

Allen Ng, co-founder and CEO of EVG, emphasized, “While others retrench, Animoca Brands and EVG press forward with projects and products to reshape the digital landscape. We believe that in the upcoming market, real use cases and products—not speculation—will drive long-term adoption.”

Pioneering the Future of Digital Entertainment

This partnership between Animoca Brands and EVG underscores the growing significance of collaborations in gaming and blockchain. With a shared vision of driving innovation and accessibility in web3 gaming, these companies are set to make significant strides in digital entertainment. We’re just getting started, so stay tuned for more exciting updates!

Animoca Brands and EVG Partner Up for Web3 Gaming
Animoca Brands and EVG Partner Up for Web3 Gaming

Partnership: Animoca Brands and EVG in Web3 Gaming!

Animoca Brands and Everest Ventures Group join forces in a groundbreaking partnership to transform blockchain and web3 games.

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